Shadow Spy

Chapter 149: Put eye drops on the government

Chapter 149: Put eye drops on the government

The anger in Li Junhao's heart is rising. This damn person is ruining the Democratic Party and bringing disaster to the country and the people!Bastard Bald Jiang, no son of man!If during the Double Twelve Incident, some soldier had killed this pest with one shot, would the current situation be even worse?He didn't think so.No matter how future generations evaluate this period of history, he has experienced it personally now. He really doesn't believe that it would be worse if he died without a bald head!
Just look at the two tragedies that just happened!What is this reactionary Kuomintang government doing when more than half of the country has been lost and the entire people are resisting the war?Whether it is Baldy Jiang or the national army generals such as Lu Zhonglin and Zhang Yinwu who followed his orders, they are all sinners of the nation...

He was so angry that he immediately drafted a telegram himself. When he got it to the telecommunications room, he asked the operator to send it out. Who knew that after reading the contents, he said he couldn't send it out!
An angry Li Junhao took the telegram manuscript to Political Counselor Sheehan, who was responsible for such matters.

After reading the contents of the call, Sheehan also disagreed with sending it out, saying that it would affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries...

Li Junhao couldn't help it, but he knew what Sheen meant. After calming down, he understood the reason, but he still felt unhappy about it.After thinking about it, he went to Lieutenant Colonel Kelton, the deputy military attaché of the Consulate General, and asked to use the special radio station of the Military Attaché to contact the embassy in Chongqing. This request was approved. After all, Li Junhao's official military position was that of the General Consulate General. Assistant Military Attaché.

Li Junhao took matters into his own hands and sent a long telegram to his real boss, Colonel Joseph Warren Stilwell, the military attache of the embassy, ​​resolutely criticizing the Kuomintang's anti-communist behavior. He believed that as the representative of the U.S. military in China, the ambassador The Military Attaché Office should make its voice heard, publicly condemn and sanction the Kuomintang government, and propose sending representatives to express condolences to the Eighth Route Army and provide formal military assistance to enhance the strength of this truly anti-Japanese armed force...

After he rushed to send the telegram, he took a breath. Although he didn't know whether Colonel Stilwell would adopt his suggestion, he knew that he also disliked Baldy Jiang, regardless of whether he used this matter to file a complaint in China. , or just scold her, it’s always better than doing nothing!

After Li Junhao finished sending the telegram, he felt a little more comfortable and went back to do his own business. In the Attaché Office of the U.S. Embassy in China in Chongqing, Stilwell, who received the telegram, fell into thinking...
As Li Junhao knew, as one of the few American soldiers who knew China well, Stilwell had a very bad understanding of, or contempt for, Chairman Chiang. He even called him "peanuts" in private. On the surface, he The reason is that Chiang is a bald man, which actually implies that Chiang is called the leader of the democratic government, but is actually the leader of a feudal warlord.

In addition, Stilwell also extremely despised Chiang's military capabilities, believing that he was at best a battalion and company commander in the old-fashioned army. However, he repeatedly personally interfered with the command of frontline generals in battles at the campaign level, causing unknown losses; Especially in several major battles against Japan, its performance was simply unsightly. The Japanese army occupied half of China's territory so quickly, which had a lot to do with its chaotic decision-making and blind command.

Stilwell also knew about the two tragedies in the past two days. Although he was also very angry, due to the current U.S. policy towards China, he had no plans to do anything. At this time, he received a long telegram from the new Assistant Military Attaché Panson. , looking at the analysis and suggestions on the incident above, he began to think about it seriously.

Stilwell's life experience has a deep connection with China. He came to China for the first time in November 1911 when he was a lieutenant and visited Shanghai, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Wuzhou, Hong Kong and other places; When he came to China for the first time, he was officially appointed as a language officer stationed in China and continued to study Chinese at the North China Union Language School in Peiping.

From 1921 to 1922, Stilwell was borrowed by the International Disaster Relief Committee and served as the chief engineer for the construction of the Fenyang-Jundu highway in Shanxi Province and the Tongguan-Xi'an highway in Shaanxi Province. He was exposed to various social situations, made friends with people from all walks of life, and deepened his understanding of China. understanding. From 1922 to June 1923, Stilwell, as a staff member of the U.S. Military Attaché in China, inspected and traveled to Northeast China, Outer Mongolia, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Siberia, North Korea, and Japan.

In September 1926, Stilwell came to China for the third time and served as the battalion commander of the 9th Infantry Regiment of the US Army in Tianjin.


In July 1935, Stilwell came to China for the fourth time and served as the U.S. Attaché to China in Peiping. At this time, he was already a colonel. In 7, he visited Guangzhou, Guilin, Wuzhou, Nanning, Hankou, Xuzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang and other places.

When China's Anti-Japanese War broke out in July 1937, he organized an intelligence team to report the progress of the war to the United States in a timely manner. At the end of the year, he moved to Hankou. In the following year, he visited Lanzhou, Taierzhuang, Changsha, Chongqing and other places to inspect the war situation, and then moved to Hankou with the embassy. Chongqing.

At this time, Stilwell had actually received an order from the Ministry of National Defense to transfer him back to China to serve as the brigade commander of the 2rd Brigade of the 3nd Infantry Division. He was currently handing over to Deputy Attaché Bao Ruide. After the work at hand is completed, it is expected that Will leave for home in August.Therefore, after he felt that Li Junhao's suggestion was reasonable, he decided to really hit the Kuomintang government before leaving!
To this end, Stilwell also called for Ruide Bao and asked him to read Li Junhao's telegram and express his thoughts. The two quickly reached a consensus.
Red Bull came to China in 1924. He first served as attaché of the U.S. Embassy in China. He later served as deputy army counselor and U.S. military intelligence officer in Tianjin. He is currently the deputy military attache of the embassy. After Stilwell resigned in August, he became Will take over as military attache.

Ruide Bauer is also a China expert, and is very clear about the deeds of the two parties in China. Slightly different from Stilwell's typical military thinking, he has a lot more politicians' ideas, but even so, in today's world During the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang government was also very dissatisfied with the persecution and suppression of anti-Japanese forces such as the Eighth Route Army.
After Stilwell and Redeemer discussed it, they went to the U.S. Ambassador Nelson Johnson together...

After reading the telegram and listening to the two people's ideas, Ambassador Johnson nodded and agreed to their plan. However, it was not suitable for him to directly intervene in this matter. Stilwell was still responsible for the implementation, with Ruide Bao assisting; in addition, he also He smiled and said: Our assistant military attache Mr. Pan Sen has his own political thinking and skills!

(End of this chapter)

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