Shadow Spy

Chapter 153 The major reorganization of the student team

Chapter 153 The major reorganization of the student team

On Tuesday, June 6, Li Junhao stayed in the training camp all day and inspected the military posture and formation training results of the 20 training teams in the afternoon.

It should be said that in this era, I don’t know whether it is because people have suffered more, or the instructor’s beating and scolding education has an effect. He feels that the training results in this week are greater than the military training results in future generations!

However, in the afternoon, nearly 30 people proposed to leave the team, and Li Junhao agreed to all of them.However, the reasons why students left the team were somewhat beyond his expectations. Most of them were not because of the difficult training, but because they really couldn't continue studying and could not memorize the "Police Regulations"!
However, he is not prepared to relax the standards. Turning this team into a disciplined force with culture and combat effectiveness is the established goal and must be resolutely implemented.

The current number of students is 806, which is actually far beyond his previous expectations. Looking at the current situation, there will definitely be more than 600 students left, which is of course a good thing for him!

Another interesting discovery is that the 20 undercover agents have had some changes. Except for two of them, the color of their light spots has not changed. The yellow light spots of the other 18 people seem to have become lighter. Are they giving up their hostility towards him? ?He decided to keep observing.

In terms of training performance and academic performance, Team 0 is undoubtedly the best. Team 6 and Team 7 are currently relatively poor. Starting from last Saturday, these two teams have been cooking and washing dishes for three consecutive days. , and in today's assessment, these two teams were at the bottom again!
Li Junhao specially observed the situation of these two teams and found that one of the reasons was very important, that is, the level of each team leader of the two teams was relatively poor, and he could not think of any good way to help the lagging players of his team improve. , and then continued to lag behind.

In addition, because Team 0 ranked first in every assessment, they inevitably felt proud, which was a bad sign.In response to these two situations, he decided to make personnel adjustments.

Under his order, except for Team 0, all the other 10 training teams were disbanded and reorganized...


In this way, Team 0 and Team 10 each have 68 people, and each is good at winning games. Teams 1-9 each have 80 people. Their overall strength is not as good as Team 0 and Team 10, but the strength of their team leaders should not be underestimated!

After the adjustment was completed, he also specifically stipulated that starting from tomorrow, teams 0 and 10 will compete separately for ranking. The loser every day will have a quota for cooking, washing bowls, and public health; the other teams 1-9 will be assessed and ranked. , the last one goes to cook, wash dishes, and do public health.

After personnel adjustments and the announcement of new assessment regulations, the atmosphere of each team was completely new. Just a rearrangement made the originally superior Team 0 feel the pressure - 756 of the other 73 students ranked 140-68 The new team of 10 students, composed of evenly matched and strong teams, was actually the first to complete the entire team, while team 0 fell to No. 2 for the first time!
Although the members of the new 10 teams are not familiar enough with each other, each one is very strong and has great momentum.I also know that in the new regulations, Team 0 and Team 10 compete alone, and every day there will be a losing team that cooks, rinses bowls, and does public health. Of course, Team 1, which has been No. 0 for seven days, is not willing to lag behind.In this atmosphere, even those undercover agents who were unwilling to stand out too much before have begun to take advantage of it - who is willing to work more if they can complete the training comfortably?
The atmosphere of the reorganized teams 1-9 is also very different. The captains of each team are all the best in the past. No one wants to think that their team is at the bottom. Working more is still a small thing. Among the 800 people who rank at the top, who is not? It is impossible to think that you are willing to lag behind if you are high-spirited!
As a result, those students in the team who thought about dawdling would be sad - all the team leaders were strong and tough-tempered, but their subordinates wanted to be lazy and slippery?no way! ——
Due to the reorganization of the team, Li Junhao directly designated Team 0 and Team 10 to complete tonight's dinner, so that they, the "elites", could feel the taste in advance.Most of these people did not make it to the end and had to cook. Of course, the dinner was not very good, but the other students did not complain, but laughed and watched the excitement of the two teams. After all, these people had good training results in the past. , just sit back and enjoy the results!
According to the training outline, starting from the second week, in addition to retaining one hour of queue training, the main training direction will shift to military training and police training, plus the still retained "Police Order" study (it is also the culture of some trainees) study), there are more assessment items.To this end, Li Junhao also specially deployed ten additional sea and land non-commissioned officers and ten mid-level and senior patrol officers who have passed the assessment and have rich experience to strengthen the intensity of professional training.

After some troubles, Li Junhao left with satisfaction. The next work was taken care of by the instructors headed by Yuri, which made him feel relieved.After this week, Yuri and Xiaohu have grown astonishingly. They already have the majesty and basic qualities of instructors. Xiaohu, in particular, has lost a lot of his childishness!
The next day was the 20th day of the implementation of the "Police Order" by the police department. Li Junhao stayed in the office of the police department and personally drew up the examination papers for the patrol officers and handed them to Li Xiaoyu and Brown for confidential printing and arrangement. Well, the three-day internal assessment will start tomorrow.

On this day, the citizens of the concession clearly felt that the patrols were in a strange state. The number of patrols was small and the frequency was low. Some patrols were often seen sitting on the roadside with a pamphlet and looking at it carefully, mumbling something, as if It's reciting... This phenomenon makes many people feel strange and curious.

Soon, well-informed people broke the news - the newly appointed police chief issued a "Police Order" that required patrol officers to memorize it and take an exam. If they failed to pass the exam, Yes, his uniform will be stripped off and he will no longer be a patrolman!
This incident quickly caused a sensation in Shanghai. Most people didn't know what the "Police Order" was, but it was rare for a policeman to take an endorsement test!

The various forces are also a little confused. This American Assistant Attaché and Police Commissioner is really capable of twisting things!

Many people didn't believe that the patrol officers would take the exam honestly, so they were all waiting to see how this arrogant young division chief would make a fool of himself!
 Thank you for your monthly and recommended votes even if you are drunk!

  Thank you for the delicious tip and recommendation vote of Youtiao!

  Thank you to friends such as Old Ghost Fifth Brother, Aotian Lone Wolf, xq0760, Book Friends 20221025152734278, Dragon Demon Kuang Shao, Coriander Blue Silk, I am a Cloud, Book Friends 20210121034759629 and other friends for their long-term support. Thank you for always voting for recommendations. It is you. Let me insist on writing it down.

  Of course, there are also friends who have voted for recommendations. I cannot write them down here. I will express my gratitude to the author in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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