Shadow Spy

Chapter 155 Completion of the First Training

Chapter 155 Completion of the First Training

Busy days always pass quickly, and the time soon came to July 7. Li Junhao came to the training camp and personally organized the assessment and acceptance of the police trainee training.

The actual results were much better than he expected. 745 students persisted to the end, especially the students from Team 0, Team 10, which he valued most, and those students who ranked at the top in training and served as team captains. None of them left, which made him very happy. .

Li Junhao paid special attention and found that the color of the light spots of the twenty undercover agents finally changed as he expected - mostly gray with a little green!It shows that these people are no longer hostile to him personally. They have transformed into ordinary relationship people and are still developing in a favorable direction!

Xiaohu reported to him softly from the side that in the past four weeks, due to the strict closed training and life, everyone in Team 0 had no chance to contact the outside world...

Li Junhao thought for a moment and made a rough judgment that the 20 undercover agents who came with a mission to participate in the student training should be suffering from a relatively special Stockholm syndrome. After 28 days of intense training while cutting off contact with the outside world, And study, the competition and ranking pressure among the 11 student teams, and the task requirements that need to be perfectly integrated into this group, made them consciously or unconsciously give up the hostility in their hearts and think about spending the current four-week training period first. Besides...

From this analysis, this non-hostile situation should not last long. Once these people pass the training period and are assigned to various police departments, they will definitely contact their superiors again and will soon become in a hostile state.In other words, he wants to take these people for his own use, and today may be the most suitable and last chance!
In the afternoon of that day, after all the assessments were completed, Li Junhao announced that this period of training was officially over. A graduation banquet was held for everyone in the evening. New police uniforms, police ranks were awarded, and positions were assigned tomorrow.

This day's dinner was no longer for the students. Instead, a total of 16 chefs and dozens of logistics staff were transferred from the police canteen and the land and sea logistics team to help cook. Two trucks of various fresh ingredients were brought in. At seven o'clock, Eighty tables were set up, and all students and instructors washed up and attended.

After four weeks of rigorous training, the instructors and students have become very familiar with each other and have the appearance of a disciplined force. After lining up to enter the field, they consciously sat on each table according to the team formation. After the instructors settled the students, they dispersed. Sitting at the table where the team members were dissatisfied.

After receiving the report that everyone had arrived, Li Junhao waved his hand: Let's eat!
The professional chef took action and it was much more delicious than what the students cooked by themselves. Each table had eight dishes, four cold and four hot, served directly in small enamel basins. The portions were sufficient; there were also two cases of beer on each table. , two boxes of Coke, drink whatever you want, but not too much.

As the chief instructor said "dinner is served", everyone at the table immediately took action. The first thing was to open the wine. No need for a screwdriver, either with teeth or chopsticks... Open it and pour it into your own enamel jar, even if you didn't touch it before. The drinking students also wanted to take a few sips at this time, and the past four weeks have been very frustrating for them!
Speaking of which, the amount of training this time was a bit large. Because of the urgent need for people, Li Junhao compressed the three-month training of recruits in his previous life into four weeks. Even if the young people of this dynasty can endure hardships, they are still very tired!However, fortunately, the overall effect is still good and the purpose of training is achieved.
Li Junhao sat directly at the main table of Team 0. There were also Deputy Chief Instructor Yuri, Team 0 Leading Instructor Lei Xiaohu, and seven team captains.

Because of his presence, the 0 students in team 68 were a little nervous after the banquet started, so he said: "Everyone, use your chopsticks. Let's eat some food first, and later, I will toast you with wine!" Hearing this! , everyone started to move, but they were somewhat looking forward to the chief instructor's toast.

After seeing that everyone had eaten something, Li Junhao stood up and raised his hand to say hello. A team of patrol officers who had been prepared for a long time walked to each team carrying boxes of red wine. The instructors immediately stood up to take the bottles. wine, and then pour red wine into the enamel jars of the team members one by one...

After all the instructors and students had poured about two taels of red wine into their enamel jars, Li Junhao stood on a small wooden platform, holding an enamel jar in his hand as well, and said loudly: "Dear instructors and students, today is a... A good day is the day when the first phase of our police training camp graduates, and it is also the day when the world's first new police force is born!
"You have successfully persisted in the hard training for the past four weeks and completed the training content excellently. I am proud of you! Now, as the chief instructor, I would like to formally praise you.

"Team 0, all the students' performance is the best. During these four weeks of training, whether it is training or studying, you have firmly occupied the first position, and your results are amazing!

"Team 10, since the reorganization, has been competing against Team 0 for assessment alone. Although you have been defeated every time, and you have even cooked for three weeks and rinsed bowls for three weeks, there is no doubt that you You are also extremely good! In fact, you have always been No. 2 among the eleven teams and have never fallen behind!

"Teams 1 to 9, there is no doubt that the average quality of your teams is lower than that of teams 0 and 10, but you have not surrendered, but are constantly working hard to improve. This can be seen from just one phenomenon. ——That is: in the next three weeks, the results of your nine teams have been changing, and no team's results have been at the bottom for two consecutive days!

"The performance of teams 1 to 9 makes me even more happy, because it means that most ordinary people can reach the standards of excellent police officers through serious training and study! This is better than the appearance of one in a thousand or one percent of elites. It is even more important. Because of this, I am more confident to create a new police force in the Shanghai Concession that is the most advanced, efficient, civilized and powerful in the world!
“During this process, all the instructors have also put in arduous efforts, and you are great too!
"These situations make me very proud! In this training camp and in my heart, all of you are the best! All the best! All winners! I am proud of you!

"Come, let's raise our glasses together and toast to victory!!" After saying that, he raised his glass and looked around at all the students (the detection radar showed that it was completely green at this time), and drank the wine in one gulp. All.

"Cheers to victory!..." The instructors responded first, then all the students, and then they all drank in excitement!

(End of this chapter)

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