Shadow Spy

Chapter 157 The system rewards are rich enough

Chapter 157 The system rewards are rich enough

Sitting in the study, Li Junhao first checked the system space. Sure enough, it was twice as big, making it easier to carry supplies on a large scale. This reward is very practical;

His quick equipment slots have been increased to 20, and they have been configured to form three suit modes: military, police, and covert operations, plus casual wear, which can be freely switched when needed, which is easy to use and convenient;

The detection distance of smart glasses has been increased to 60 meters, and a 3D three-dimensional map can be drawn in real time based on the detection results. It does not need to be worn in front of the eyes all the time, and its functions can be used in the portable space;

He checked the 745 sets of junior police equipment that were awarded. The uniform style was the one he personally designed. However, the materials and workmanship were much better than those customized by the ready-made clothes shop in the concession. It was not easy to take them out directly now, so as not to conflict with reality. The products are so different that it's eye-catching.You can slowly find opportunities to take it out in the future. This kind of uniform is also sold in the mall, and you can also spend gold coins to buy it in the future.

The same goes for other weapons and police equipment, so let’s leave them alone for now!What surprised him a little was the 100 units (sets) of heavy police equipment, including police motorcycles, explosion-proof police cars, police armored vehicles, EOD vehicles, impact vehicles, aerial vehicles, multi-purpose troubleshooting vehicles, etc. There were many types. But it's a little too avant-garde. If it is taken out at this time, it will definitely attract attention. Even the military of various countries will go crazy when they see it. They will definitely find a way to get a set back for production, which will cause big trouble by then!
Just say those dozen police armored vehicles with different configurations, which are much more powerful than the light tanks of various countries today!The six-wheel off-road chassis has more than twice the speed and horsepower of trucks of this era. It has extremely strong impact and obstacle surmounting capabilities. If it is driven at a high speed, vehicles at this time will not be able to catch up, let alone slow tanks:
The 15-25mm high-strength outer armor can completely block the 25mm machine guns of this era, not to mention other rifles and machine guns, as well as hand grenades, rifle grenades, and grenades;
In terms of weapon configuration, in addition to all being equipped with grenade/tear gas multi-purpose launchers, there are also different main weapon configurations, such as: single-barreled 70mm tank gun, single-barreled 70mm automatic mortar, single-barreled 35mm rapid-fire cannon, dual 25mm machine guns, twin or quadruple 12.7mm heavy machine guns, quadruple 7.62mm heavy machine guns, etc.

An armored vehicle with this configuration is a great weapon in this era when it is directly brought to the battlefield!
He only suppressed his excitement and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​taking out these heavy equipment. Let’s talk about it later!
The equipment and vehicles rewarded by the system have been put on the shelves in the system mall. The prices vary. Ordinary police equipment ranges from a few gold coins to a few hundred. Those with heavy armor are more expensive, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands. It is really a bit expensive. !But getting 100 pieces (sets) of heavy equipment for free did not make him overjoyed.
Late at night, after everyone else went to rest, Li Junhao took an intermediate gene enhancement potion in the bedroom. This time, unlike the last time he took the low-level potion, it was just for hypnosis. Almost instantly, he felt severe pain, as if his whole body was first It was like being crushed to pieces and then put back together again, making him almost unable to help but scream!Fortunately, his willpower was strong enough now. He grabbed the pillow towel and bit it in his mouth, trying not to make any sound...

The severe pain lasted for a full hour, and his whole body felt like it had been fished out of water. The mattress was soaked with foul-smelling black sweat!

After he regained his composure, he stood up, stretched out his fists and legs, and struggled for nearly half an hour before he got used to the almost assembled body. He didn't have time to do any strength and speed tests, so he hurriedly cleaned up the room, found a few new beddings, and put them out. The entire bed was wrapped up and received in a portable space, ready to be thrown out later; then he rushed into the bathroom and took a long shower, spending more than an hour cleaning himself up.

When he came out clean and put on a new pair of underwear, he heard a knock on the door and a voice asking, "Brother Jun, are you okay?" It was Xiao Yu's voice.

"I'm fine, you go and rest!" With that said, Li Junhao quickly put on a pair of silk pajamas. He knew that if Xiaoyu didn't see her, she would always be worried.

After a while, the door opened, and Li Junhao stood at the door with wet hair. Three girls stood outside in pajamas, looking at him worriedly!Xiao Yu said: "Brother Jun, I heard the sound of water running in your bathroom downstairs just now... Are you okay?" "I'm fine, I just practiced boxing for a while and took a bath for a long time..." Li Junhao could only This was the explanation, but as soon as he finished speaking, his stomach growled unsatisfactorily, and a huge hunger hit him at this time, which was much stronger than the previous time and made him feel stomachache. !
"Brother Jun, let me cook for you!" Before he could say anything, Xiao Yu hurried downstairs...

Half an hour later, Li Junhao was sitting in the restaurant on the first floor, eating the shredded pork noodles Xiao Yu had just made, and his stomach began to feel comfortable!While waiting, he had already eaten two one-pound cans of beef and drank three bottles of beer. Now he opened another can of beef and ate it with noodles...

Seeing him wolfing down the food, Xiao Yu's face was full of worry. She wondered why Brother Jun was so hungry suddenly tonight?

After finishing a large bowl of shredded pork noodles and finishing the third can, Li Junhao finally felt comfortable!Seeing Xiao Yu's worried look, he smiled and said: "Xiao Yu, I'm fine, I just suddenly felt hungry... It should be because my physical fitness has increased again, which is a good thing! Well, it happened once before, Xiao Hu knows it."

Hearing what he said, Xiaoyu relaxed a little, and then noticed that Brother Jun seemed to be a little taller and stronger, his skin became better, and he looked more handsome... Thinking of this, he blushed first. !

"I'm fine, Xiaoyu, go to bed quickly, I'll go up after a while." Li Junhao said with a smile.

"Oh, then I'll go up..." Xiao Yu hurriedly stood up and hurried upstairs.

Although he felt that Xiaoyu's attitude was a bit strange, Li Junhao didn't think much about it. The reason why he let her leave was because he felt that he had not eaten enough and needed another meal...

At four o'clock in the morning, after eating another pot of freshly steamed rice and five pieces of steak, Li Junhao went upstairs, feeling his slightly bloated belly!
Judging from the last experience, he knew that this phenomenon of large amounts of eating would need to continue for a while. As for how long, he was not sure, it would definitely be more than the seven or eight days last time!Fortunately, I don’t need to worry about other people’s opinions now, I’m just an “eater”!These are nothing compared to the benefits brought by increased physical fitness!
(End of this chapter)

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