Shadow Spy

Chapter 16: Shell Gun Series Stories

Chapter 16: Shell Gun Series Stories

After Xiaohu went out, Li Junhao picked up the shell gun and looked at it. He just used the system mall to buy 14 new guns and 5 long magazines for 20 gold coins. He didn't have time to look carefully at that time. Only then did he notice that this was not what he had thought before. The Mauser C96 is an improved Mauser M1932, with improved performance, better craftsmanship, and higher stability... Compared to the C96, which is regarded as the originator of submachine pistols in later generations, the M1932 is the beginning of maturity.

There is no military fan who was not familiar with the shell gun in his previous life. Although he is not that kind of veteran, he knows a lot about the basic things. He never had the luxury of owning such a classic firearm, but now he is holding it in his hands and playing with it. , it can be said that things in the world are wonderful.

The Mauser C96 is a military pistol launched by the German Mauser Arsenal in 1896. It is the world's first mass-produced submachine pistol; the shell gun is a folk name in China. In addition to this name, there are also box guns , Zi Lai De, speed machine, box gun, large mirror, etc.

The C96 standard gun has a length of 288 mm, a caliber of 7.63 mm, and a weight of 1.24 kg. It uses top-loading magazines or 10-round or 20-round bottom-loading magazines to feed ammunition; because it uses short rifle bullets specially developed by Mauser, the muzzle velocity of the warhead is Reaching 455 meters/second, the muzzle kinetic energy reaches 576J (more powerful than many submachine guns in later generations); the shooting mode is semi-automatic and continuous fire, the maximum rate of fire reaches 900 rounds/minute, and the effective range reaches 50-150 meters; it is powerful and reliable in action. , easy to use and other advantages, it is widely spread in many countries around the world.China has been imitating it for a long time and it was widely used in the Anti-Japanese War.

The M1932 is Mauser's improved version of the C96, and its basic characteristics remain unchanged.


European armies, including the German army, do not think highly of the C96, because from a traditional perspective, it is heavier, has a larger appearance, is too powerful as a pistol, is too underpowered compared to a rifle, and does not perform as well. Not lower, not higher, not lower, in a word - not suitable for the needs of Western armies!
On the contrary, shell guns are very popular in the civilian markets of various countries.

Another reason that restricts the large-scale popularity of C96 is: price! In the 20s, the unit price of ordinary pistols was only a few dollars, but the price of the Mauser C30 reached $96, which was really uneconomical.

According to common sense, European countries cannot afford it, let alone poor and backward China. However, the Mauser factory produced a total of about 100 million, and other countries copied millions, of which more than 40 were original guns and guns. Counterfeit guns costing millions were successfully sold to China. Adding in the price increases from middlemen, long-distance freight and bribes to officials at all levels, the Republic of China spent hundreds of millions of dollars, which foreigners simply cannot understand.

In fact, China's specific war model determines the special status of the shell gun in combat.

During the Republic of China, due to the limited economic power of the country and the people, they were unable to equip a large number of the world's advanced weapons. The introduction of submachine guns and machine guns was pitifully small. Many single-shot rifles from the backward era were introduced, but their firepower output in battle was obviously insufficient. ; Although the price of a single-shot and continuous-fire shell gun is much higher than that of an ordinary pistol, its firepower output within 150 meters is almost equivalent to that of a submachine gun. It is also cheaper, easier to carry, and more reliable than a submachine gun. This is why it was used throughout World War II. The reason why it is so popular in China.

In this process, smart local businessmen in China saw business opportunities and made large-scale imitations of the shell guns that were loved by all walks of life. Not counting those small workshops, it was only in the regular military factories of the Republic of China that later generations have confirmed that shell guns were mass-produced. Examples include Hanyang Arsenal, Gongxian Arsenal, Dagu Shipyard, Shanxi Arsenal, Chongqing Weapons Repair Institute, Hengyang Ordnance Bureau, etc., and combined with their respective specialties and needs, they produce imitation guns with calibers of 7.63mm, 7.62mm, There are many kinds of 8mm, 9mm, 11.43mm, etc. As for how many imitation guns have been produced, it is impossible to count.

Even in the 40s and [-]s, there was a special professional group in China called gunsmiths. There were many in Hebei, Henan, and Sichuan, ranging from one person to several people. In addition to repairing damaged rifles and machine guns, powerful people, armies, bandits, etc., build guns by hand, mainly by hand-making or modifying shell guns. The quality of these guns varies, and most of the products are not as good as those of regular major manufacturers, but there are also some An unexpected masterpiece, passed down to future generations, is worth a sky-high price in the collecting circle!
At this time, the two Mauser M1932s in Li Junhao's hands were based on the original guns and were produced in the system mall. They were even more sophisticated!He believes that during use, the performance of these two guns will definitely surpass that of the original guns!
Despite this, Li Junhao played with them for a while and put them down. To him, these two models were still big and ugly, and he didn't like them at all!As for the continuous fire function that the shell gun is proud of, he remembered the words of later military fans: "The best submachine pistol is not as good as the worst submachine gun in a mid-range battle of more than 30 meters!" Instead of using the shell gun, He might as well find a "Chicago Typewriter" (American-made Thompson submachine gun) to synthesize and modify it!

But, having said that, the shell gun was so popular in the Republic of China, he could definitely be a supplier!He heard from Xiaohu that in the Shanghai arms market, the price of an original Mauser C96 is at least US$35, and the price of a shell gun produced by officially authorized manufacturers in Europe, such as Spain's Astra and the Royal Arsenal, is also 25 to 30 US dollars. US dollars, even the domestic Jin-made and Sichuan-made shell guns cost more than 15 US dollars. In the system mall, the M1932 with better quality than the original factory only costs 2 gold coins!

2 gold coins are 2 pounds. According to the current exchange rate, it is 8.4 US dollars. The price difference is huge.Even if he still sells it for 35 US dollars, this gun is an M96 that is better than the C1932, and it is produced in a shopping mall, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed. He doesn't believe that someone doesn't know the product!

Thinking further, if the performance of the M1932 in the mall is reduced to the C96 level, will the price be cheaper?Well, let's try it out.

After some exploration in the system mall, he discovered a trick. As long as he consciously intervenes when using the mall's transaction function, he can indeed control the quality and quality of the products. The price of the M1932, which reduces some of its performance, has been reduced to 1.6 gold coins!However, he did not know whether it was equivalent to the C96 level. This still needs to be verified, but the discovery itself made him determined to do the arms business.

(End of this chapter)

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