Shadow Spy

Chapter 161: Keep calm when encountering trouble

Chapter 161: Keep calm when encountering trouble

Li Junhao was a little helpless. He wondered if Zhao Lijun was a fool. He actually set up most of his main strongholds in the French Concession, making it impossible for him to rescue him.The previous arrest of Chen Mingchu was already a side shot, and the operation was carried out in the area where the two concessions meet. In fact, it was under the jurisdiction of the French Concession.

The good thing is that Chen Mingchu confessed that in order to obtain more benefits, he did not tell everything he knew. Previously, he only betrayed Wang Tianmu's hiding place and gained the appreciation of the Japanese, so he was sent. Two Japanese bodyguards, of course, there is also surveillance in this.

As for other information, he only told Li Shiqun the address of Liu Geqing's girlfriend. However, because Liu was out and would not come back until two days later, No. 76 did not take action immediately. He only sent people to observe regularly from a distance, and did not even It had appeared near him, and he was ready to wait for Liu Geqing to come back before taking action.

At four o'clock this afternoon, Chen Mingchu got the message in his emergency contact mailbox. He recognized that it was a high-level secret code that would only be used by the headquarters' special correspondents. Thinking that it would never be exposed, he decided to go to the appointment on time, hoping to get more intelligence.

In order to enjoy exclusive benefits, he did not tell anyone about this matter. Even the two Japanese bodyguards only knew that he wanted to contact people. According to the order, they did not interfere with Chen Mingchu's daily actions, so they did not report it.Because of this, after the three of them were captured together, no one would be suspicious or look for them for at least a day.This allowed Li Junhao to get an advantage by mistake.
After returning to the mansion, Li Junhao immediately went upstairs and sent the A07 telegram, which contained only two sentences:
"Chen Mingchu is determined to be a traitor, and Wang Tianmu is convinced that he will betray him.

"The address of Liu Geqing's girlfriend was informed by Chen to No. 76."

After sending the telegram, he went downstairs. It was rare for him to work so late today. Xiaoyu, Li Xiaoyu, and Zheng Pingru made a special late-night snack. They were fried steamed buns with vegetarian fillings. They were delicious, easy to digest, and not greasy!Thanks to his success, Xiaohu, Jieqi and Nick also got involved.
While Li Junhao's family in Shanghai was having a delicious late-night snack, Boss Dai from Chongqing had not yet left Room A. He saw the telegram from A07 for the first time, but his face immediately changed. His worst worries were confirmed - —Wang Tianmu was indeed betrayed!The traitor and traitor in Shanghai District turned out to be Chen Mingchu, the personnel chief in a very critical position!

Thinking of the huge losses it might cause, Dai Li broke into a cold sweat. The luck he felt yesterday was instantly thrown out of the sky!He immediately ordered everyone to contact the Shanghai District and asked Zhao Lijun: How are the risk aversion measures in the Shanghai District being implemented?

Soon, replies from the Shanghai District were sent from all over the place, but Dai Li was almost angry to death when he saw it!
——Shanghai District Report: Acting District Chief Zhao Lijun is out of town due to business and cannot be contacted.Another note: Everything is calm in Shanghai and Hainan, and no hedging measures have been implemented.

Dai Li, who had dropped his tea cup, tried to calm down and said to Wei Daming, the director of the fourth division who came to deliver the telegram: "Immediately use the 'not level two' password to call the Shanghai District and the Shanghai Direct Station: [-]. Zhao Lijun will be removed from the position of acting district director immediately. Order him to return to Chongqing immediately; [-]. Liu Nianwu (Wen Qiang) immediately takes over as acting district chief; [-]. Shanghai District immediately implements emergency evacuation measures, and its important agencies immediately evacuate to the suburbs of Shanghai... No, evacuate to the public concession! Note 'critical'!"

Director Wei, who had written down the contents of the telegram, sweatdropped from his head, and immediately said: "Yes, boss, I will send the telegram immediately!"
This night was destined to be a non-stop night in Shanghai District. Even Wen Qiang could not rest. Although getting promoted was a good thing, taking over would require the transfer of organizations and personnel, and he was only an "agent", which made him very depressed. !However, after he came to his senses, he was still sweating - this meant that Brother Junhao's judgment had come true, and the Shanghai District was in great danger!
Thinking of this, Wen Qiang looked at the time. It was almost twelve o'clock. He looked at the Shanghai District agencies and personnel settings he had just received. He had a terrible headache. Except for those grassroots personnel and outside lines who did not need to be alarmed, arrangements needed to be made. There are more than a dozen emergency transfer agencies, with nearly 300 personnel. It is late at night again. What should we do in this short period of time?

Of course, he knew that there must be a preset emergency evacuation plan in Shanghai District, but it was absolutely impossible to complete this work in the early morning; moreover, in the middle of the night, 300 people were transferred from the French Concession to the public concession. That movement was so big that I really thought those patrolmen and the French army were all blind!Also, now that the Shanghai District has reached a point where it has to take emergency refuge, how could the Japanese and puppet spies not conduct surveillance?
There was really no other way out. Wen Qiang suddenly thought, picked up the phone, and called the study room of Junhao Mansion. Fortunately for him, the phone rang seven or eight times before he was picked up!

"Mr. Pan Sen, I'm sorry to bother you at this time!" Wen Qiang said cautiously.

"Mr. Liu, what are you looking for?" Li Junhao's voice was calm.In fact, he had predicted it when he sent the telegram before. Boss Dai wanted to save the Shanghai District. It was too late to transfer candidates from far away, so he could only use Wen Qiang, who was in Shanghai and had sufficient qualifications and abilities. This was considered his help. A little favor brother!

"Mr. Pan Sen, I have some goods that are in a hurry. I want them to be shipped to the concession now. Can you please help me say hello?" Wen Qiang could only say this. I hope brother Junhao can understand!
Of course Li Junhao understood, but he knew that things were not that bad yet, but from Wen Qiang's tone, Boss Dai was really anxious!So he deliberately yawned and then said: "Mr. Liu, what kind of goods are we transporting this late at night? Everyone is worried about the trouble... Let's go to work tomorrow! Come to the police station and I will write you a note!" Okay, I'm going to bed. If I have anything to do, we'll meet tomorrow." After that, he hung up the phone.

Wen Qiang, who was on the other end of the phone line, was surprised to hear the busy tone on the phone. He blinked and thought for a while before finally understanding what he had just said, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.Then he immediately asked Xiaolie to send a report. The first one was sent to the Shanghai District, ordering everyone to remain silent and wait for new orders; the second one was sent to Chongqing, explaining to Boss Dai: "It is not appropriate to make big movements late at night. We have already contacted Friends meet up, see you tomorrow."
No. 19, Luojiawan, Chongqing, Dai Li did not leave at all. He was always worried about the Shanghai side. When he saw the latest telegram from Wen Qiang, he understood it immediately. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked everyone to call back: "You are in a different place. , you can make your own decisions when encountering problems. Remember, thank your friends."

After this telegram was sent, Boss Dai felt relieved, left Room A, and went home to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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