Shadow Spy

Chapter 175 Business Ally Willis

Chapter 175 Business Ally Willis

Li Junhao still said: "Take it, Willis, you deserve this."

"No, no, sir..." Willis insisted, "You ordered 1 M1935 rifles, [-] M[-] pistols, and a large amount of ammunition from me before. I have already made a lot of money. ...So, I can’t accept this money!”

Li Junhao stood up directly, walked to him, put the check in his briefcase, and then said: "Willis, when it comes to work, one code comes down to the other, consignment is one thing, weapons procurement is another. We can’t mix it up! If you don’t accept it, I won’t dare to do business with you again in the future!”

Willis looked a little excited, Mr. Panson is so kind and righteous!And at this time, he also realized that Mr. Pansen had directly called him by his name several times, which meant that the relationship between the two had taken a further step, so he no longer refused, but lowered his voice and said: "Sir, last time For weapons procurement, do you think it will be cheaper during settlement, or after I receive the payment..."

Li Junhao made a stop gesture to him, shook his head and said: "Willis, this weapons purchase is an official act of the police department. The payment for the goods is allocated by your board of directors. If it is cheap, it will not be used. As for other things, it will not be used. You can just keep the money you earn! When I really need your help in the future, just don’t shirk it!"

"Sir, don't worry, our Burton family knows how to be grateful!" Willis immediately expressed his stance, "From now on, you will be our family's most distinguished friend!"

Li Junhao nodded with satisfaction. He knew that for Americans, expressing a stance in the name of the family was definitely a very serious matter. This also showed that Willis was not an ordinary businessman without foundation.It's right to think about it, ordinary people don't have the ability to transport large quantities of new weapons to China!
Having said this, the atmosphere between the two became much more relaxed. The previous exchange made them truly become business allies.

However, Li Junhao, who was a marketing lecturer in his previous life, was used to seeing betrayal and fraud in business practices. He knew that there is a saying that "the reason why there is no betrayal is just because the price is not high enough." Therefore, although he felt that doing so was too strict. , but still firmly took out the red wine to celebrate the "deep cooperation" between the two in the future!
A few minutes later, after truly becoming one of his own, Willis told the truth. The reason why the southwestern specialties he sold on consignment sold for a higher price than expected was because he now controlled a route between America and China. The Shanghai sea route is a smuggling channel organized privately by the captains of several American shipping companies. Because it evades the tariffs of the destination country, it has huge profit margins.

After hearing this, Li Junhao shook his head and laughed, and told Willis that this matter can still be done, but an agent must be arranged to take charge, and do not get himself involved, let alone involve him, because once exposed, it will affect his continued role in the U.S. government and military. development of the world.

Then, Li Junhao made a request, asking Willis to step up the organization of the supply of weapons and ammunition in the next period of time, because he was preparing to remodel the entire police force. The next step would be the International Business Group, and the next step would be the French Concession Police. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will even form an all-China army...

Although Willis was a little surprised by Li Junhao's grand plan, he did not express any objection at this time, but agreed to start implementing it immediately.

The first thing is a purely commercial matter. Li Junhao asked Willis to prepare a warehouse. He wanted to let him run the remaining southwest specialties in his personal space, and use the proceeds from the sales to purchase a large number of Shanghai products on the market. He will sell Haitian products such as cloth, paper, stationery, mechanical products, electronic accessories and other products to the Kuomintang-controlled areas through special channels...

Willis greatly appreciated his idea, because as long as there is a reliable channel for transporting goods, the profit between entry and exit is astonishing, and it is easy to earn two or three times!

In addition, Li Junhao also asked Willis to purchase some grains and vegetables, mainly rice, flour, corn, sorghum, millet, sweet potatoes, potatoes, radishes, pumpkins and other easy-to-store varieties. At the same time, some warehouses must be renovated to be moisture-proof and rodent-proof. , capable of long-term storage.Willis was a little confused about his request and asked his own questions.

Li Junhao knew that the other party would obey the order, but since he was already one of his own, why should he make him work in an unhappy mood?
So he directly told Willis that the European War would officially begin on September 9, one and a half months later. At that time, Germany would implement the "White Plan" and invade Poland, and Britain and France would declare war on Germany... And Germany and Italy and Japan are allies, so what will happen to the Shanghai Concession in Asia?
Willis immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately said that he understood: organizing weapons and ammunition, purchasing grain and Shanghai industrial products are the focus, and selling products on behalf of others and withdrawing funds are the means.He will definitely complete these tasks.

Li Junhao greatly praised his understanding. His summary was more insightful than his own. He was indeed a successful businessman!
As soon as Willis left, Wen Qiang came in behind, and he even put on makeup!

When he saw Wen Qiang in the office, Li Junhao couldn't help laughing. His image of gray hair, stooped waist, leaning on a cane, and wearing a white jacket made him really nervous!Come to think of it, if he hadn't called first and Xiaoyu went downstairs to pick him up, he wouldn't have been able to enter his office!
"Brother Nianwu, what are you doing?" Li Junhao said with a smile.

Wen Qiang, who was a little embarrassed by his smile, sat on the sofa and said helplessly: "Brother Junhao, are you still laughing? You have accepted more than 50 people from the military command in the police station at once, and I still have to stay in Shanghai. The sea continues to lurk, so of course I have to put on makeup when I come here!"

"Tch!" Li Junhao thought he was doing it for something, so he said: "Brother, you don't believe in my ability so much? Once you join my family, you are mine! No one will betray you! Moreover, I think not many of the fifty or so military commanders know you, right?"

"There shouldn't be a few...well, maybe Wang Tianmu and Jiang Anhua know me!" Wen Qiang said as he thought.

"Then what are you worried about?" Li Junhao asked, "Are you still worried about them betraying you?"

Hearing this, Wen Qiang felt a little embarrassed and argued: "This is a reasonable self-protection, okay?"

Li Junhao nodded and said: "So that's the case. Then I'll call them over and ask them what they have done before that makes you not believe them..."

"No!" Wen Qiang said hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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