Shadow Spy

Chapter 179 Aircraft design is important

Chapter 179 Aircraft design is important

Because the telegram was received in advance, the direct guard led by Liu Geqing and Jensen greeted Li Junhao's return at the airport, and a convoy of seven vehicles drove back to the concession.When passing through the Japanese war zone, the team members all had their Thompson M1928A2 submachine guns ready, always alert to the movement outside the window, and ready to respond to possible attacks. They did not relax until they entered the French Concession.

This situation made Li Junhao even more anxious. It would be too troublesome if he had to go to the airport by plane in the future!It's no problem to sneak there, get on the plane and drive away. With his current skills, even three or five Japanese planes can't stop him, but what will he do when he comes back?The Japanese army is not a fool. He believes that the Japs will usually arrange for people to monitor Longhua Airport. He does not want to fall into the Japanese army's siege or trap!

He went back to the Consulate General first to tell Ayers that he was safe, but when he told him that he had learned to fly a plane, the old man didn't believe it at all - how could it be possible? After deducting the time spent traveling back and forth, it would only take a day and a half at most. Time, how much can you learn without sleeping, and how much can you learn to fly a plane?

Li Junhao was too lazy to argue with the old man, so he said "I learned it anyway" and ran away. Naturally, he went home next. It was quite tiring to fly for five hours!
In the afternoon of that day, Jieqi and Nick followed him around. After returning home, Li Junhao asked them to rest. Liu Geqing and Jason arranged for the other escorts, and half of them were guarding in the mansion. , the other half also arranged to have a rest. Now the houses in the mansion are basically used, and even the bungalows in the yard are full of people, but the conditions are good and everyone has not been wronged.

After Li Junhao took a short rest, he began to study the airport modification module for the first-generation aircraft in the system mall. He had no way to solve it now and could only find a way on the aircraft. If he could make one that could take off and land vertically, When the fighter plane comes, all problems will be solved!
Now there are many new products in the system mall, including seven or eight types of aircraft. The most advanced fighter aircraft is only the F2A carrier-based fighter-bomber of the American Brewster Company. In fact, it is already behind the times at this time. He needs to use The five major modification modules that appeared as a result of system rewards can be used to upgrade or customize a new propeller aircraft.This project is a bit big, but fortunately, he now has the proficiency in the design and modification of first-generation aircraft, so it has technical possibilities.

Let’s first analyze the original model. This F2A is already a mid-term improved F2A-2. It has a mid-wing design, a barrel-shaped fuselage, and an all-metal semi-monocoque structure. Only the control surface is made of cloth. .

When the retractable landing gear is retracted, it retracts into the sides of the fuselage and is located in front of the wings;

In terms of weapons, it has four 4-inch (0.50mm) aviation machine guns. It can also carry two 12.7-pound bombs under the wings, so it is called a fighter-bomber.

F2A-2 model, the specific technical indicators are: wingspan 10.67m, aircraft length 8.03m, aircraft height 3.68m; empty weight 1246kg, normal takeoff weight 2867kg, maximum takeoff weight 3247kg; maximum speed 517km/h, climb rate 698m /min, practical ceiling 10120m, maximum range 2704km...

If analyzed carefully, the aircraft is still excellent in terms of load capacity, ceiling, and range, but it has lagged behind in terms of aerodynamic shape, maximum speed, and weapon configuration!What he needs is to find ways to improve in these areas.

From Li Junhao's point of view, the appearance of the F2A is really ugly. The barrel body cannot be said to be aerodynamic at all. I am afraid that half of the 1200 horsepower of the engine must be offset by wind resistance! ——See the appearance design of the Japanese Zero, with a wingspan of 12m, a length of 9.06m, a height of 3.5m, an empty weight of 1680 kg, a maximum take-off weight of 2674kg, a maximum flight speed of 534km/h, a climb rate of 850m/min, and a practical ceiling. 9800m, maximum range 3350 km (mounted auxiliary fuel tank)/2222 km (internal fuel); and with this performance, it only uses a 950-horsepower Nakajima Sakae 12-star air-cooled engine!
An important reason for this is that Japan used a large amount of 50-arashi metal in the body materials - a super aluminum alloy developed by Sumitomo Metal Company at that time. It is harder than steel, lighter than iron, and has good processing characteristics.

In addition, in terms of weapons, the F2A has four 4mm aviation machine guns, while the Zero has two 12.7mm cannons and two 20mm machine guns. There is also a huge gap in firepower.

In addition, the Zero is far superior in aerodynamic appearance. Apart from using a propeller engine at the nose, there is no better way. The overall design of its fuselage is obviously better than that of other models in the world at that time...

The famous French aircraft designer Dassault once said a famous saying: "An aircraft with excellent performance must have a beautiful appearance." The Buffalo can be a counterexample to his statement. After looking at the appearance of this aircraft, I am afraid that anyone can only draw one conclusion. Conclusion - clumsy.

Although it is very reluctant to admit it, Japan's aesthetics indeed surpass those of Europe and the United States. This is reflected in the aircraft design, which contributed to the amazing performance of the Zero fighter before the middle of World War II!
In the later period, Europe and the United States were stimulated in the design and manufacturing of new aircraft, and used their strong industrial manufacturing capabilities to produce a variety of new fighters. If their aesthetics were not enough, they took advantage of their leading technology in the engine field. , a big horse and a small chariot, with one force, they will defeat the enemy ten times and knock the little devil to dust!


However, at this time, the Japanese Zero had not yet entered the field, and the US military's F4F and F4U had not received military orders. If Li Junhao wanted to transform and customize the fighter aircraft he wanted, he could only put more effort into the existing ones. I will save money on the basis of F2A!

First of all, Li Junhao determined the characteristics of the aircraft he needed. First, it must be fast enough. Second, it must have relatively powerful self-defense weapons. Third, it must have strong protective capabilities. Of course, the most important thing is that the Japanese military aircraft of this era have not yet equipped them. Radar - this is very important, detect the enemy as early as possible, and you can run away without fighting!

(End of this chapter)

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