Shadow Spy

Chapter 182 A sense of urgency for time

Chapter 182 A sense of urgency for time

After that, Li Junhao made a special trip back to the police station, reviewed information about the racecourse, and learned about its origins and structure - well, he was really going to attack this place!

The racecourse was developed by a joint venture of shareholders, most of whom were British. The chairman of the committee was initially Johnson, the chief executive of Jardine Matheson & Co., Ltd. After Johnson returned to China, he was succeeded by Pan Ergo, the chief executive of Cheung Mao & Matheson Co., Ltd.The committee members included Taipan Clark, a shell and foreign merchant, Dalasi and Malis, who owned a large number of properties in Shanghai, and Sassoon, an opium dealer.There is a secretary under the committee (board of directors), who has great real power. The person who has held this position for the longest time is Danish Yersen.Under the secretary, there is a Chinese deputy secretary, who employs all the Chinese employees of the racecourse, so he also has great power.

If you want to join the Jockey Club, you must complete certain procedures. In theory, foreigners aged 21 or over and of any nationality can apply to join the Jockey Club. Then a voting committee composed of 9-11 people will vote. If all agree, it will be passed; if one person objects, Retain their application qualifications and vote at the next meeting; if 1 people object, they must apply and fill in the form for another period; if 2 people object, their application for membership will be permanently cancelled.

In 1908, the racecourse had 320 formal members and 500 other members, each paying a monthly membership fee of 10 yuan.

In 1927, after Jiangwan Racecourse was established, Chinese were allowed to be honorary members.

The Jockey Club only organizes horse racing and does not supply horses. The participating horses are all privately raised by their owners.In addition to tickets, the Horse Racing Association's income mainly comes from betting on horse racing. Before the first year of Xuantong (1909), a fixed-amount lottery method was adopted. The owners of each gambling stall paid a deposit to the racing hall and set up stalls in the venue. When gambling begins, the stall owner is responsible for the profit and loss, and the racecourse collects the profits.

Later, in order to pursue more profits, various lotteries were issued before horse racing, among which champagne tickets were the most popular. Many Chinese bought this lottery.In the 30s, each horse racing ticket cost 5 yuan, and thousands of tickets were sold for each game. Together with various lottery tickets, the daily net income was tens of thousands.

The Jockey Club's ticket revenue is more than 10 silver dollars every year, and the revenue from horse racing tickets is even more. In the 1920 years from 1939 to 20 alone, the revenue from the two lottery tickets, champagne tickets and single-win tickets, reached more than 2 million yuan, with an average annual profit More than 14139 million silver dollars.On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, the Horse Racing Association still had more than 700 million yuan in savings.

In the 1936th year of the Republic of China (5), as the debt guarantor of the International Sports Association, the Horse Racing Association purchased 8/1938 of the shares of the International Sports Association. In the [-]th year of the Republic of China ([-]), it took over all the assets of the International Sports Association. He will always become the real owner of all the venues in the entire racecourse.

In 1932, the Horse Racing Club demolished the old house and spent 200 million taels of silver to rebuild it into a new building with a reinforced concrete structure, more than 100 meters long and 4 floors high, with a construction area of ​​21000 square meters, designed by the British-funded Ma Haiyang Bank.

The appearance of the Jockey Club Building is of classical style. The exterior wall is made of reddish-brown bricks and stones, with a Tashkent-style colonnade. There is a grandstand in front and an 8-story bell tower at the northwest corner, which is 53 meters high. The ground floor is The ticket office and prize collection office, the second floor is the members' club, the third floor is the members' box, and the fourth floor is the staff dormitory, with magnificent interior decoration.
When leaving the racecourse, Li Junhao already had a preliminary idea, which was actually not complicated. He just contacted Dai Li in advance before the delivery time and asked him to arrange the airport in Wuhan; he directly led people to blockade the racecourse at night and borrowed it. In a few hours, a temporary steel plate runway (he remembered that there was this thing in the warehouse of the Fourth Marine and Land Regiment), 200 meters long, was enough. Then he would fly over, and it would take at most two hours to arrive. After the handover, Yu flew Just come back - of course, this process requires some cover-up actions, but those are nothing compared to flying a plane!

After returning home, he continued to improve the modification and upgrade of the aircraft and looked forward to seeing his work as soon as possible! ——
On Thursday, July 7, Li Junhao worked in the police station all day, mainly reviewing the list of the second batch of patrol rotation training submitted by the division chief's office, and considering further adjustment plans within the police station... In the evening, after Li Xiaoyu went to the attic to collect newspapers, she came back to find him and said, "Brother Jun, there is something I want to tell you..."

Looking at her expression, Li Junhao knew that this matter was very important, so he went to the third floor with her and went to the study room. When she explained the matter, he felt that it was sudden and reasonable at the same time - Yan'an wanted to get his Help, release the underground party members currently in prison in the concession!For this reason, Yan'an is willing to bear the price. As long as Li Junhao requests it, they will do their best to complete it.

After Li Junhao thought for a while, he said: "Xiaoyu, you should know that when we first took over the police force, I had already asked the Department of Justice to start sorting out the files of detainees, especially political prisoners. I had ordered them to improve their files. Living conditions, prohibiting forced labor, and arranging medical staff to treat them...

"So, even if there is no request from Yan'an, I will release your party members at the appropriate time, and of course other anti-Japanese people! As for why I haven't done this, it's because I haven't completed the thorough inspection of the police department yet. Transformation.

"These days, you should have noticed that what I have to do is to first clear out all those patrol officers who have no distracting thoughts in the police force. The remaining officers must work within the scope of the Police Regulations. !Why is this? Because I want to transform the Concession Police Department into a pure law enforcement agency without getting involved in political issues...

“In this way, I will have sufficient excuses to release detained political prisoners, deny the entry of Japanese and puppet forces, build the public concession into a pure safe island, and avoid censure from Western countries and Japan!

"Now that this goal is about to be achieved, I am preparing to establish and expand the armed forces in the concession to prepare for the great changes in the world... Well, I have told Comrade Yihao about this great change!

"Later, you can report what I just said. I believe they will understand..."

After hearing these words, Li Xiaoyu thought about what Brother Jun had done before, and realized that they were all true. Although she still didn't understand some things, she remembered what she just said. After agreeing, she went upstairs to call Yan'an back.

But Li Junhao feels that the current time is a bit torturous!There are only 9 days left before September 1st. He feels that there are more and more things that need to be dealt with, and these things basically must be completed before this time, because once delayed, it may never be completed again. , this is a lot of pressure!
(End of this chapter)

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