Shadow Spy

Chapter 193 Take action in front of the lonely army camp

Chapter 193 Take action in front of the lonely army camp

This morning, Li Junhao took the escort directly and drove to Jiaozhou Park.

He thought of the last tragic experiences of the eight hundred heroes in his previous life, and couldn't help but sigh that these people were all heroes. Even if there were several traitors who were bribed in history, it was because the Kuomintang government was so incompetent that it was enough. I ignored them for four years and drained the hero's blood!
In his previous life, at five o'clock in the morning on April 1941, 4, Xie Jinyuan led the soldiers in morning exercises as usual. Four soldiers, including Hao Dingcheng, Zhang Wenqing, Long Yaoliang, and Zhang Guoshun, who had been bribed by the Wang puppet, were late on purpose on purpose and were reprimanded by him. The four conspirators suddenly pulled out their murderous weapons and stabbed each other...

A generation of anti-Japanese heroes died in grief and indignation at the age of only 37.

Xie Jinyuan's adjutant, Shangguan Zhibiao, rescued Xie Jinyuan and was also seriously injured.

Later, when the Pacific War broke out and the concession fell, the lone officers and soldiers refused to join the puppet army of Wang's puppet regime. The Japanese army took them to the suburbs of Shanghai to dig trenches and do hard work, and soon they were imprisoned in Nanjing Laohuqiao Prison.

During this period, the lone officers and soldiers continued to collectively protest against the atrocities of the Japanese army. The Japanese army finally decided to detain, enslave, and mutilate them...

By the time of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, there were still more than 80 "Eight Hundred Warriors" left, and the lone officers and soldiers living overseas and across the country also returned to Shanghai, and life became extremely difficult.

Tang Enbo, the headquarters of the Third Front Army of the Kuomintang, called the lone officers and soldiers to a meeting at the Shanghai Guangming Grand Theater to mobilize them to return to the army to serve. However, the officers and soldiers said: Enough has been fought and they do not want to fight anymore!

So the Kuomintang government ignored them.

In the days that followed, Xie Jinyuan's widow, Ling Weicheng, was very worried about the situation in which the surviving officers and soldiers of the solitary camp could only rely on meager relief funds. She ran around and held press conferences to appeal to all walks of life to care for the homeless officers and soldiers. .

In March 1947, the Shanghai Municipal Government finally agreed to hand over the management of Dada Pier to Gujun, so that they could have some income to make ends meet.

After liberation, only Shangguan Zhibiao and three others went to Taiwan. The rest of the isolated officers and soldiers stayed on the mainland, and most of them returned to their hometowns to work in farming.

The remaining officers and soldiers later suffered some unfair treatment, but they were all rehabilitated after the reform and opening up.

On December 2010, 12, Yang Yangzheng, the last lone veteran, died of illness in Chongqing at the age of 16.

The man is gone, but the hero never dies.The sad song soars and the wind sobs.

The spirit of the "Eight Hundred Warriors" is a beacon, a fire, and a legend set by history for us.

Now, Li Junhao has found a way to relieve them of their difficulties in advance. He wants to change the tragic ending of these heroes so that they can continue to be proud of the world. Even if they die, they will be on the battlefield and will not be tortured or killed by the Japanese!In the end, the hero ended up in a state of twilight! ——
When Li Junhao's motorcade arrived at the gate of Gujun Camp, the flag-raising and morning exercises organized by Xie Jinyuan had ended. Many soldiers noticed the motorcade arriving in front of the gate. At first, they thought they were condolences for the Shanghai people, but then they discovered It turned out to be heavily armed police and US troops, so be alert immediately!

The officers and soldiers in the solitary camp lined up again under Xie Jinyuan's order. Many of them were already preparing to face their final fate. Basically, everyone hid wooden sticks and bamboo thorns on their bodies and prepared to fight to the death...

But something surprising happened to them!
When Li Junhao got out of the car, the Belarusian soldiers of the All Nations Merchant Corps who were responsible for guarding the gate of the Lone Army Camp immediately came forward to stop him. Four tall Belarusian soldiers actually raised their Shui Lianzhu (Mosin Nagant) rifles... Jieqi He and Nick immediately became furious. He took two steps forward and raised the M1928A1 submachine gun in his hand. He pulled the bolt and loaded the gun with a "crash" sound, and pointed it at the White Russian soldiers in front of him... and the other escorts immediately rushed over, pistols, The submachine guns were raised and lined up in front of Li Junhao. No one flinched!

The four White Russian soldiers were dumbfounded, and the hands holding their rifles began to tremble...

At this time, a Belarusian officer walked out of the guard box next to him. When he saw this, he immediately shouted...

Li Junhao understands Russian, and the meaning is: Who are you?How dare you break into the defense zone of our Belarusian team?

Um?He frowned, what's going on?Didn’t the All Nations Business Group notify the Belarusian team?

Before he could speak, the White Russian officer on the opposite side immediately shouted again: "You patrolmen are here to take care of our White Russian team's affairs. Are you tired of living?"

At this time, Li Junhao was annoyed. The White Russian team, which was just a militia unit of the All Nations Merchant Group, was so arrogant!Is this beyond the control of the Merchant Group Headquarters?
He took two steps forward, pushed aside the defense team in front of him, walked to the front of the queue, and said in Russian: "I am the police chief of the concession and the assistant military attache of the U.S. Consulate General. I am now ordered to take over this place..."

"Who do I care who you are?" the White Russian officer shouted, "This is our territory. If you want to see those dirty pigs inside, you must first visit our captain and pay enough money..."

Li Junhao's eyes immediately sharpened, and he said coldly: "The captain of your Belarusian team can only let me in after collecting money?"

"Of course! This is the rule." The Belarusian officer said contemptuously.

"Then you can go die!" Before Li Junhao's cold voice fell, an M1935 pistol appeared in his hand, and with one "bang" shot, the Belarusian officer was shot in the head!

Before the other four White Russian soldiers could react, Jieqi, Nick and several escorts in the front row started shooting. A burst of fire beat the four of them into pieces!
Then, Li Junhao's voice said: "Take over the military camp and arrest all the Belarusian soldiers. If there is resistance, shoot to death!"

"Yes, sir!" the team members agreed, and immediately dispersed, running towards the White Russians on duty at other positions, while gunfire continued...
The scene that happened at the gate shocked the officers and soldiers of the Lone Army Camp. For a moment, they had no idea what was happening!
When Li Junhao stepped into the camp, he saw a simple dirt playground, with more than a dozen dilapidated wooden houses inside. There was a short flagpole in front of the house, but there was no flag on it now.

Hundreds of ragged national army soldiers were lined up on the playground. They all looked sallow and thin, obviously suffering from long-term malnutrition...

Standing under the flagpole were several similarly ragged men, who should be the legendary officers.

The eyes of the people in the queue were all looking at their group coming in from the outside. No one spoke or moved, and the place was completely silent.

Seeing these ragged officers and soldiers in front of him, who still insisted on wearing old military caps and bearing the blue sky and white sun emblem, Li Junhao was touched in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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