Shadow Spy

Chapter 202: Current Situation Under the Declaration of Neutrality

Chapter 202: Current Situation Under the Declaration of Neutrality

Just as Ayers and Li Junhao were receiving the German Consul General and Military Attache respectively, on that day (September 9) in the United States, the 5nd U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave a radio speech, announcing in a helpless tone: The U.S. government will strictly implement the revised version of the Neutrality Act of May 32, adhere to the principle of neutrality, and will not intervene in wars in Europe.

The U.S. Neutrality Act, revised in May 1937, in addition to prohibiting the government and military from participating in wars that do not involve the country's fundamental interests, also prohibits U.S. companies and individuals from assisting the belligerent countries, and even prohibits U.S. citizens from traveling on the warplanes of the belligerent countries. Ships go abroad. (The biggest loophole in this version of the neutrality law, or a deliberately left gap, is that it does not prohibit the government from assisting the participating countries.)
The United States issued a declaration of neutrality in the European war. Countries represented by the United Kingdom expressed regret, while countries led by Germany and Japan expressed appreciation. Other countries and forces had mixed reactions.
On the Shanghai side, it was not until evening that the U.S. Consulate General received news from the country. Everyone could only look at each other and smile bitterly, but there was nothing they could do about it—the mountain of isolationism was not so easy to move away.

Ayres called Kelton and Li Junhao to the office for a small meeting and asked them about their views on the European war. Of course, Li Junhao still insisted on his previous judgment - Germany would win quickly and the result would be seen within a month!

Kelton also insisted on his opinion, believing that after all, Poland has more than 100 million regular troops, more than 800 light tanks, more than 4000 artillery pieces, and more than 400 aircraft. Even if it cannot be defeated, it can still persist for a period of time. The German army wants It will take at least half a year to fully occupy Poland; and he has also communicated with his comrades at home, and several general friends also have this opinion.

Li Junhao didn't bother to refute, but instead diverted his attention because there was a piece of information in an intelligence briefing he just picked up that piqued his interest - the Nomenkan Incident.
As early as May 5, the Japanese Kwantung Army ordered the "Manchuria Army" to attack the Mongolian People's Republic garrison near Nomenkan, provoking the Nomenkan Incident.Afterwards, the armies of Japan and the Soviet Union fought on behalf of "Puppet Manchukuo" and "Mongolia" respectively, but neither Japan nor the Soviet Union formally declared war on the other side.

Large-scale fighting lasted from July to the end of August. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses again, with more than 1.7 casualties. The 23rd Division was almost wiped out, and only about 2000 soldiers were left to successfully break through.


Unexpectedly, the European War broke out on September 9, and then on September 1, the Japanese base camp stopped follow-up operations.

Li Junhao knew that the Nomenkan incident was over. In the following days, Japan and the Soviet Union would sign a formal ceasefire agreement. From then on, until the end of World War II and Japan's surrender, there was no large-scale battle between the two sides.

Speaking of which, although this battle ended with the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army, the Japanese army's losses were not large for a national-level war, but the impact of this battle was extremely far-reaching!
The Japanese Kwantung Army, which was discouraged by the Soviet army, completely gave up its attempt to invade the west, which in turn prompted the Japanese army as a whole to abandon the "Northward Advance Strategy" and choose the "Southern Advance" - attacking Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands to seize the Accounted for American and Dutch colonies.

In order to fear an active attack by the United States, the Japanese navy took the initiative and attacked Pearl Harbor, prompting all political forces in the United States to reach a consensus, abandon the isolationist policy, declare war on Japan, declare war on fascist countries such as Germany and Italy, and officially join the Allied camp. , leading to the reversal of the situation in World War II, the collapse of the Axis system, and the collapse of the fascist camp.Later generations of Japanese historians called this war "the biggest defeat in the history of the Japanese army", while scholars from other countries believed that the Japanese repeatedly picked the wrong opponents during World War II, always trying to make big gains with small things, and were ultimately destroyed by arrogance. crazy!
Ayers agreed with Kelton's point of view in his heart, but he also felt that Ogg's predictions were always magically verified. He didn't want to be slapped in the face in the future, so he changed the topic and asked about the two people's comments on the president of the country. What do you think of the Declaration of Neutrality?
Kelton has a typical military character. Although he has been a military attache stationed abroad for several years, his temper is still that of the Army. He immediately said: "I think the president is too soft. Those 'gentles' on Capitol Hill don't agree, so they just want to The best way to force them to agree is to use the presidential prerogative to send out all the Marines to fight. After a few battles, wait until Germany declares war on us first. Do you think the congressmen agree?"

Ayres shook his head, feeling that his words were unreliable, but he did not comment on it.

"Rick, this is a good idea!" Li Junhao agreed, "It's just that the current Marine Corps is too weak. If they are drawn out to the battlefield, especially the European battlefield, they will probably be wiped out! Well, Same goes for the Army!”

His words are well-founded. Currently, the total number of the U.S. Army is only 17.4, 3/4 of which are deployed on the mainland, and the other 1/4 is in Hawaii, the Philippines, and the Panama Canal Zone. When this amount of troops is put into the battlefield, it will not even make a splash. Don't get up!

In comparison, the British Army has 110 million men, the French Army has more than 100 million men, and the German Army has more than 200 million men.

At this time, the U.S. military's equipment was also seriously lagging behind. Here is an example to illustrate its dilemma:
Army Chief of Staff General MacArthur began lobbying Congress for funding to upgrade modern equipment in 1932. Until 1938, Congress allocated more funding to the Army for mules, horses, and animal-drawn vehicles than for armored vehicles!
The super irony is that the United States has long entered the automobile society. The number of motor vehicles in 1939 exceeded 3100 million, but the Army still mainly relies on hooves instead of wheels, and feed instead of oil. Isn’t it ridiculous?

The Japanese Navy has 6 aircraft carriers, 10 battleships, 33 cruisers, and about 100 destroyers.

In comparison, the U.S. Marine Corps at this time only had 18325 people, and the weak ones could be ignored!

(End of this chapter)

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