Shadow Spy

Chapter 205 War Mode and Expansion

Chapter 205 War Mode and Expansion

After the war, Germany occupied western and southern Poland and controlled more than half of the Polish population; the Soviet Union occupied eastern Poland and more than one-third of the Polish population.

In this short war, which lasted for 35 days (actually it ended in 28 days), 6.63 Polish soldiers were killed, 13.37 were injured, 42 were captured by the Germans, and 24 were captured by the Soviets; a Europe at the level of World War I " The "military power" was destroyed at a speed that shocked the world when its allies refused to save them!

During this period, what were the countries that had declared war on Germany doing?Why no attack?
On September 9rd, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and New Zealand declared war on Germany.

On the 4th, Nepal, Newfoundland, and Tonga declared war on Germany.

On the 6th, South Africa declared war on Germany.

On the 10th, Canada declared war on Germany.

A simple glance shows that, with the exception of France, the other countries that have declared war on Germany are all Commonwealth countries (countries that have gained independent status from former colonies and still regard the United Kingdom as their suzerainty and the British King as their head of state).

For a month, 115 divisions and millions of British and French troops sat quietly outside the German border without any offensive behavior. However, there were only 25 German troops defending behind the opposite border...

Oh, no, the UK has a rather bizarre operation! ——During this period, British bombers flew over the Germans many times and dropped 13 million leaflets with a total weight of 1200 tons, calling for peace!
After the German-Polish War, an American congressman called it a "false war", the British and French people called it a "funny war", and the Germans called it a "stalemate war" and a "sitting war"!
In the eyes of people in other countries, this was an incomprehensible and even ridiculous war, and the only victim, Poland, disappeared from the map of Europe.
In this German-Polish War, the German army successfully used blitzkrieg for the first time, which showed the power of the tank corps to carry out rapid assaults in coordination with the aviation force, which shocked the whole world.

It started its offensive on September 9. At that time, most Western countries did not believe that Germany could quickly capture Poland, especially the United Kingdom and France. The main reason why they did not counterattack Germany was because they believed that Poland could hold on. For a period of time, let them be more fully prepared for war; another reason is to hope that the disaster will move eastward, hoping that after Germany captures Poland, it will directly confront the powerful Red Soviet Union.

But what I didn't expect was that Germany first sent 2000 new fighter planes to conduct a strategic bombing of Poland, directly wiping out the poor 400 old planes of the Polish Air Force; after seizing air supremacy, the 160 million German troops attacked in two directions, north and south. Mechanized advancement was carried out in the territory, and a large number of tanks and armored vehicles seemed to have entered no man's land. Poland's so-called hundreds of thousands of cavalry had no ability to resist.

Only five days after the war began, Poland had actually lost the power to resist. All that was left was to let Germany obediently occupy their cities and population until its capital, Warsaw, was captured. Everything was a foregone conclusion. Britain and France It’s too late to take any action! ——

At a special session of Congress held on September 9, Roosevelt attempted to use the disaster that the embargo policy had brought to the United States—"the partial burning of the Capitol in 21" to persuade Congress to abolish the embargo clause in the Neutrality Act, and at the same time claimed that "Of course, reviewing this point for you is just retelling history."

For this reason, fierce debates began inside and outside Congress. There was a dispute, but Roosevelt's proposal was not immediately passed.Ayers and others in Shanghai were helpless after hearing the news. Only Li Junhao was too lazy to care about it and devoted himself to his own affairs.At this time, he did not know that with the joint efforts of many forces, the Far East Independent Regiment he proposed to form had been included in the expansion plan, and it was a large regiment with up to 3500 people!

Moreover, the 15th Marine and Land Regiment and the 3000th Army Infantry Regiment (Tinmen) originally stationed in China have been included in the expansion, and their staffing has doubled to [-] people (excluding their respective personnel staying in the country). ).

In this way, on October 10, the same day that Poland formally surrendered, 6 soldiers who formed the 2000th Marine and Land Regiment, 327 soldiers who supplemented the 1700th Marine and Land Regiment, and 1800 soldiers who supplemented the 15th Infantry Regiment, boarded the U.S. mainland. The warships added to the Far East Fleet are heading towards China all the way.
On Sunday, October 10, Li Junhao commandeered the racecourse again!
At 3500 o'clock in the morning, in addition to the necessary personnel on duty, 400 police officers from the police department, plus [-] people from the newly established rapid response brigade, gathered at the racecourse to hold the founding meeting of the concession police station.

During this period, the public security of the concession was temporarily taken care of by the Far East Independence Group, the International Business Group, and the British and American troops.

Witnessed by the directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, heads of various departments, and thousands of industrial and commercial representatives, cultural and educational representatives, community representatives, and ordinary people, Li Junhao, dressed in a straight chief police uniform, announced to the police officers lined up in the field that from now on Since then, the Public Concession Police Department and patrol houses have been reorganized into the Concession Police Station. All patrol officers have been renamed police officers, and the "Police Ordinance" and the new police rank system have been implemented. The headquarters of the police station is the former central arrest house, and the original branch arrest houses have been changed to sub-bureaus.

Later, Grange Snow, General Director of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Deputy Consul General of the United Kingdom in Shanghai, delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, saying that with the establishment of the police station, the order and security environment of the concession had a new beginning!Mr. Ognyan Lee Panson, the police supervisor of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, also serves as the chief of police, which also shows that the board of directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau attaches great importance to the police station. It is believed that under the leadership of Director Panson, the police station can well fulfill its duties of maintaining law and order, It is the important task to ensure the safety of the concession. To this end, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce will give it its full support and trust.

Then, the director of the Ministry of Industry Bureau personally awarded the senior police officer the new police title:
Deputy Police Chief Berry Weber (USA), Chief Superintendent.

Director of the Command Room (Director's Office) Brown Kester (USA), Superintendent.

Director of the Department of Justice Ove Fast (Netherlands), Senior Superintendent.

Wang Renqiang, Director of Investigation Department, Senior Superintendent of Police.


As for the awarding of other police officers, it is done within the police department.

(End of this chapter)

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