Shadow Spy

Chapter 21 There are also secretaries and assistants

Chapter 21 There are also secretaries and assistants

A few minutes later, Li Junhao sat in an office on the easternmost side of the second floor, enjoying the treatment of a third secretary. Although the area was less than 15 square meters, it was fully equipped with desks, bookshelves, filing cabinets, safes, and visitor chairs. It gave him his own independent space; it was also a suite. He was inside, and there was a smaller cubicle outside. Two desks faced each other across the middle corridor, which were the positions of the secretary and assistant.

Although he is only a first-class attaché enjoying the treatment of Third Secretary, he is also one of the top twenty official diplomats in the Consulate General in Shanghai and enjoys diplomatic privileges and immunities. Therefore, once he officially takes office, he will also have his own subordinate team. , with secretaries, assistants and a car (a 1935 Ford sedan, two years old).

Secretary Milia Degado is a 24-year-old Californian girl who graduated from a university with a major in administration. She has been working in the business office for a year and a half and has been working as a junior secretary in the Commerce Department. This time she was transferred to a full-time secretary and was promoted.

Bodyguard and assistant Brown Kester is a black guy from New Jersey. He is 23 years old. He graduated from college preparatory school. He has one year of military experience in the Marine Corps. He still has a military job. He used to work in the business office as a driver and bodyguard. From this aspect, if he can be transferred as an assistant, he should be taken care of by someone.

We are all young people, and we quickly became friendly. After introducing each other and talking, we got along well.
After chatting for a while, he returned to his office and checked the system panel. As expected, new information appeared: "Host successfully joined the company and was rewarded with 100 gold coins."

This piece of information confirmed his thoughts: The system has hidden tasks, but they only know about them after they are completed; as for those that cannot be completed, I am afraid they will not be displayed.

From this aspect, it seems that this is a good idea. If I go out more in the future, I might be able to trigger more hidden tasks. Although the rewards are not many once or twice, there are so many things going on in Shanghai now. !I think the harvest will be great, now I have 100 more gold coins!
Seeing that it was noon, Hernan and Chris, as old employees, naturally knocked on the door and led him to the restaurant for dinner, constantly introducing their new boss to their colleagues along the way.

Li Junhao greeted all his colleagues politely. With the help of smart glasses and strong memory, he remembered everyone he met. Some of them had yellow light spots, which were obviously hostile.This is interesting. I just came here to report and I shouldn’t have offended anyone. So these are from hostile factions?But, which faction do you belong to?
The Consulate General has its own kitchen and restaurant, employing professional chefs, and all staff can eat here for free.Of course, formal diplomats and several administrative directors have separate small restaurants. The food here is of course much more exquisite than the large restaurant used by the staff. Even champagne, red wine, and coffee are provided in unlimited quantities!No matter which restaurant it is, meals and drinks are free, including Coca-Cola.

As a newcomer, Li Junhao did not go to the small restaurant alone. Instead, he ate in the large restaurant with Hernan and Chris. He sat with some colleagues from the business office and chatted while eating, because he was young and had an easy-going personality. , chatting interestingly, and quickly became familiar with everyone; as a formal diplomat, he has no airs, and has won unanimous praise from colleagues.

Because the consulate employs many Chinese as grassroots staff, the restaurant also serves Chinese food and has a dedicated Chinese chef. However, since it was his first time to eat here, Li Junhao decided to eat Western food and ate two steaks and a large A salad and a bowl of cream of mushroom soup, but without wine or coffee - it's not that he doesn't drink, but that he has no love for champagne and red wine, and he doesn't want to drink too much coffee.However, because there was wine in the restaurant, it reminded him of beer and made him feel a little anxious.After asking the waiter in the restaurant, they did have beer, but they were all yellow beer and dark beer, not white beer.Well, he ordered a can of American-made canned lager and followed Hernan and Chris back to the office while drinking it, just to quench his thirst!There wasn't even a kettle in the office, so he couldn't even drink tea. The assistant and secretary were both Americans. They only knew how to make coffee and cereal, but knew nothing about tea. He had to figure out a solution later.

Back in the office, Li Junhao drank beer and continued to look through the internal documents of the consulate that Chris had brought from the administrative department to understand the current situation and related work...
Because it is the weekend, there will only be two hours of work on Friday afternoon. Those who do not have emergency work can arrange their own operations.At 03:30 in the afternoon, Chris and Hernan came to ask if he was okay, and he learned about this rule.Of course it's okay. It would be great if we all get off work together!
When he went to work, he came in the hotel car, and when he got off work, he drove his own car. Although it was only an old car more than two years old, it was considered a successful class in this era, and it was also in Shanghai. High-end people.

It was convenient to have a car. It was less than four o'clock when he returned to the International Hotel, but he didn't want to go out anymore and was going to wait for Xiaohu to come back and see how the renting of the house was going.

I worked for most of the day today, listened to the lies of the political counselor, and reached an understanding with the first secretary of the commercial department. I officially joined the job and enjoyed the third secretary’s treatment of an independent office, secretary, assistant and car. Everything is on the preliminary stage. On the right track!However, he also sensitively discovered that there were some fishy things among the upper echelons of the consulate. However, because the time was still short, he didn't know many things yet, so he could only wait and see, and he was not in a hurry to take sides.
At around five o'clock, Xiaohu came back and brought back a lot of food as usual.

While the two were having dinner, Xiaohu told him that he had found two more suitable houses and could view them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This was of course good news.

However, Xiaohu's next words made him a little unhappy - the big boss asked Xiaohu to help him get a house and then returned to Phoenix Village, but he didn't say why.

In this regard, Li Junhao had some guesses. It should be that the elders of Fenghuang Village were dissatisfied with the Lei brothers and sisters cooperating with him, a foreigner. The other party wanted to sever the relationship!This is a pity for him. Although this team is not large in scale, it still has combat capabilities. The previous cooperation was also good. He originally thought that they could cooperate for a long time, but unexpectedly something happened.

well!There is nothing that can be done about it. Who made him travel through time and become a foreigner?

(End of this chapter)

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