Shadow Spy

Chapter 210 Ding and Li’s Thoughts

Chapter 210 Ding and Li’s thoughts

At five o'clock in the afternoon that day, Dingmo Village, who had just taken the bus from No. 76, was stopped by an agent at the door. After saying a few words and receiving a letter, he continued to let the driver drive away.

After returning home, he opened the letter and read it, but frowned. The letter was actually written by the deputy military attache of the U.S. Consulate General and the police chief of the public settlement. The tone was very gentle, but the things written were very sensitive—— Ask him to find a way to hand over the arrested military commander Dai Xingbing to the concession police station!

To be honest, Ding Mo Village does not object to making deals, especially with Americans, but the other party obviously does not have a transactional attitude. He did not even mention any reward, and just asked him to rescue people, as if it was what he should do!
After reading the letter again, he threw it aside and was about to ignore it, but he stopped after taking two steps, and suddenly thought: With the ability of Director Pan Sen, it is impossible not to know As for the current situation on No. 76, Li Shiqun has basically made himself empty. Even if he really promised to save people, he would probably fail because of Li Shiqun's obstruction... In this case, why would he come to find him?You should go to Li Shiqun!

Thinking of this, he quickly walked back to the table, took out the letter and read it carefully again. Indeed, it did not mention any remuneration or transaction!

Because of the change in mentality, his thoughts at this time were different from before. Instead, he felt that there were two possibilities in this situation: First, the other party did not think that Dingmo Village could accomplish this at all, so naturally there was no reward. The second possibility is that if this thing is done, there is indeed no reward, but it represents a favor!
The first possibility made him feel a little uncomfortable, but the second possibility made him excited!
After some ideological struggle, Ding Mocun decided to give it a try. If he could really rescue Dai Xingbing, it would be nice to get a favor from Mr. Pan Sen. Maybe he could save his life sometime!

Oh, one more thing, Dai Xingbing is also an old acquaintance of his, so he should help him when he is in trouble, right?Of course, the latter reason... well, it can be regarded as a reason!
Li Junhao didn't know what choice Ding Mocun would make after receiving the letter, but he had already begun to make secondary preparations - to raid No. 76 and rescue by force.

Of course, this was a matter for the military commander, and there was no need for him to take risks, but he was a little obsessed. Why were these traitorous agents on the 76th making trouble in Shanghai?Historically, this devil's cave killed countless anti-Japanese martyrs and did many bad things. However, after the war, many people used various methods to escape trial, which is unacceptable!
There is another reason. A few months ago, he took the initiative to give up the opportunity to assassinate Wang Ni because he believed in the military commander, but they screwed him up. Now that he has no chance to kill Wang Ni, he will start with Let the traitors on No. 76 start!By the way, it can also test the actual combat capabilities of the newly established Wolf Warrior Brigade.

To this end, he spent several days in the military camp in Jiaozhou Park, recruiting the officers of the Wolf Warrior Brigade to study the raid plan; in the end, even the middle and senior officers of the Independent Regiment joined in, and everyone helped make plans. They all asked for a fight and vowed to destroy this traitorous organization!
After three days of discussions and deductions, a detailed combat plan was released. From personnel organization and equipment determination to implementation steps and evacuation plans, a simulation exercise was conducted on the fourth day to prepare for the subsequent Take action within days.

Just after a day of simulation training, an "unexpected" news came - Dingmo Village responded to the letter and agreed to help rescue Dai Xingbing without even mentioning conditions!
After receiving this information, Li Junhao did not stop the simulation training of the Wolf Warriors Brigade. Instead, he considered the authenticity of this matter and waited to see what would happen.
Ding Mocun, who had made the decision, really worked hard. Although his prestige in No. 76 is not high now, he still has dozens of confidants. After getting off work on the evening of the 15th, through arrangements, he avoided most of Li Shiqun's eyes and ears and entered the special treatment room where Dai Xingbing was held in solitary confinement (a place where arrested persons who are valuable or who are expected to surrender have good living conditions under house arrest). Said: I now hope to establish a tacit understanding with Chongqing to avoid hurting each other in subsequent actions. To this end, I hope General Dai can be a middleman and pass information to the military command headquarters.

Dai Xingbing was very surprised by Ding Mo Village's expression, but then he realized that things seemed to have changed. There should be an external force that changed Ding Mo Village's attitude. He judged that someone from the outside world should be trying to rescue him!As for what he said about establishing a tacit understanding with Chongqing, he didn't believe it at all - Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, killing so many military commanders, central commanders and anti-Japanese martyrs, and stained them with the blood of their colleagues and compatriots. Hong himself was the most powerful person on Wang Puppet's side, and no one could order them to be let go.

Of course, Ding Mocun's behavior was purposeful. He knew that it would be impossible for him to let Dai Xingbing go privately. Even before he and Dai left No. 76, they would be detained by Li Shiqun's henchmen. , and then bring the matter to the Japanese, and what awaits him will be a cold bullet.

Therefore, he adopted a curved approach - he believed that what he said to Dai Xingbing now would soon reach Li Shiqun's ears.He still knows his partner very well, and knows that his joining the Japanese and Wang Puppet is not because of some idea of ​​"saving the country through curves", but because of pure desire for power and money!Li Shiqun would definitely be happy if there were fewer harmful factors in this process!
It has to be said that Ding Mocun had a good grasp of Li Shiqun's character. When he left the preferential treatment room an hour later with a handwritten letter written by Dai Xingbing, he saw Li Shiqun, who had already left work, appearing not far away.

Both of them are old spies, and they know their respective positions very clearly. There is no need to be polite. Li Shiqun immediately asked Ding Mocun why he did this?
Ding Mocun also told the truth. He received a letter from Director Pan Sen of the public concession asking him to help rescue Dai Xingbing. He decided to do this to leave an extra way out for the future.In his words, he deliberately revealed that he had no hope of staying in No. 76 and hoped that he would not encounter endless assassination operations by military commanders when he went to other departments.

Li Shiqun was also moved after hearing this. He felt that what Ding Mocun said was very pathological. He was worried about the retaliatory actions of the military commander. If Dai Xingbing was spared, he could achieve the purpose of reducing trouble, which would not be a bad thing!

(End of this chapter)

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