Shadow Spy

Chapter 215 Incompetent Fury Zhang Xiaolin

Chapter 215 Incompetent Fury Zhang Xiaolin
Because of the powerful measures of the concession police, the Shanghai Gang headed by the Qing Gang was hit hard, but for a while there was nothing that could be done about its leader, Director Pan Sen. But of course it could not be over, and a group of big guys began to discuss privately.

In this incident, the Green Gang members of Zhang Xiaolin's faction suffered the greatest losses.

Boss Zhang was very angry. This was not the first time that he was assassinated by the military commander, and the situation became more and more serious every time. This time, more than a dozen people attacked his convoy in the street with shell guns and submachine guns!Although he was fine and killed most of the killers, the bodyguards suffered heavy losses, with more than a dozen dead and more than 20 injured, and the leading killer ran away!

Because the police station in the public concession now has strict rules, Zhang Xiaolin hadn't figured out how to contact it and find the murderer. The newspapers hiding in the concession actually said that his assassination was deserved!It's the fate of being a traitor... I even regret that I didn't kill myself!How can Mr. Zhang tolerate this?However, as soon as he asked his disciples to warn the newspaper offices, they were suppressed by the concession patrol and the army!
The problem in the French Concession is not big. With the help of "friends" from all walks of life, the key personnel have been released. As for the remaining minions, they were released after spending two days in the prison cells; but here in the Public Concession, there are Trouble is, that Director Pan Sen doesn’t give anyone any face, and won’t let anyone go alive or dead!

Originally, it was not a big deal for these disciples to be arrested. Although Zhang Xiaolin had fewer disciples and grandsons than Huang Huangrong and Du Yuesheng, there were still tens of thousands of them. But in this case, where would he put the dignity of Boss Zhang?And, more importantly, many of those arrested were business leaders in the concession. The sudden loss of so many people in charge affected his ability to make money!
After joining the Japanese, Zhang Xiaolin moved to the Japanese Concession for his own safety and did not dare to enter the other two concessions. When something happened, he could only ask for help.Huang Jinrong lives in seclusion in the French Concession and does not have enough influence on the public concession. Then he can look for Du Yuesheng. Although he is currently living in Hong Kong, his chief butler Wan Molin is in the public concession and should be able to help. .
Wan Molin had a headache after receiving Zhang Xiaolin's request for help. He really didn't want to deal with this matter, but after all, it was considered a matter of the Qing Gang, and Zhang Xiaolin's seniority was so high that even if he became a traitor, he was still a prominent figure in the Qing Gang. Let him It’s really hard to say no.But what to do about this matter?

He thought for a long time and remembered one thing. At the end of May, Wu Shaoshu in Chongqing was arrested. Stationmaster Liu of the Military Command's Shanghai-Hai Station found someone to rescue him. He was later responsible for the subsequent resettlement. This shows that Liu Nianwu is in the police station... no, he has very strong connections in the police station now, so let's ask him for help!
Wen Qiang bluntly told the visiting Wan Molin: This is a matter decided by Director Pan Sen, and it is useless to ask anyone!

After receiving the reply, Zhang Xiaolin was so angry that he had no choice but to ask the Japanese for help.Unexpectedly, the little devil also said that there was no other way and asked him to wait. He also said that the current world situation is still unclear and Japan needs to determine the future pattern before adjusting its attitude towards the concession...

It was originally an itchy tooth, but now it was a direct pain in the liver. Zhang Xiaolin could only curse angrily and helplessly. After throwing a bunch of things, he thought angrily: These are nothing! …

well!It's better to wait, I don't believe it anymore, can the Concession Police Station lock people up for life?The only trouble is that those businesses in the concession need to be quickly arranged for people to take over, otherwise it will affect their ability to make money!
Li Junhao is actually also concerned about Zhang Xiaolin's business...or the pornography, gambling, and drug business of all gangs and organizations!He really wanted to clean up all these harmful things within his jurisdiction in one fell swoop, but he was unable to do so. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, but once he did it, the backlash would be too great!
Let’s talk about tobacco, which is the most harmful thing at present. There are currently no less than dozens of forces running this business in Shanghai. There are businessmen from Britain, India, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Russia and other countries abroad. Other places in China have sent business to Shanghai. Those who transport the cigarettes include important officials of the National Government, military generals, large financial groups, large families, and even military commanders, central commanders and local factions, as well as many green forest strongmen and independent gangs!
Various gangs are responsible for this business in Shanghai. Of course, the Qing Gang has the largest share. The three major gangs all do this business without exception. There are countless other gangs and small gangs involved in it.

Since the establishment of Wang Puppet Agent No. 76 Headquarters, with the consent of Li Shiqun, Wu Sibao, the captain of the No. 76 Guard Brigade, has not only collected protection fees from those with weak backgrounds in the pornography, gambling, and drug businesses in Shanghai, but has also directly engaged in tobacco smuggling. , distribution business, making huge profits every month.Li Shiqun received dividends from Wu Sibao's business, so of course he protected and supported this "junior brother".

Another person who has done a great job in the tobacco business is the Japanese!
After the Japanese army fully invaded China, various forces in Japan united and established an agency in Shanghai in March of the 1938th year of the Republic of China ([-]) that specialized in transporting cigarette smoke to China and poisoning the Chinese people while making money. - Central China Hongji Shantang, controlled by Japanese Satomi Fu and Sheng Laosi (named Enyi, the fourth son of Sheng Xuanhuai).

According to later documents, in 1938 alone, Huazhong Hongji Shantang imported 2000 boxes of opium to Shanghai and Hainan, with each box weighing 72 kilograms (approximately 159 pounds or 2304 taels in the Republic of China). According to Shanghai and Hainan, every tael (31.25 grams) ) The price of tobacco is 18 French currency, and the sales volume reached 8294.4 million yuan!At that time, these cigarettes were stored in the warehouse of the General Administration of Smoking Smoking of the Pseudo-Reformation Government. The import cost per tael was 7 yuan, the storage fee was 0.3 yuan, the tax was 1.2 yuan, and the expenses were 2.5 yuan. The net profit was 7 yuan per tael. He sold the tobacco in Shanghai. The net profit reached 3225.6 million French currency!
In fact, the amount of opium imported to China by Central China Hongji Shantang is far more than this.In addition to Shanghai and Shanghai, there are hundreds of large and small opium dens in Jinling and Wuxi in central China, while there are more than 500 in Suzhou and 340 in Jiangcheng.Taking Jiangcheng as an example, more than 60 taels of tobacco are sold in a year!

If the headquarters of Huazhong Hongjitang were not in the Japanese war zone, Li Junhao would have given it away long ago!Now, the Wolf Warriors team he formed is undergoing intense training. Once he finds a suitable opportunity, he will personally lead the team and launch a night raid on the rental industry to completely destroy this evil organization!
However, at the moment, the first thing he has to do is to attack Zhang Xiaolin, the arrogant Qing Gang leader. Historically, this guy was only killed by Lin Huaibu, who was bribed by the military command, in August next year. He can't wait any longer and is ready to do it himself. , destroy this big traitor as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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