Shadow Spy

Chapter 225 Major progress in the investigation

Chapter 225 Major progress in the investigation

Before getting off work, Wang Renqiang came over and reported that Detective Section Chief Qin Bangcheng had found out that the 12 gunmen entered Fuxi Road from the direction of the French Concession, so he took people to the French Concession in the hope of finding out where these people were. point……

In addition, an informant from the Intelligence Section reported that someone had discovered the three tattooed men in Shinan District, and Section Chief Green had already taken them there...

The Operations Section is not idle either. Jiang Anhua led people to secretly arrest the four agents of No. 76 and are interrogating them in a safe house outside the police station. I believe there will be news soon...

With so many clues and the fact that the internal affairs chief went to the telephone company to investigate, Wang Renqiang believed that the assassination incident would soon be revealed.Seeing that it was getting late, he asked Li Junhao to go home first and he would watch at the police station.

Of course Li Junhao believed in his ability. He took out a large stack of French currency and handed it over without counting how much it was. He said: "Old Wang, take these and buy cigarettes, extra meals and overtime for the brothers." Don’t let everyone’s work go in vain. In addition, if anyone is in trouble, he must tell me that I am not short of money, and I will never let my brothers get into trouble because of money!”

"Thank you, boss!" Wang Renqiang happily took it. He had also seen money, and he estimated it as soon as he got started. A 50-yuan denomination of French currency would be at least fifteen thousand. The boss is so generous!This makes him feel that his current job is not only beautiful, but also very lucrative! ——
On the morning of Tuesday, October 10, while Li Junhao was still having breakfast in the mansion, thousands of miles away at the Tianjin Pier, half of the staff of the Peking Consulate General and all of the staff of the Tianjin Consulate who had been ordered to evacuate were queuing up to board. An American passenger ship was on board; not far away, more than 24 officers and soldiers of the 1200th Infantry Regiment were boarding a German passenger and cargo ship.

Both ships will set sail soon, but the passenger ship will sail back to North America. Although a group of diplomats stationed abroad are reluctant to leave the place where they have worked for several years, they are more happy and eager to go home; However, the passenger and cargo ship was going south along the coastline to Shanghai. The officers and soldiers were in very complicated moods. They were about to leave the city behind them. It was no longer a matter of reluctance, but they knew that an era was coming to an end - this The evacuation of them and the consulate this time was actually equivalent to giving up the concession in Tianjin.

The 1896th Infantry Regiment was established in 15. It was stationed in China for the first time in 1900 because of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. It was stationed in the American Concession in Jinmen, China for the second time in 1912. "The mission of the regiment is based on the 1901 Treaty of Xinchou." ", responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of the railway from BJ to the seaport, as well as the safety of personnel stationed in China." The reason why Tianjin was selected among a series of strategic locations is because it "will inevitably become an occupied area with permanent commercial value in the East in the future. one".

For most of the officers and soldiers of the 15th Infantry Regiment, their entire service career was spent in Jinmen. Here they enjoyed superior benefits, received double wages and allowances, and lived a luxurious life. , making them really unwilling to leave just now.Although they know that their new residence is the more prosperous city of Shanghai, it is not their territory. It is not easy to imagine the comfortable life before!
On the pier, many people saw off these Americans. The American consul in Tianjin said goodbye to the consuls from Britain, France and other countries before boarding the ship...

The British troops stationed in Tianjin had already evacuated early, and now the US troops have also left. The concession they left behind is already in an undefended state, which makes the consulates and expatriates of various countries feel anxious.

At this time, only the Japanese were happier, because they were about to dominate Tianjin.
At noon, as soon as Li Junhao finished his meal in the restaurant and returned to the office, Wang Renqiang hurriedly came with Huofen to report: The guy who was doing the monitoring in the phone company was caught!

"Oh? Tell me!" Li Junhao was very interested.

It turned out that the troublemaker appeared to be a Chinese engineer named Wu Yusheng, but in fact he was a Japanese named Sadahide Ida who had been in the company for five years. He had experience in studying in Europe, majored in telecommunications, and had very good skills;
Therefore, he was promoted from an ordinary technician to the chief engineer of the Fujian Road Station in five years. He had been secretly monitoring telegrams from important departments in the concession, and he did not know how much intelligence he had stolen...

More than a month ago, the company's deputy chief engineer resigned due to illness. Wu Yusheng was promoted and took over at the headquarters.It can be said that Wu Yusheng is an extremely successful lurker. In order to keep secrets, he uses his own technology and position convenience to send the information obtained directly to Nanjing every time, where there is a Japanese institute established specifically for him. The contact point does not have any lateral contact with other intelligence lines, so it is always safe.

Not long ago, one of the very few people in Shanghai who knew his identity, Akagi Oyashi, found him and asked him to provide information about the police chief of the public concession, focusing on his personal whereabouts...

He was very embarrassed at the time, but hesitantly accepted the order.

In fact, he already knew what happened in the French Concession and guessed what Akagi wanted to do, but as an intelligence agent with an ordinary background, he did not have the courage to reject an imperial noble!
After that, Wu Yusheng took advantage of his position to install a special device in the computer room of the Central Exchange, monitored the telephone lines of the police chief's office, and passed the information he heard last Sunday morning to Akagi Yoshiyuki...

Then an assassination occurred. He was very scared and wanted to dismantle the monitoring device, but he received a call from Akagi Yamiyuki, asking him to continue monitoring and understand the progress of Director Panson's investigation of the assassination.

In desperation, he could only prepare to listen for a few more days, collect some information and tell it to the other party, and then dismantle the device... But he didn't expect to be caught so soon!

After hearing this, Li Junhao laughed. This is a talent!He asked: "What do you think we should do now?"

Wang Renqiang saw Huo Fen's hesitation and said for him: "Boss, Section Chief Huo Fen thinks this guy's skills are very good. If he can use them for his own use, he will create greater value..."

Li Junhao saw Huo Fen's expression of agreement and asked, "Tlepp, tell me what you think."

"Yes, boss." Huo Fen said immediately: "This Wu Yusheng has worked in almost all nine bureaus of the Shanghai Company in five years, and has left a secret hand in all of them. As long as he is willing, he can control the inside and outside of the concession at any time. , almost all telephone communications, weaving a huge eavesdropping network...

"As long as we conquer it, we can control this network in our hands!

"That situation..."

(End of this chapter)

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