Shadow Spy

Chapter 230: Winning the Heart of the 15th Regiment

Chapter 230: Winning the Heart of the 15th Regiment

Li Junhao just wants to let the 15th Infantry Regiment, which has seriously deteriorated, feel the hardship again, and this has just begun. What will follow will be a three-month military training, and the officers and soldiers who cannot complete it will be directly expelled!

Before formal training, all these people must be examined and treated - in their corrupt life in Jinmen, many of them had internal diseases; those whose conditions are more serious and cannot be cured do not need to wait until formal training. training, you will be expelled directly.

This time Li Junhao sent for all American doctors to examine and treat the officers and soldiers of the 15th Regiment. Although the number was a little smaller, less than 30 people, these were all the American doctors and nursing staff in the concession. If no one is invited, let the people of Group 15 take care of themselves!

The reason why he didn't invite doctors from other countries was because Li Junhao thought it was too embarrassing!Of course, he also knew that this was a bit of a cover-up, but it had some effect.

When the American doctors knew they were doing physical examinations for American soldiers, they were quite happy at first. After all, they were in a foreign country and could serve so many compatriots. They could also chat and talk about their hometown. However, they were told to focus on checking for internal diseases. I felt bad at the time, but now that I'm here, I can only hold my nose and get in there.

It took two full days to check 1200 officers and soldiers, and the results did not surprise him. More than 300 of them had internal diseases.If this result were known to people from other countries, the reputation of American soldiers would be tarnished to an unknown extent!
Originally, Li Junhao thought that in this era, there was no AIDS, and common heart diseases should be easy to treat. But what he didn't expect was that the only effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug currently is "sulfapyridine", and even "sulfathiazole" and "sulfadiazine" are not available, let alone antibiotics.

Nowadays, the price of sulfonamide is also very expensive. The cost of treating more than 300 people is not small, but even so, it must be treated!Of course, there is no need to worry about money. Li Junhao decided to reimburse everything to the Ministry of War. He believed that this report would be approved if it was filed, because this matter was too embarrassing and had to be resolved quickly.

In his memory, penicillin should have been discovered during this period. Could it be that the "penicillin" that became famous during World War II had not yet come out?Write this down and ask Mr. Lister in China to check it. If no one has registered this patent yet, you can get a bargain. This is a big money-making project.

Doctors said that they currently do not have enough sulfonamides on hand and need to go to hospitals or commercial banks to purchase it!
However, Li Junhao said that it was not necessary to bother. After "looking at" the samples, he went to the regiment headquarters of the 327th Regiment nearby. When he came back, several team members behind him each moved a large box, all of which were "sulfapyridine" injections. Liquid, there are hundreds of boxes, each box contains 10 bottles, which is enough to last for a while.Moreover, he said, follow the fastest way to cure it, and if the medicine is gone, ask him for it again.

His actions not only shocked the doctors, but also the officers and soldiers of the 15th Regiment.Originally, the members of the 15th Regiment from Tianjin felt from the moment they got off the ship to now that the Marine Corps in Shanghai did not want to see them, and Lieutenant Colonel Pan Sen, the commander of the joint command, showed this even more clearly... He even arranged for a doctor as soon as he came on board. Giving them all a physical examination is considered by some to be humiliating!
The reason why they did not resist excessively was because they believed that this situation originated from the traditional contradiction between the navy and the army. Who made them a "guest army" now!

When more than 300 patients with encephalopathy were found, the officers and soldiers of the 15th Regiment felt ashamed to see anyone when they saw the surprised expressions on their faces!And contracting this disease is very uncomfortable, and they are also in pain!

Especially the military officers, they are not unaware of this situation. After discovering this situation in Tianjin, they have been fighting this disease for nearly ten years. However, the military expenditures are limited, and they dare not report it to the country. Because of this The reason is medical expenses.

Therefore, in the past few years, the 15th Regiment has been living a tight life. Half of the military expenditures have been used to buy medicines. However, new medicines only arrived in Tianjin in 1938. The prices were too expensive, so the priority could only be to ensure the health of the officers. Soldiers You can only rely on yourself.

Although the soldiers' wages and allowances are not inferior to those of the armies of other countries, and they are enough to live a life of debauchery in Tianjin, they are not enough if they are used to buy sulfonamides, so the medication is intermittent. Some soldiers are not good at it. In some cases, acute procrastination has become chronic, which makes it more difficult to treat and cannot afford medicine!
What they didn't expect was that when they first arrived in Shanghai, the living conditions seemed very poor, but Commander Pan Sen actually sent a large batch of sulfonamides that were worth gold based on quality, and asked the doctors to give them all!
At this moment, the sick soldiers burst into tears of gratitude, and the other officers and soldiers were also shocked!The dissatisfaction and resentment in my heart before were simply put aside. Let’s not talk about returning to my heart, but I always have to be grateful.

Because of the change in mentality, the 15th regiment immediately stopped complaining. The sick soldiers were arranged to receive treatment, and the healthy officers and soldiers began to organize the camp according to the instructions of the engineers and soldiers of the [-]th Marine and Land Regiment. Although they lived in tents, they still had to Just make it look like a military camp!
Seeing this situation, Lieutenant Colonel Rupp sighed in his heart, and all the "competition" thoughts in his heart were gone. If all the officers and soldiers of the 15th Regiment recovered their health this time, then this favor would be greatly owed!Commander Pan Sen's prestige was completely established. Even he, the regiment leader, could not shake it. There was no argument at all!

Looking back on his slacking off in the past few years, he also felt that it was a bit too much. You must know that he was also very handsome when he was thin!
He originally thought that when the European War broke out and the United States remained neutral, he and the 15th Regiment would withdraw to the country like the Tianjin Consulate. He had already thought about retiring as soon as he returned to the country and buying a small farm to live on with the money he had accumulated in the past few years... …But I didn’t expect that it would be fortified to Shanghai!
From the concession in one war zone to the concession in another war zone, once the United States joins the war at a later stage like it did during World War I, he and the 15th Regiment will instantly become enemies on all sides!By then, with the current physical fitness of him and the officers and soldiers, they will not be able to escape!It seems that weight loss and training are necessary...

Just as he thought of this, a messenger came to call him, saying that Commander Pan Sen asked him to come over to discuss garrison and training matters.

More than an hour later, Lieutenant Colonel Rupp left the regiment headquarters of the 327th Regiment holding several thick documents, including the "15th Regiment Camp Plan", "15th Regiment Reorganization Training Plan", etc. What he thought of and what he didn't expect, others Commander Panson has thought of it!What else are you thinking about? Just do it!
(End of this chapter)

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