Shadow Spy

Chapter 240 Organizing the Municipal Guard

Chapter 240 Organizing the Municipal Guard

On Friday, December 12, Li Junhao presided over the ceremony of the formal merger of the former French Concession Police Department into the police station.

Because most of the senior police officers of the former police department have resigned, after the merger of the corresponding departments, senior police officers of the police department will basically serve as department leaders. Only the criminal supervision office (deputy chief inspector) of the former police department will not Ronco Rona was awarded the rank of Senior Superintendent and appointed as the director of the temporary department organization department, responsible for coordinating the merger and transfer of various departments and arrest houses of the original police department.

Li Junhao specifically talked to Rona to let him work with peace of mind and ensure the smooth merger of the two police agencies. After the work of the police department is straightened out, he will be transferred to the post of director of the merged legal department.His promise made Rona very motivated.

Then, Li Junhao found the current Director of Justice, Ove Fast, and told him to stand at his last post with peace of mind, waiting for Rona to take over; later, he would promote Fast to Assistant Director and to Chief Constable. manage.This news also made him appreciate it very much. Fast knew that this assistant director was much more powerful than the previous deputy director of the police!
Another task he handed over to Deputy Director Berry Weber and implemented by the Inspection Division was to conduct an internal inspection of nearly 4800 patrol officers in the former French Concession. After eliminating unqualified members, they were arranged to be sent to the Police Training Center. During rotation training, it is estimated that a batch of people will be eliminated by then.

According to Li Junhao's plan, the armed forces in the concession can only be strengthened, not weakened. Therefore, another important task is led by Brown, the director of the command room, and the General Affairs Office is responsible for starting another round of new police recruitment for the entire concession.

Li Junhao himself also has an important task, which is to receive and reorganize the municipal guard force with a total of 3175 people.Originally, he had thought of merging this team into the Merchant Group of All Nations because the two were similar in nature and both belonged to the second-level militia force, but he soon changed his mind.

The Merchant Group of All Nations is already complex enough, and the situation of the Municipal Guard is similar. If the two are grouped together, it will be even more chaotic, which is not conducive to one's control.

Therefore, he decided to transfer the Municipal Guard to the military camp at No. 256 Xiaoshadu Road and hand it over to the Wolf Warrior Brigade for training. The 15th Infantry Regiment, which was originally scheduled to be transferred to Xiaoshadu Road, was transferred to the former French Concession Municipal Guard. The southern military camp was responsible for the defense facing the southern direction of the concession, and at the same time made preparations for the defense after the withdrawal of the French army.
As Li Junhao's order was issued, Lieutenant Colonel Rupp, who had now lost a lot of weight, immediately organized his troops and led 3000 officers and soldiers into the former French Concession.

The municipal guards who also received the order were in a commotion. The troops of the 15th Infantry Regiment had already entered their camp, with no intention of leaving!
Rupp, who had regained his military temperament, was not a weak person. Seeing this situation, he immediately ordered his officers and soldiers to take control of the entire military camp. Those municipal guards who were still packing their things were rushed to the playground and ordered to line up. Stand still.

Lieutenant Colonel Lu Puxian, who was standing in front, took the roster sent by the Concession Police Station and compared it with the team in front of him with a look of disdain - even the 15th Infantry Regiment in Jinmen was so bad. Even if it doesn’t look good, it’s better than these guys!No wonder Chief Panson said that it would be great if half of the Municipal Guard could be well-trained!

According to the roster, the former French Concession Municipal Guard has a total of 3175 people, of which 1800 Chinese are organized into the first and second brigades, 850 Vietnamese Beiqi are organized into the third brigades, and 148 Russians and 377 European personnel are organized into the fourth brigades. The group leaders, the group captains of each group and most of the squadron leaders are all French.However, after some counting, there are currently less than 2700 people in the camp!
Upon inquiry, it was found that all the Vietnamese people from the North were there, and the few Chinese who were missing were all on sick leave. However, more than a dozen senior French officers and almost all Russians and Europeans were not there. According to the few remaining Several European soldiers said that those people went home or went out to play, which was normal for them.

Lieutenant Colonel Rupp laughed angrily - Chief Panson said before that the situation of the Municipal Guard will not be very good, but don't worry too much, just accept as many people as you can!

Under the order and supervision of the US military, more than 2600 municipal team members were forced to pack their luggage and equipment as quickly as possible, line up to board the vehicle, and then be "escorted" by a battalion of US soldiers to rush to Xiaoshadu Road 256 No. [-] military camp, there will be officers and soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Brigade waiting to receive them!

It has to be said that the Chinese are the most orderly, and the Vietnamese Beiqi people were all brought to Shanghai from Southeast Asia by the French. Out of awe of the Westerners, they did not resist at all and all boarded the train smoothly; only a dozen Our European team members were in a lot of trouble. They refused to get on the bus for various reasons, saying they had to wait for the others to come back...

Rupp was not easy to talk to and was unwilling to leave. He disarmed them all, tied them up and threw them into the truck. He also asked the adjutant to write down these people clearly, and together with those who had not arrived, form a list and send it to the Wolf Warrior Brigade.
After the Wolf Warriors Brigade took over the municipal guards, they arranged them according to the teams and reported the situation to the police station.

In the afternoon of that day, notices from the Concession Police Department were posted on the notice boards in front of the six sub-district arrest houses in the former French Concession: Central, Xiaodongmen, Mailan, Jiafei, Pétain, and Foch, ordering all prisoners to leave. Municipal guards who have not returned must report back to the camp. Those who do not arrive within 24 hours will be treated as deserters and will be wanted by the Concession Army and Police!

The six district arrest houses were being transformed into sub-bureaus. The citizens were paying attention. Then they noticed the notice and everyone was talking about it. This is interesting. Some of the municipal guards actually left the team without permission!
Then, news came out that most of the Municipal Guards had been sent to the military camp in the public concession and were said to undergo rigorous training; thousands of American soldiers were stationed at the original station, and they were trained every day. , it should be very sophisticated!
Many people had been bullied by the foreign team (the fourth team) in the past. Now they knew that there were more foreigners to deal with them, so they all watched the excitement happily.
After hearing the news, Li Junhao instructed the Wolf Warriors Brigade to deal with it seriously. The four squadron leaders would discuss the specific measures and implement them. He was waiting to see the results.

In fact, he didn't care at all about the hundreds of Belarussians and Europeans. There were now as many as 400 or [-] Shanghai expatriates plus Jews, and millions of Chinese. The total population of the concession after the merger exceeded [-] million, and the source of soldiers was really huge. No shortage!

If there is something wrong, we need to treat it. At worst, the municipal guard force will be overhauled. I don’t believe that the training is not good!
(End of this chapter)

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