Shadow Spy

Chapter 242: Start dealing with the Belarusian team

Chapter 242: Start dealing with the Belarusian team
Just that morning, when Schneider was still pleading with Li Junhao at the Consulate General, something happened at the headquarters of the International Business Group.

Unexpectedly, not ordinary police officers from the police station, but two squadrons from the Quick Response Brigade (Wolf Warriors) suddenly dispatched, broke into the residence of the All Nations Merchant Group, surrounded the White Russian team (group), and disarmed them all!

During this period, some Belarusian soldiers wanted to resist, but were immediately suppressed by the officers around them, because the other side even drove out armored vehicles. In this case, resisting is courting death!
After taking control of the scene, the leader of the third squadron, Gabor Yuri, read out the order of the police station, announcing the arrest of 148 deserters from the Municipal Guard, and conducting a summons review of the Belarusian team that housed the deserters!

Nicholas Petevitch, the commander of the White Russian team, came out at this time and argued that the 148 people were not deserters. They had already reported their resignation to the French commander when they left the municipal guard, and now they voluntarily joined the business group C. Brigade, and obtained the consent of the commander of the merchant group...

Yuri dismissed this and told him: Since the merger of the two concessions three days ago, the command of the Municipal Guard has been vested in the police department. Those who leave the unit without authorization without the consent of Director Panson are deserter!As for the merchant group's headquarters agreeing to accept it, it is even more invalid, because the command of the merchant group lies with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, which is now entrusted to Commander Pan Sen. Without his consent, the merchant group itself has no right to increase its troops.

All 148 deserters were handcuffed and put on three trucks; 360 disarmed officers and soldiers of the Belarusian team were escorted on foot by the Wolf Warrior Brigade to the No. 256 military camp on Xiaoshadu Road, where they will be examined.

When the Wolf Warrior Brigade escorted the people away, Yuri also ordered someone to send a formal letter from the police command room to the business group headquarters. On the one hand, it stated how to deal with the White Russian team, and on the other hand, it required them to Offer to hand over deserters from other municipal guards.
On the way to the Belarusian team being escorted, Petervich received preferential treatment and sat in the cab of the truck. Although he did not want to be embarrassed in public, his heart was bleeding!This time the White Russian team is in trouble. All Shanghai citizens will know that the White Russians were caught by the police station because they were deserters. How can they still hang out in the future?

He regretted not resisting at that time, but when he thought about it, resisting was really not possible. The rapid reaction brigade was well-equipped and well-trained at first glance. It even brought several armored vehicles. Once the White Russian team resisted, he believed that the opponent would It will be suppressed by force - he is absolutely sure that Director Panson will issue such an order!

He was right about this. Li Junhao had a clear order in his authorization to the Wolf Warrior Brigade, and those who resisted by force were to be eliminated by force!After learning what the Belarusian team had done, he did have murderous intentions, but it was not convenient to kill him without teaching him. If the opponent rebelled, that would be just right!
After sending away the depressed Colonel Schneider, Li Junhao began to comprehensively consider the situation of the two militias, the International Business Group and the Municipal Guard.

He believed that in the current environment, this kind of militia armed organizational form was no longer suitable, so he decided to take advantage of this training of the two departments to clean up the bad apples, and then prepare to establish a relatively more formal Shanghai-Haihai The militia self-defense corps, by the way, was incorporated into the system by the militia joint defense teams he had tried to establish before, becoming a powerful supplement to the regular army.

For others, the biggest problems in expanding the army are funds and equipment, but these two points are not a problem for Li Junhao. He is more concerned about the issue of loyalty!But this way, he would need more money, so he had to find a way.

Li Junhao has now felt his own shortcomings. Although he has a system, understands the history of World War II, and has acquired many practical skills, he has learned a lot since coming to this world, and even learned a lot of military works, but when it comes to He is not good at commanding at the tactical level of specific battles, let alone designing and planning at the strategic level.

Everything he is doing now seems to be forced forward by the goals he has set. It seems to be going well, but when the Pacific Ocean breaks out, even if he has complete control of Shanghai and Haihai and has tens of thousands of strong troops under his command, But sitting in an isolated city and facing a joint attack by the Japanese army, land, sea and air, it was impossible to defend it!
His goal is beautiful, but it seems to be infinitely difficult to achieve... Li Junhao admitted that he is not a strategist or military strategist, so he feels that he needs a brilliant chief of staff, or think tank, who can provide His detailed planning and suggestions help you achieve your goals.

But where can one find such a person?Although he is an American now, forget about the so-called military strategists in the United States. A country that relies on superior equipment and money to fight wars has no soil for producing military strategists;
Among other countries, there are Germans in land warfare and the British in naval warfare. There are many talents, but now he is out of reach, so he wants to find the Chinese.

Speaking of Chinese military strategists, the first thing he thought of was the underground party members, but of course it was impossible to get them under his command!

As for the Kuomintang, he knew Jiang Baili, Yang Jie, and Bai Chongxi. The former Chiang had passed away, and the latter two were both in high positions in the Kuomintang army. Yang didn't know where he was, and Bai was the leader of the Guangxi army, so they couldn't use them.

What a headache! ——
In the afternoon, Li Junhao took the initiative to meet with Wen Qiang and was prepared to listen to his opinions.

Wen Qiang knew that he was busy with work and would not come to him casually. Thinking that he had something important to do, he rushed over as soon as possible and took a box of red wine from the store as a gift.

When he heard Li Junhao ask if he knew any military talent recommendations, Wen Qiang was a little confused and didn't know what he meant.

Li Junhao had no choice but to explain to him that the joint command needed staff officers, and he wanted to find a few Chinese people to serve as them. Of course, they must have real talents and practical knowledge.

Only then did Wen Qiang realize that it was a bit ridiculous. Well, this was considered a relatively serious matter, and he did want to help, but he had been working in the field of agents for many years, and the military talents he knew were all concentrated in the Kuomintang army. I can’t recommend this to Brother Junhao!
After thinking seriously for a while, Wen Qiang remembered a person and said, "Brother Junhao, do you know Yang Jie in the National Government?"

"Yang Jie?" Li Junhao said in surprise, "Is it the military strategist Yang Jie? Can you invite him to me?"

"Fuck!" Wen Qiang almost burst into laughter, dumbfounded.
(End of this chapter)

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