Shadow Spy

Chapter 245 Accepted the business group from all over the world

Chapter 245 Accepted the business group from all over the world

On Wednesday, December 12, Colonel Art Schneider, the commander-in-chief of the International Business Group, submitted a resignation report to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, claiming that he had personal problems and was no longer able to support the arduous work. In order to ensure the good health of the International Business Group To operate and maintain security in the concession, I have specifically applied to resign and asked the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to select a successor. He himself will leave Shanghai and return to China soon after resigning...

After receiving the resignation report, the Ministry of Industry Bureau office immediately forwarded it to Lieutenant Colonel Kelton and Mr. Panson, the director in charge of military issues.During this time, Kelton was dealing with the affairs of the Asiatic Fleet in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Fleet. He had no time to deal with these matters. After giving the instruction "Commander Panson will handle this matter", he let it go.

Li Junhao smiled after receiving this report. Although he had not met Schneider yet, he guessed what he was thinking - he saw the change in the concession situation, knew that nothing could be done, and wanted to leave!
Before, Schneider told him some of the secrets of the various groups and teams in the All Nations Business Group, but he did not mention whether he had received any benefits from it, but was he really not?

Especially after so many years, Schneider, a retired military officer, came to Shanghai alone, but now he has bought a villa on the Bund, has a driver and servants, the latter can be done with his salary, but what about the former?

If Schneider is completely clean and selfless, Li Junhao will never believe it, but it doesn't matter to him whether he exposes him or not. What matters is that he is very smart and knows not to block his own way!
Therefore, he approved the resignation report: "Colonel Art Schneider, the commander-in-chief of the International Merchant Corps, has made great contributions to the security of the concession during his more than four years in office. Now he is resigning due to physical reasons. He is responsible for the management of the concession." A big loss! But considering Colonel Schneider’s specific situation, we agree to his resignation and the handover will be carried out in a timely manner!”
When he was about to get off work, Colonel Schneider received a reply from the Ministry of Industry Bureau. After seeing the approval from Director Pan Sen, he sighed, knowing that the other party understood his feelings and felt relieved - the other party made it clear that he would not pursue the matter. His previous problem!As for the handover issue, he will definitely take it to heart. How can other people's matters be more important than his own?
In the past, the change of commander-in-chief of the International Merchant Group would definitely attract the attention of all walks of life in the concession. But now, unlike in the past, people from all walks of life are focusing more on the police station. Therefore, Schneider resigned and the commander of the fourth sea and land regiment, Di Lieutenant Colonel Jay Cole also served as the commander of the merchant corps. This fact was not even realized by the outside world for a period of time.

According to Li Junhao's order, the Fourth Marine and Land Regiments were responsible for the temporary isolation of the Wan Guo Merchant Group. The Police Inspection Division was responsible for the screening and examination of the members of the various groups and teams of the merchant group, mainly investigating whether they had committed any illegal crimes, collaboration with the enemy, or treachery. During this period, , the business group is in an "internal holiday" state.

Only then did all walks of life in Shanghai notice this change. Many people analyzed that the US military commander was clearing out the British and French forces in the All Nations Business Group and the Municipal Guard in order to completely control these two militia forces.
Li Junhao had no time to pay attention to the speculations from the outside world. One of the things he was busy with was inspecting the former French Concession Police Station and Police Training Center, the residence of the International Business Group, and No. 256 Xiaoshadu Road for several days. In military camps and other places, they use their detection radar, which has now been increased to a range of 150 meters, to single out unstable elements among the new recruits.

This work can only be done by himself, but in the eyes of others, Chief Panson is declaring his sovereignty to the new receiving units and personnel, letting them remember who is the commander.In this regard, Li Junhao thought this explanation was quite good.

As long as you work conscientiously, it will certainly be effective. After a few days of inspection, you have found many hostile personnel.

Li Junhao would no longer spend gold coins on these people. He arranged for the 327th Regiment to take away nearly 400 people and isolate them in the military camp in Jiaozhou Park. Wang Renqiang's investigation department would take over for screening later.

The results obtained later were also quite shocking. Some of these hostile personnel were dissatisfied because the current training had affected their "making money"; the other part was much more serious and turned out to be people sent by various forces into the concession. worker or informant!The most serious one was the Municipal Guard, which actually found more than 20 Japanese spies disguised as Chinese!

Wang Renqiang immediately reported the situation. Li Junhao was mentally prepared for this and instructed him to continue investigating. This phenomenon will never only exist in one unit. With the urine of little Japan, all important departments in the concession will send personnel Those who have penetrated can only be caught as much as possible now.
That night, Li Junhao had just arrived home. Yang Shixiong, who had been thinking about it for three days, came to the door with his wife and children!
Although he hasn't gotten the answer yet and hasn't figured out why the whole family is here, everyone who comes is a guest. Of course, Li Junhao greets them warmly and invites them to eat.Yang Shixiong was also interesting and not polite at all. He introduced both parties and sat down peacefully.

After the meal, Yang Shixiong asked his wife and son to go home immediately!
Li Junhao was worried, so he asked Xiaohu to send two guards to deliver him, and the requirement was to stay there until Yang Shixiong returned.

Then the two came to the study room and began their formal conversation.

Yang Shixiong first saluted with a military salute and said: "Sir Pan Sen, I agree to join your team!"

Li Junhao had guessed it when he saw him bringing his family to the door just now, but now that he heard it from his own mouth, he was still very happy. He immediately returned the gift and said, "That's great, Mr. Yang, you are welcome to join us!"

After sitting down, Yang Shixiong said: "Sir Pan Sen, since you have decided to join, don't call me 'sir' anymore. Call me Shixiong!"

"Well, I will call you Shixiong from now on. You don't want to be a superior. From now on, you can just call me by your first name." Li Junhao smiled and said, "By the way, my Chinese name is Li Junhao. Just call me Junhao."

Relationships between people do require fate. Although the two met only for the second time, they immediately became familiar with each other after they were in the same camp.

Li Junhao was completely sure of the other party's sincerity, because the detection radar would not lie to him. Most of the light spots representing Yang Shixiong were now dark green, and the edges had begun to turn blue!

This is not the first time this has happened. This happened to Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, and Pingru before. Without drinking the red bottle, they developed into close comrades on their own. Yang Shixiong was the fourth One, and the fastest.

(End of this chapter)

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