Shadow Spy

Chapter 253 The British Commander Visits

Chapter 253 The British Commander Visits

On Saturday, December 12, Li Junhao received a special guest at his headquarters in the Jiaozhou Park Military Camp—Colonel Lunt Fell, the commander of the British Army in Shanghai!

"Colonel Panson, nice to see you again!" Colonel Phil said enthusiastically as soon as he entered the office.

"Colonel Phil, me too." Li Junhao stood up and saluted each other, then shook hands and sat on the sofa nearby.At this time, Xiaoyu, who was wearing a military uniform, brought two cups of coffee - she already knew Li Junhao's hospitality habits. She would bring tea to Chinese friends or acquaintances who knew his preferences, and coffee to ordinary foreigners.

After being polite for a while, Phil told the story, "Colonel, I have something to ask for this time..."

"Colonel Phil, just tell me if you have anything to say," Li Junhao said.

"You should be well aware of the current situation in Europe. A war could happen at any time!" Phil said. "We British troops stationed abroad have actually received orders and will evacuate back home soon... But now I have some here Special circumstances occur and I need your help!"

"Oh? Please tell me." Li Junhao became interested.

"The thing is like this..." Phil said, "Our Far East Army's Shanghai detachment has been stationed here for more than 20 years. Although a rotation system is adopted, some veterans have lived here for ten years. The above... to tell you the truth, some people have secretly married and had children here, forming small families, and most of them are military officers..."

This was the first time Li Junhao heard or thought about this question. He was a little worried for the commander. He nodded to express understanding and motioned for the other party to continue.

"The evacuation order will be issued at any time, and I am very worried about it now..." Phil said, "None of these officers and soldiers want to leave here, but once the order is issued, it must be carried out... I am very worried now!"

Of course, Li Junhao knew how difficult it would be for the commander if such a situation occurred in the army, but he could not make the decision for the other party. Instead, he asked: "Colonel Phil, what do you mean..."

"My idea is to let these people retire in the short term due to injuries and stay in Shanghai..." Phil said, "But after they retire, their lives become a problem, so I want to ask for your help. Take care of them!"

"Of course it's okay to take care of them!" Li Junhao said, "Approximately how many people are there?"

"There are about 150 people. There are about 100 people who have families, wives and children. They prefer to get more stable jobs..." Phil said, "However, the other 50 people cannot return to China due to special reasons. They all have a lot of He has strong military skills, but he can’t do anything else, so..."

"I understand!" Li Junhao said, "The hundred people with small families can be arranged to work at the police station. As for the next 50 people, the International Business Group is currently undergoing training..." "Colonel..." Phil interrupted He said, "There is no problem with the arrangement of the 100 people in front, but the 50 people in the back are all excellent professional soldiers with excellent combat skills and are especially good at security work, so I hope you can arrange them in your Among the security forces..."

Li Junhao was confused after hearing this. What does this mean?It's not enough to ask someone to help take care of him. It's not enough to arrange him to join the merchant group of all nations, but to name him and join his security force. Isn't this a strange and excessive request?But that’s what the other party said!
Colonel Phil stopped explaining when he said this, and his expression was a little strange, as if he was not afraid that he would not agree.

This is very interesting!Li Junhao didn't understand the other party's intention and didn't know how to answer for a while.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and assistant Xiaoyu brought in a telegram that had just been received...

After personally decoding and reading the telegram, Li Junhao smiled and said: "Colonel Phil, don't worry, I have accepted these fifty outstanding soldiers and arranged them all in my guard force... Don't worry, I will treat them well." of!"
After seeing off Colonel Phil with a satisfied smile, Li Junhao returned to his desk and read the telegram again. He found it very interesting - "Little Ogg, in order to ensure your safety, the British side has sent 50 people." When the security personnel come under your command, just accept them with confidence and use them with confidence. Lister."

Although Li Junhao didn't understand what was going on, Lester Rockefeller's call was sent through the new frequency band agreed upon by the two not long ago, and the password was known only to them, which could guarantee the authenticity; and in the telegram , Riester asked him to accept these 50 people with peace of mind, and he naturally agreed.

Based on his knowledge, Lister would not trick him, but he also did not tell him the inside story of this matter. The smell of this matter was very weird!He thought that Ayers should also know the inside story, but after thinking about it for a moment, he gave up the plan of asking because he estimated that the old man would just blast him out and not give him an answer.

Think about it again, why did the British send him fifty guards?
According to Colonel Phil's behavior just now, it seems that the main purpose of coming here is to deal with these guards. What he said before about marrying a wife and having children in Shanghai, retiring early and leaving behind, etc., should be just a foil!

The more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes... Forget it, don't think about it anymore, we'll find out when someone comes!
That afternoon, the newly reopened Sanxin Company sent people to the police station to negotiate and handed over part of the tax arrears and the tax payment certificates for the detained goods, but the former was less than half, and the latter was even less than one-tenth!

In this regard, a person from Sanxin Company explained: At present, several major shareholders are absent and cannot come up with more funds and certificates. They hope that the police station will return the seized goods first and make up the balance immediately after shipment... …

Of course, the people in the police station did not agree with this approach. In the end, after asking their superiors for instructions, they only agreed to return the normal goods with tax payment certificates, and there was no need to think about the rest!

After receiving the news, Huang Huangrong and all the shareholders were overwhelmed with headaches. The tax owed was a trivial matter, just a few million French currency, and just a few people could get it out, but even after paying all the taxes, they could not get the goods that were withheld. , then it makes no sense!The most valuable items among the detained goods were all smuggled in. How can there be any tax payment certificate?The current situation seems to be a dead end!
At this time, someone suggested that they should send someone to visit Director Pan Sen. They would give gifts when they should and bow their heads when they should, all with the goal of getting the goods back...

Shareholders think it makes sense, but who will?This must have enough weight, ordinary shareholders will not be of use... Everyone's eyes are looking at Huang Huangrong, who is in the first place!
(End of this chapter)

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