Shadow Spy

Chapter 274 Pensions cause a wave of military enlistment

Chapter 274 Pensions cause a wave of military enlistment

After another two days of busy work, the inventory of confiscated materials was finally completed, and the first round of screening of arrested persons came to an end.

At the headquarters’ operation summary meeting on February 2, the heads of each department of the police department reported the relevant situation. Whether it was the seized dirty money, or the huge number of firearms, weapons, tobacco, and other items, everyone was surprised. The quantity was substantial. Amazing enough!
The dirty money was accounted for by the Finance Section of the General Affairs Office of the police station after being counted, but it was noted that half of the share belonged to the headquarters. The reason why the accounts were not divided directly was because the military was funded by the US military, and military expenditures could not be taken lightly.

The confiscated firearms and weapons are temporarily managed by the military. After sorting, they will be distributed to the People's Liberation Army Self-Defense Corps and the Militia Joint Defense Team, which can greatly reduce the weapons investment of these two teams.

In addition, thousands of seized properties were handed over to the People's Livelihood Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce for processing and management, and a new department was set up for this purpose - the Housing Management Office.The proceeds generated will be invested in the welfare funds of the military and police.

There have been some disagreements over the handling of nearly [-] boxes of confiscated tobacco and soil:
Some people believe that such harmful things should be destroyed directly.

Others feel that the market value of these cigarettes is hundreds of millions, and it is a pity to destroy them. They might as well sell them. As long as they are not sold in the concession, they can leave it alone!
Others say that the tobacco and soil involves too many big forces, and whether it is destroyed or sold, it will offend these forces, so it is recommended that different treatments be carried out according to the situation.

In the end, it was Li Junhao who made the decision to destroy them all, ending the debate.

The meeting then discussed the issue of compensation for casualties during the operation...

In previous operations, 8 police officers were killed, 51 were slightly injured, 19 were seriously injured, and 9 soldiers were slightly injured.

According to Li Junhao's wishes, the pension standards currently implemented in the US military will be implemented. If injured during the mission, compensation will be US$500 for minor injuries, US$1500 for serious injuries, US$5000 for disability, and US$7000 for death.

In this regard, everyone participating in the meeting expressed that it was inappropriate. This is not because everyone does not sympathize with their subordinates, but because they believe that the current situation in China is different from that in the United States, and they cannot fully follow the standards of the US military. Moreover, this operation is not a real battle. , wartime standards do not apply.

Finally, it was agreed that the standards for those killed in action should be set higher, with pensions of 3 yuan in French currency, 1 yuan for the disabled, 3000 yuan for the seriously injured, and 1000 yuan for the slightly injured. This standard is already extremely high in China today.
Although Li Junhao felt that this standard was a bit low, when the news spread, the reaction of public opinion was beyond his expectation!First of all, within the police station, the few existing Western police officers are very calm. They are not surprised that the casualty pension is higher; but for Chinese, Annan, Indian, and Ceylonese police officers, this amount is too high. !
This is true even for police officers, let alone ordinary citizens. Such a high casualty pension makes many people whose lives are currently unsatisfactory go crazy!Many people in this era are really not afraid of death or injury, but they are afraid of not being able to earn money for their families! A pension of 3 yuan is equivalent to the 1000-month salary of an ordinary worker!

In the years of war, there are countless former soldiers, bandits, and gang members all over the country. There are countless people who know how to use guns and dare to risk their lives. In Shanghai alone, there are at least 30 to [-], including tens of thousands. Thousands of injured veterans from the Battle of Songhu!For people like them, carrying guns to fight, acting as thugs for others, being green forest heroes, etc. are all risking their lives, so why not sell their lives to the higher bidder?
Therefore, when ordinary citizens were preaching about the benevolence and righteousness of the current police station, the doors of each police station and military camp were immediately crowded with people who wanted to join the police or the army. People as young as 55 or [-] years old or as large as [-] years old, all kinds of people. , there is a strong tendency to block the door!

Faced with this situation, Chief of Staff Yang Shixiong reported to Li Junhao and received permission. He simply took advantage of the situation and took this opportunity to officially start recruiting the civilian army. At the same time, the police station also started recruiting in the name of the fourth batch of new police trainees.Of course, there are still standards. Those who are too young, too old, have bad habits, or are sick will never be admitted.
While ordinary citizens are attracted by the recruitment of the militia and new police officers, all parties that have suffered huge losses in the anti-gang operation are still working hard in their own ways...

The Netherlands was mainly involved in the East India Company's tobacco business, but its share was relatively small. Although they lost a lot of money this time, their consul general personally went to visit Ayres and Li Junhao and asked them to come out. As for the goods, I don’t think about it!In the current world situation, they still have to count on the United States, so this matter is over for them.

The British are very angry, but what is happening now is the East India Company. Even though it is economically powerful and even has its own armed forces, it is still a businessman!
Therefore, after the British Consulate came forward to help get some of the higher-status British nationals out, it just let it go. After all, at this time, it is impossible for the government to recognize the legitimacy of the tobacco trade.

Not only that, in order to maintain British-American relations in the face of the threat of a European war, consulate officials also warned the East India Company not to take any drastic actions against the concession authorities, otherwise British officials would be the first to attack them!
When the Dutch gave up the pursuit and the British officials ignored and warned, the East India Company could only change its strategy and sent people to go through the formal process to propose to the Anti-Smuggling Department of the police station that they were willing to redeem the seized tobacco in the name of paying a fine, with a specific amount. negotiable.

The Anti-Smuggling Department did not refuse on the spot, but accepted their letter of request for instructions and said it would report it to the superiors.

This attitude made the East India Company feel hopeful, and even began to hope that it could spend more money to redeem the opium seized by other forces?For them, as long as the goods are available, they don’t have to worry about making money. The worst thing is that they just have to sell them more expensively when shipping!
In France, it is a different situation. The French China Office in Shanghai that was investigated is considered an official government agency, so even if the police station has released the arrested official personnel, it is not complete. Not only does it have to move all the goods Go back and demand the release of all employees in Shanghai...

This matter has been reported to the Governor of French China, but the Governor did not take it seriously. He just telegraphed the consulate to help solve the problem, and did not bother to come forward in person to plead with the United States.In this case, the French Consulate General can only get involved. After all, the Governor of French China is also their superior, no matter what.

However, the Concession Police Station still refused, and the matter became deadlocked.

(End of this chapter)

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