Shadow Spy

Chapter 276 Rats and monsters have another meeting

Chapter 276 Rats and monsters have another meeting

The tough attitude of the US military put Gonichiro Shimada in a difficult position. He thought that he was much more rational than the army's red deer and would not be so crazy and brainless. When he saw that he could not do anything, he began to retreat!
At this moment, a car drove up behind the Japanese army. Lieutenant Colonel Ono Kaji, the intelligence director of the Japanese Navy and Land Command, rushed over, pulled Shimada over, and whispered...

Shimada shook his head speechlessly and ordered the large group around him to retreat. Then he saluted Major Luke on the other side of the bridge, turned around and followed Ono to board the car and leave.

Major Luke looked at the situation on the other side and was a little confused for a moment - was it just so anticlimactic?
After receiving the report, Li Junhao was also a little puzzled, what is Little Japan doing?Is it a tired strategy?
At this time, he was in the war room of the headquarters. Yang Shixiong and several combat staff were setting up the concession sand table and preparing to simulate the battle situation, but it was all in vain for a while!
Yang Shixiong signaled the staff to continue, and he followed Li Junhao to the commander's office before saying: "Junhao, this is a bit strange! It is the Japanese Marine Corps who are looking for trouble, not the Japanese Military Police who should be more responsible. There should be someone here special reason……"

Li Junhao nodded and said: "I don't think this is right either...'Protecting the interests of Japanese businessmen'? This excuse is very interesting. Are they those Japanese coal merchants or the tobacco dealers from Hongji Shantang? They were able to persuade the Japanese Marine Corps to come forward! But This thing was done like a joke... Is it just to test our reaction?"

Yang Shixiong believes that it should be the former, because coal requires large-scale sea transportation. Japanese coal merchants should have dealt with the navy before, and they must provide benefits. Now that something has happened, it is reasonable to ask the navy for help.Of course, this is just speculation.
This incident was like an offensive and defensive exercise. It happened quickly and ended quickly. It only took more than an hour, but it made all parties in Shanghai and Shanghai see the determination and strength of the concession!
Especially when the two armies were confronting each other, although the number of Japanese troops was larger, the quality of individual soldiers and weapons and equipment were greatly outnumbered by the US military. The generally short stature of Japanese Marines and their ordinary and ugly sailor uniforms , looking very weak in front of the tall, strong and well-uniformed US military.

Although the Japanese army did not dispatch armored vehicles this time, people have long had the impression that its thin-skinned tanks, which were as small as pods, and extremely crude machine-gun trucks, were completely incomparable to the six-wheeled "tanks" now being driven by the US military!
Therefore, all parties unanimously judged that if the two sides went to war at the New Junk Bridge, the Japanese Marine Corps of more than 600 people would definitely not be able to defeat the US Army of more than 200 people!

Of course, the most unhappy person about this judgment was the Japanese army!

Although there is a deep conflict between the Japanese Army and Navy, the Army still admits that in the two Songhu Battles, the Marine Corps fought well, and its combat effectiveness level was only slightly worse than that of the Army. However, this situation now shows that the difference in strength with the US military It’s so big that they can’t accept it!
This sudden action by the Japanese Marine Corps actually surprised the Army. They actually had a similar plan, but they had not had time to implement it, and now they can only stop it.

Faced with the strong anti-Japanese attitudes and practices displayed by the concession authorities, all parties in Japan can only hold another meeting to study countermeasures...

The Japanese Consulate General still took the lead, and the Japanese gendarmerie in Shanghai and various secret service agencies sent people to participate. However, I don’t know if it was because of losing face. No one from the navy came, but the Shanghai Office of Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd., the Japanese Mitsubishi Corporation Representatives from three companies, namely Gas Association Shanghai Branch and Huazhong Hongji Shantang, attended the meeting.Consul General Miura Yoshiaki presided over the meeting. Deputy Consul General and Iwai Agency Chief Eiichi Iwai first introduced the recent events in the concession. Miura Yoshiaki pointed out: The concession authorities now show obvious anti-Japanese tendencies and even carry out attacks on Japanese companies. The crackdown has arrested many "friendly Chinese" serving Japan. The problem has become very serious, so a countermeasure must be discussed.

Then, Mitsubishi Corporation's branch president Ogichu Tsering "accused" the Ethnic Affairs Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau for not following business rules, using administrative means to interfere with market behavior, sealing up the Coal Industry Association and banning its operations, and seizing stores affiliated with the association...

Even the Japanese officials can't stand his appearance as a profiteer. In fact, they all understand why. The trade association has a monopoly on the coal market and manipulates coal prices to skyrocket. In order to stabilize the market, the concession authorities let the trade association The affiliated companies re-examined and registered, which meant giving them reprimands. As a result, your industry association ignored them and were later sealed. Speaking of which, they deserved it!

Ogqiu Tsering showed a miserable look on his face and shouted: "Consul General Miura, Minister Haruta, you have to make the decision for us!"

Miura Yoshiaki had a headache. He had been in contact with Pan Sen, the military attache in the concession, many times. He had no good way to deal with him before. Now that the opponent was several times stronger, he had no confidence in restraining him.

Vice Admiral Shizue Haruta, the director of the Central China Liaison Department of Koya Institute, frowned, not knowing how to express his position. He is now facing retirement because of his age, and his current ministerial duties will be handed over soon. This kind of bad current situation I really don’t want to take care of the matter, but the Central China Liaison Department of the Xingya Institute has the responsibility of managing and regulating the relationship between the military and Japanese businesses in Central China. It is inappropriate to shirk it; but if I want to take care of it, how should I take care of it?
The other representatives of various military agencies present here showed disdain. They both looked down on this profit-seeking businessman and were dissatisfied with the fact that he only mentioned the Consul General and Lieutenant General Haruta just now - OK, then you can just ask them to make the decision, and you can do it yourself. I don’t want to worry about it!

Luye Yiming, director of the Shanghai Office of Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. who attended the meeting, looked on with cold eyes, saw the situation, and decided to remain silent.Thinking of the amount of smoke lost this time, his heart bleeds, but compared to Qinggang and Hongji Shantang, it is already much less!
Kanye Yiming looked at the current situation and thought: The Japanese forces in Shanghai and Shanghai have nothing to do with the concession authorities, and the South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. he represents is a national policy institution led by the royal family and the government, and its fundamental interests still lie in Manchuria, Shanghai and Shanghai. The muddy water on the side is still unnecessarily mixed.

Another Japanese businessman who participated in the meeting, Li Ming (whose real identity is the Japanese Satomi Fu), the person in charge of the Central China Hongji Shantang, had a sad face at this time. In the previous operations in the concession, not only a large amount of cigarettes had been seized, but Many of his subordinates were also arrested, one of whom was his important collaborator Sheng Laosi. This was really a big trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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