Shadow Spy

Chapter 286 Believe it or not, love like this

Chapter 286 Believe it or not, love like this

After a while, Jiang Anhua pushed the door open and came in, saying: "District Chief Chen, don't worry, the four injured brothers have been sent to the hospital. The three with minor injuries have returned after their wounds were treated, and the seriously injured one has also undergone surgery." , it’s not life-threatening, but it needs to be raised for a few more days.”

Hearing this, Chen Gongshu breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that no one died.Putting aside this worry, he began to care about the current situation again and asked: "Teacher, you are now the deputy chief of the Concession Police Station, so releasing me is just a matter of words, so please release me quickly, I am There’s something else going on!”

"Yes, you are in a hurry to be the district chief of Shanghai District!" Wang Renqiang curled his lips and said, "But you never thought that you killed ten Japanese soldiers in front of the concession road, then dropped the gun and ran away How much trouble did you bring to the concession after you came in? And you asked me to let you go!"

Chen Gongshu also knew that this was done in an unethical manner, and he said calmly: "Teacher, I had no choice at that time. Four brothers were injured and the bullets they brought were all gone, so I had no choice but to run into the concession..."

Wang Renqiang knew that he was telling the truth, but this matter gave him a headache. There was no problem in handling cases and actions, but when it came to the relationship between the concession and the Japanese, he did not dare to make the decision for the director.After thinking for a while, I couldn't figure it out, so I could only ask Jiang Anhua who was standing aside: "Anhua, the boss has left this matter to me, what do you think we should do?"

Jiang Anhua is a man with both civil and military skills. He thought about it on the way to the branch, and then said: "Bureau Wang, this has already happened, and the Japanese will definitely pursue it... In this case, the boss Knowing that you will not embarrass District Chief Chen, he still sent you to deal with it, which shows that he is not afraid of the Japanese investigation at all!
"So, we can release people if we should, but we need to think about how to reduce the impact of this incident on the concession, and even take away the responsibility of the concession, so that the Japanese can't find an excuse to launch troops in the concession. …”

Upon hearing this, Wang and Chen's eyes lit up. They felt that this was reasonable, but how could we reduce the impact of this matter and get rid of the responsibilities of the concession?The three began to discuss...
Late that night, a "serious" jailbreak occurred at the Jing'an Temple Branch Detention Center of the Concession Police Station. Nine detained suspects injured several police officers on duty, snatched guns, escaped, and ran to a hospital not far away. He kidnapped his accomplice who was being treated here after being injured!

Early the next morning, the Concession Police Department issued a wanted order for the ten escapee suspects...

The incident was quite big, and because the police station did not cover it up, the news spread quickly, and even the Japanese concession and the Chinese community knew about it!
Therefore, when the consulate sent people to question again that day, it was confirmed that the ten escaped suspects were the murderers who had escaped into the concession before. After just a few words of accusation, they were coaxed out by police officers who were "in a bad mood" , and added: "These ten people were able to leave calmly after killing people in the Japanese Concession, and they easily killed ten Japanese soldiers. Is there anything strange about escaping from the branch detention center!"

This makes sense. The Japanese will definitely not admit that the Japanese concession they manage is worse than the public concession. But in this case, it seems that it is not surprising that such a powerful suspect can escape from prison!
The Japanese knew clearly that there was something fishy about this matter, but they had no choice but to pursue it.
After handing the matter over to Wang Renqiang, Li Junhao didn't interfere anymore. He only found out the result early the next morning. He shook his head and smiled, thinking to himself: Well, this is a way, not the best, but it's okay. That makes sense!
Yes, the relationship between the concession and the Japanese is like this now. As long as there is a decent excuse, the relationship between the two parties can be maintained for the time being, even if the Japanese suffer a loss because they are not ready yet.

He didn't ask, but Wang Renqiang had to report, so he came to the headquarters early in the morning and told them the plan they had discussed and implemented. He also informed that Chen Gongshu and others were still hiding in the concession and would not show up for ten days. , just in time to recuperate the wounded brothers; the wanted order will be lifted in ten days... Li Junhao nodded and agreed to the plan, and added: In two days, let the military command Shanghai District send eight or nine people to Songjiang outside Shanghai City. The killing of several traitors and spies in , Jiaxing and other places showed that the assassination team had left the urban area of ​​Shanghai. It didn't matter whether the Japanese wanted to believe it or not.

After Wang Renqiang heard this, he agreed with a smile; then he proposed a new idea: Chen Gongshu is extremely capable of action, but he is not suitable to be the controller of an independent intelligence agency. This time he takes up the post of Shanghai District The president is likely to cause big trouble. Instead of letting him mess around, it is better for us to control the Shanghai District...

Li Junhao became interested and asked him to elaborate.

Wang Renqiang's method is a bit simple, that is, he directly persuades the current Shanghai District Chief Chen Gongshu and his former subordinates; the former acting district chief Wen Qiang can also control some people and let them leave for two days late to make work clothes. ; Jiang Anhua, Liu Geqing and others have high prestige in various action brigades, and they can also persuade and control many people...

Li Junhao shook his head and smiled, and Wang Renqiang said: "Boss, I know what you mean. There is indeed a task of monitoring each other within the military command. Many people have separate contacts with the headquarters in private. If during the process of us controlling the Shanghai District, If these hidden monitors report to the headquarters, Boss Dai will definitely intervene...

“But, boss, do you think that I, Wen Qiang, and Chen Gongshu have served as district chiefs for nothing?
"Ha! If the three of us join forces and can't find those monitors and quickly control more than 80.00% of the people in Shanghai District, then wouldn't it be that all our years of work have been in vain!"

This makes sense, and Li Junhao believes it. What he is thinking now is that if such a large-scale poaching succeeds, the headquarters intelligence department can be truly operated based on these personnel; but it is certain What's more, Dai Li will never accept it!
He is not afraid of getting into trouble with the military commander because of this, but most of the families of these agents in the Shanghai District are in the Kuomintang District. If Dai Li gets angry and breaks out and attacks the agents' families, it will be troublesome - don't overestimate this person's character, this matter is his It can be done, and a lot has been done.

Li Junhao was thinking about another possibility. If he proposed it directly to Dai Li, he could borrow some of his personnel from the Shanghai and Hainan District to join the Intelligence Division of the headquarters and engage in intelligence work. As a result, these people could obtain legal status in the US military and conduct public activities within Shanghai and Hainan. ...Boss Dai should be tempted, right?

(End of this chapter)

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