Shadow Spy

Chapter 290 The formation of the civilian army is completed

Chapter 290 The formation of the civilian army is completed

Because of the large scale of the Civilian Self-Defense Corps, in addition to the three original bases of the French Army, the Municipal Guard, and the International Business Group, four additional military camps were built in open spaces in the concession to ensure that each regiment has its own Camp.

The recruitment work of the civilian army was completed on the 3500th. Except for Regiment A (National Regiment), which had the original establishment of [-] people, the other five main regiments were all over-subscribed.

As a reserve group, Group G only has 2000 regular soldiers, but they are all experienced veterans and their combat effectiveness is not weak. According to the organizational rules of the Self-Defense Corps, it currently has more than 30 militia groups with a total number of more than 5700 people. The joint defense team is uniformly dispatched and commanded by the G regiment during wartime, and serves as a supplementary force to the main regiment.

Originally, the five main regiments had been specially expanded to a large establishment of 4300 men. However, after Regiment E (Jewish Regiment) insisted on increasing the establishment of female soldiers, considering fairness reasons, an additional female battalion of 1000 men was established in each regiment. .

Except for the White Russian regiment, the weapons and equipment of each regiment were all British-made. Originally, Li Junhao was prepared for heavy bleeding, but after the Jewish Chamber of Commerce took the initiative to contract all the expenses of Group E, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and various foreign chambers of commerce were not to be outdone. Matching donations were made to other groups, and the prize money raised exceeded the budget.

In comparison, the Belarusian group is indeed relatively poor. Fortunately, Li Junhao is responsible for all their weapons and equipment, and the bonuses raised are enough for their food and clothing expenses.This situation made Peterovich very emotional, and taught the newly recruited subordinates that they must be grateful to Commander Panson.

Although the salary of the civilian army is only 80.00% of the standard of the US military, it is no problem to support a family of three or four people, and other benefits are exactly the same. There is one day of rotational leave every week to go home, making it a good career that everyone envies.However, there are many people in various countries who are alone. They would rather stay during the holidays and completely make the military camp their home.

During the formation of Regiment E, the Jewish community showed amazing enthusiasm. They not only organized groups of young men and women to sign up, but also took the initiative to donate money and materials; especially when it came to sending family members of enlisted personnel to the concession, various Jewish groups The group tried every means and got the matter done without any trouble from the concession.

In this matter, the Japanese behaved very strangely. They did not do much to stop them and let the Jews go relatively smoothly. This puzzled many people and they did not receive an explanation from the Japanese side.

In short, the People's Army Self-Defense General Regiment was successfully formed, and its number exceeded expectations by a lot. It was said to be seven regiments, but the number of regular soldiers reached 3.2. It is completely possible to form three light divisions or six brigades; the most important thing is Yes, Li Junhao got it done without spending too much money!
Now all regiments are stepping up formal military training. The three main regiments of the US military have sent teams of instructors to each regiment to guide the training.Except for the Jewish regiment, every other regiment has some veterans. Under their leadership, the training level has improved very quickly; but the Jewish young men and women are the most enthusiastic and the hardest trained, so the level has not improved slowly. .

Chief of Staff Yang Shixiong put in a lot of effort during this process, but what made him feel comfortable was that he didn't have to worry about arranging connections or worrying about weapons and equipment. It was definitely the most worry-free unit he knew. The grouping is working.

During this process, the British Consulate General also supported the civilian army's purchase of British-made weapons. Not only did it coordinate the sale of all weapons and equipment stockpiled by British-owned foreign companies in the concession at low prices, it also specially purchased the deficient parts from Hebei's open weapons stores. The Luan Coal Mine Guards have brought in a large number of weapons and ammunition in stock, basically half sold and half given away!
The most special thing is that when Yang Shixiong contacted the British Consulate General, the other party asked him: Is the formation of the People's Liberation Army Self-Defense Corps an official order from the United States, or is it the personal opinion of Commander Panson?After confirming that it was Pan Sen's personal opinion, his attitude immediately improved, and even much of the subsequent contact work was done proactively by the British side.After learning about the British attitude, Li Junhao was a little surprised. He didn't understand why the British were so generous this time.You even give yourself a special face, what's going on?Before contacting him again, the British side inexplicably arranged fifty excellent guards for him, which made him now have a special judgment: Could it be that he had some hidden identity related to the British?

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out, so he just continued to put it aside. The system just assigned him a special identity, and it is still kept secret to this day!Okay, just keep this a secret for a while and I won't bother with the head office, right? ——
On Monday, March 3, Li Junhao received a notification from the Consulate in Hong Kong Island that the main warships of the Asian Fleet led by Admiral Hart had departed early in the morning, and their destination was Shanghai.

The sea route from Hong Kong Island to Shanghai is nearly a thousand nautical miles. If the Asian fleet does not stop along the way and advances at a cruising speed of 15 knots, it will take less than three days to reach Shanghai. Li Junhao is not yet sure what Admiral Hart will do. The purpose of the operation, because he didn't understand it at all and couldn't deduce what it wanted to do.

It’s still the same method. Since you can’t figure it out, just save your brain and wait until the fleet arrives!

On this day, Li led people to walk around the seven camps of the People's Army Self-Defense Corps, encouraged them respectively, and set rules for them. All officers at all levels within each regiment were born among them. , those who are capable will be promoted and those who are mediocre will be demoted. Everything is based on training results. Everyone has a chance...

After speaking, he made a request to the instructors who were conducting training in each regiment. In another month, each regiment must initially form combat effectiveness and begin to perform combat readiness tasks in shifts.

All the instructors expressed their opinions and promised to complete the task!

After finishing the seventh camp, it was already getting late, and Li Junhao and his party took the bus home.Speaking of which, his motorcade is quite ostentatious now, with two bulletproof cars in the middle and a six-wheeled police armored vehicle at the front and rear!

Fortunately, during this period of time, the citizens in the concession have already known and become familiar with his motorcade. Many people know why he is so careful, so instead of being disgusted, they will actively give way when they see the motorcade, and most of them show their respect. Gaze and watch the convoy passing by.

Sitting in the car, every time he saw this scene, Li Junhao would sigh. The common people are the most real. They know who does good things and who does bad things. Just because they don’t say it doesn’t mean they don’t understand. Since he basically Since taking control of the concession, everyone has seen everything he has done!
(End of this chapter)

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