Shadow Spy

Chapter 302 Prologue opens with the fall of Denmark

Chapter 302 Prologue opens with the fall of Denmark
Because of the collapse of the Shanghai Coal Industry Association, there would of course be no more appeals or fines, so at 48 noon the next day, the Concession Civil Affairs Committee announced that the association and [-] merchants in the concession would be officially confiscated. All assets!
The coal case has come to an end, and the Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau's determination to fully control all affairs in the concession has been very clear. However, anyone or organization who truly understands the current power structure of the concession understands that these are actually the current deputy director general and US deputy consul general Pan It was caused by Mr. Mori’s personal will!
In the previous series of incidents, Mr. Pan Sen's strong desire to control the concession affairs was vividly expressed. Whether it was the Japanese, the Youth Gang, the White Russian gang, or the opium merchants with various backgrounds, anyone who stood in the way , were kicked away by him!

In fact, at this time, many people were privately certain that Pan Sen was responsible for the destruction of No. 76, but since there was no evidence and they were too disdainful to stand up for those traitors, no one said anything.

Of course, the Japanese should have guessed it, but for many reasons, they could not fall out with the concession over this matter. Moreover, the traitors headed by Li Shiqun were all dead and had no use value anymore. It was impossible to stand up for them. If you don’t get anything in return, why do you do anything else?
No one thought that Mr. Pan Sen had actually known the future trend of the world for a long time, so he was so confident that he would not even give face to the currently arrogant Japanese! ——
This day happened to be April 1940, 4. At noon, the Ethnic Affairs Committee really confiscated the assets of all coal trade associations in the concession. Although it caused a huge sensation, it was immediately covered by the next news!
At five o'clock in the afternoon, news from Europe shocked Shanghai and Shanghai!

Because of the time difference, China is seven hours ahead of Germany in Europe, so the news received at this time is only half an hour behind what is happening in Europe.

At 4:9 a.m. on April 4, German time, the German envoy in Copenhagen submitted an ultimatum to the Danish government, requiring Denmark to immediately accept "German protection" and giving a response within one hour.

At 5:20, the German envoy in Oslo submitted another ultimatum with the same content to the Norwegian government.At this time, the German fleet had forced into major ports in Norway and had launched an attack on Denmark from sea and land.

The Danes put up almost no resistance, the navy did not fire a single shot, and the army only suffered 20 casualties. Four hours later, they accepted the German ultimatum and announced their surrender. However, the Norwegian government replied: "We will never surrender!"

The real war in Europe begins!
The news of the European War shocked all walks of life in Shanghai and Shanghai, especially the expatriates. For a time, everyone in Western Europe was in danger, and the expatriates of various countries were completely divided!
Of course, German and Italian expatriates are the minority, while expatriates from the United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Norway and other countries who have declared war on Germany are the majority. They had previously maintained relative calm under the suppression of the concession police. , but at this time it completely broke out and started to fight!
At this time, thanks to the increased security level in the concession, the number of police and soldiers on duty on the streets doubled, and the riots that had just begun to show their signs were suppressed with force.

Later, at [-] o'clock in the evening, Li Junhao delivered a radio speech on behalf of the Concession Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, proposing: Europe is Europe, Asia is Asia, and the Shanghai Concession is a safe haven for all Europeans and Americans in the East!As the manager of the concession, he does not allow anyone to disturb the peace here. Anyone who takes the initiative to provoke or cause a fight is the enemy of the concession...

Perhaps the name Pan Sen was too powerful in the Shanghai Concession at this time, and the chaos that had just appeared in the concession was actually stopped!

This result made the staff of the German and Italian consulates relieved, and they were very satisfied that the concession was now in the hands of a strong American!When the consuls general of the two countries exchanged views on the European War with the Japanese consul general Miura Yoshiaki, they repeatedly asked each other to restrain and prevent Japan's dissatisfaction and impulse to retaliate against Pan Sen, because Pan Sen controlled the concession and was a threat to the Axis powers. benefits are beneficial.

Although Miura Yoshiaki was dissatisfied with Pan Sen's anti-Japanese behavior, he also understood the thoughts of the two allied consuls general. He could only promise to convey these words to the country and restrain the Japanese forces in Shanghai and not to have any more conflicts with the concession. A head-on conflict occurs.
For military personnel from various countries, what surprised them was that it was not France that Germany attacked first, but Denmark and Norway, and the results were completely different. Denmark surrendered within a few hours without even a formal attack. resistance; but Norway went head-to-head with Germany and directly declared war on Germany!
However, few thought that Norway would be able to repel the German attack and that its fall would be only a matter of time.Of course, if the British and French armies were fully involved in the war at this time, the outcome would be uncertain.

Only Li Junhao knew that although Britain and France had no chance at this time and took the initiative to mobilize their land, sea and air forces to rescue Norway, they only delayed its demise.

In the course of the subsequent war, I believe all Chinese people were wondering why the British and French forces did not take the initiative to attack the German mainland. Instead, they devoted all their efforts to air raids on the German invasion fleet and sent troops to land in Norway to participate in the war. They seemed to have no idea about "encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao". "!
At this time, there are a few groups of people in the United States who are getting excited and war is starting. This is certainly not a good thing, but the young "prophet" they support has once again proved his reasoning and judgment, which is super good news!
Nelson Ayers, the newly appointed Deputy Secretary of State, banged his head on the table at the State Department meeting and angrily criticized those who did not believe the information he conveyed, but no one dared to talk back!
Even Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who had hesitated not to pay attention to this matter before, couldn't help but regret it. Why didn't he listen to this old friend?What happened is that after being the Secretary of State for almost seven years, he still got slapped in the face by his deputy!That being said, as a rational and excellent politician, of course he would not blame Ayers. Instead, he became interested in the little guy who could accurately predict the situation of the European War in the Far East!
On the Hawaiian Islands far away from the mainland, the mid-level department heads of the Naval Intelligence Agency were scolded by the director - the Bureau's Far East Intelligence Officer "Eastlander" had accurately predicted the war situation long ago. and sent it to the headquarters, but no one took it seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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