Shadow Spy

Chapter 304 The squadron arrives in Shanghai

Chapter 304 The squadron arrives in Shanghai

It was very important for Satomi to be captured. For this reason, letting the dandy Sheng Laosi go was nothing, not to mention that a large amount of assets would be confiscated!

As for this murder case, it seemed like a farce, but this incident made ten gang members in the Green Gang who were originally absolutely hostile to adopt a cooperative attitude. The benefit was that more than fifty Green Gang members were arrested for minor crimes. molecules are released.This is actually not a big deal to the police station, but it splits the "behemoth" of the Qinggang into a large piece!

Afterwards, Li Junhao accidentally saw these ten Youth Gang gang members who were cooperating with the police station, and unexpectedly found a familiar name among them - Lei Huotang!This reminded him of Zhang Wusheng, the "young master" who was less than 30 years old. He didn't know if he was still the leader of the hall?Is Leihuotang still that poor?He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of this time last year.

Suddenly, it has been more than a year since he came to this world. Time seems to have passed very quickly. He has also done a lot of things during this time. From an unidentified traveler who came to the world at a loss, he became a Shanghai-Hai The actual person in charge of the concession is really weird!

Of course, there are many coincidences, and there are also inexplicable help that he still doesn't understand. He even hasn't figured out the secret of his identity that he already felt...

The combined effect of these factors made him a "big shot" in the Far East!Some were wonderful, some were strange, and it also gave him great expectations!
That afternoon, Ayers, who was far away in Washington, the United States, sent a telegram to Li Junhao. First, he asked about his current situation, then praised his "prophecy" for succeeding again, and finally encouraged him to do a good job in Shanghai. He will find a way to give him the best support!

What followed was a telegram from the U.S. Naval Intelligence Agency, which mainly contained praise and exclamation, but no substantial reward. After reading it once, he threw it into the pile of documents aside, without any interest in reading it again.

After returning to the mansion in the evening, Li Xiaoyu came to him late at night, saying that he had received a telegram from Yan'an and asking for his opinion on the European War!He did not reply immediately, but said he would think about it before speaking.

Now the European continent has entered the rhythm of war just like in its previous life. What will follow will be five years of brutal war, in which basically all major countries in the East and West will be involved.

On the first day of the war, Denmark became the second country to surrender after Poland last year. Next will be Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, whose countries were occupied and whose royal families were exiled to the United Kingdom. Belgium surrendered, France surrendered... The German tanks began. Overwhelm the whole of Europe!
After thinking about it, Li Junhao decided not to make any "predictions" for the time being, because his current position and military rank are unlikely to be promoted in the short term, and it is enough to use the current time to improve the Shanghai Concession.

As for Yan'an, he could reveal some information and let Li Xiaoyu pass it on, which would not affect the overall situation. At most, it would allow the underground party to know more about the situation in Europe.
On the afternoon of April 4, a squadron of the Asiatic Fleet arrived in Shanghai. This time, Admiral Thomas Hart did not come with the ship. The squadron was led by the newly appointed deputy commander, Major General Grant Galli. The scale is also smaller than expected. The flagship is the Brooklyn-class light cruiser USS Savannah. In addition, there are 11 Clemson-class destroyers, 8 new S-class submarines, 7 supply ships converted from merchant ships and the 3 aircraft they brought. Catalina seaplane.

When Li Junhao greeted the squadron at Wusongkou, the American and British gunboats originally stationed here sounded their whistles and hoisted flags to express their welcome; and the Japanese First Fleet and Italian destroyers, which were supposed to be hostile, also hoisted their flags. flag to pay tribute to the US fleet as an expression of goodwill.This time, Li Junhao put on the navy lieutenant colonel uniform that he had not worn for a long time, boarded the squadron flagship Savannah directly, and took the initiative to salute Rear Admiral Gary, the fleet commander and deputy commander of the Asian Fleet, and expressed his welcome.

Major General Gary is a tall middle-aged man in his 40s. Although he always has a serious look on his face, he is very polite to Li Junhao who comes to greet him. He does not show an arrogant attitude at all because of his higher military rank. On the contrary, he is It was made clear that before coming, General Hart had told him to obey the command of the Joint Command and cooperate with the actions of the Army and Marine Corps while stationed in Shanghai.

Of course, Li Junhao is extremely happy about this. This situation is the ideal state.

Subsequently, the squadron left two destroyers stationed at Wusong Wharf, and the remaining ships, led by US gunboats, entered the Huangpu River from Wusongkou, sailed upstream, and sailed to the Bund, which is part of the concession area.

At this time, the Jinliyuan Pier on the Bund has been transformed into a not-so-standard but fully usable military port terminal. It has more than thirty deep-water berths, which is enough to accommodate the stationing of the squadron.

In the previous period, Li Junhao ordered the use of three labor reform brigades (each brigade has 800 criminals serving labor) to renovate the entire dock. In addition to dredging the ship berths, the warehouses on the dock shore were also renovated on a large scale. They were converted into oil depots, ammunition depots and small hangars, as well as barracks that can accommodate thousands of officers and soldiers. The periphery of the pier is surrounded by tall walls with watchtowers and sentry posts, which are completely based on the model of a small naval base. model built.

Major General Gali was very satisfied with the conditions of Jinliyuan Military Port and solemnly expressed his gratitude to Li Junhao.The other officers and soldiers of the fleet burst into cheers. For them, they finally left the ghost place of Cavite and came to a "civilized society"!
Next, of course, is the arrangement of the fleet. Although Li Junhao now has the basic skills of a naval commander, he is at the level of commanding a single ship at best. He is still unable to arrange the arrangement of a fleet, but he can fully understand the command of a fleet officer. , and soon understood the squadron's entry arrangements.

Although this is an area under the jurisdiction of the concession, Major General Galli strictly followed wartime regulations and arranged for the ships to enter the berth in an air defense formation; the fleet duty officer arranged for the armed guards accompanying the ships to take over the pier.

In order to move to Shanghai this time, the squadron specially brought a battalion of 700 naval base management personnel and guard troops. They had enough manpower to take care of themselves, but it did not require Li Junhao to arrange defense troops for them.

At dinner, Li Junhao hosted a banquet at the International Hotel to entertain the squadron officers who had come from afar. The chief officers of each unit under his command were all present. On this isolated island in the concession, there was no longer any conflict between the sea and the land, and the two sides were extremely harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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