Shadow Spy

Chapter 306 Punishment deters and stabilizes public security

Chapter 306 Punishment deters and stabilizes public security

On the evening of April 4, in Xuhui, southwest of the Concession, on a temporarily arranged wasteland execution ground, a total of 20 criminals, including the 16 people responsible for the recent murder and the 98 death row inmates sentenced in previous cases, were executed. Shot to death!
Although he knew that the scene would be somewhat bloody, Li Junhao still led the team to the scene in person. He felt that he also needed to practice his hard-heartedness.

During the entire execution process, the 114 death row prisoners were divided into nineteen batches, with six people in each batch, and the execution team was also in 6 batches. This time they were all the outstanding ones he asked to be selected from the recruits of the Wolf Warrior Brigade, which was equivalent to giving them Practice courage!

Of course, during the execution, the veterans are also waiting nearby. If any recruits cannot complete the task, it will be their turn to appear, but the recruits who cannot do it will lose the qualification to stay in Wolf Warriors.

The results were relatively good. Although many recruits ran aside and vomited after performing the shooting mission, no one escaped before the execution. This greatly exceeded Li Junhao's expectations and made him very pleased.

As for vomiting after killing someone, that’s no big deal, it’s just human nature!If you kill someone for the first time without vomiting, then you are either super determined or a treacherous and evil person. These people are definitely neither of them.

In fact, to be honest, Li Junhao, who seems to have behaved normally, has been churning in his heart. Although he will not vomit it out, he still feels very uncomfortable in his heart - 114 people of all kinds have been deprived of their lives under his administration!Although he was very sure that these people were heinous people who deserved to be killed, this was not killing enemies on the battlefield, but executions on the execution ground, which gave people a completely different shock.

After the execution, the team returned, and the rest of the work was naturally completed by the funeral professionals who were responsible for burying the corpses. Although they were frightened this time, with enough expenses, they still vomited and started working hard. Get to work.

I believe that tomorrow morning, through their word of mouth, this matter will quickly spread throughout Shanghai. It will definitely be a big shock to those who still want to commit crimes!

As for whether the forces behind these dead people would hate him even more, Li Junhao didn't care at all.

Sitting in the bulletproof car returning from the convoy, Li Junhao couldn't help but look back to the west. In the distance in that direction, millions of people had already started a war. Under the power of modern gunpowder weapons, I am afraid that people would die every moment. There are more than a hundred people!

Then, more people will be involved in the war, millions, tens of millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of people, and every day after that, hundreds of people will die in this world. The war will last for five years!

call!He took a long breath and said to himself: Are you ready? Let's start welcoming the blood and fire in the future! ——
Just as Li Junhao expected, when daylight came on the 21st, the entire Shanghai already knew about last night's execution, and had a new understanding of the harshness of the concession authorities.Although people died every day in the original concession, and many people were murdered, robbed, and died of cold and starvation. The number of soldiers and civilians who died in the two Songhu Wars was tens of thousands, but a time like this It is unprecedented for hundreds of people to be shot because of the death penalty!
The crimes of each of the 114 people who were sentenced to death have been announced, and they were all criminals who were officially sentenced by the Criminal Court. Some newspapers even restated all the crimes of these people in the morning papers, which made people from all walks of life in Shanghai and Shanghai You know, this is the power of the rule of law!And this is something that many people are only realizing now!

It should be said that from now on, the security situation in the Shanghai Concession will be many times better than before.
In the days that followed, when the world's attention was drawn to Europe, Shanghai in the Far East remained calm. Citizens lived and worked as usual. If the depreciation speed of the legal currency is not taken into account, the current prices are actually It's very stable, and it even seems to be much more prosperous in terms of industry and commerce.

Although the concession is still surrounded by the Japanese war zone, the relationship between the two parties has miraculously eased. At least no more direct conflicts have been found. The number of spies sent by the Japanese and puppets to the concession has been much reduced. This Li Junhao is still sure of one thing. The investigation department of the police station, the intelligence department and the telecommunications department of the headquarters have all confirmed this.

At this time, the informant network established by the Investigation Department and the telephone monitoring network in charge of the Telecommunications Department had been successfully operational. Any disturbance in the concession could not be hidden from Li Junhao's eyes and ears. If he wanted to, he could cover up everything overnight. All the nails buried by the Fang forces in the concession were pulled out.

Of course, he would not do this. Apart from ordering the continuous attack on Japanese and puppet spies, he did not make any move at all, or in other words, there was no need to move, unless any party infringed on the interests of the United States or the Ministry of Industry; as for each party, It's not a problem for the forces on the other side to spy on each other. Let them play with it, but if a vicious case occurs, that's a different matter.

Over a period of time, all parties have also determined the bottom line of the concession authorities, so although they all do their own things, they all act rationally. Even if conflicts do occur in private, they will take the initiative to deal with the aftermath and not cause trouble to the police. This is very sensible.
In this atmosphere, Li Junhao and his subordinates spent a rare and peaceful life, and all tasks were progressing very smoothly. Needless to say, in just four months of taxation since 1940, Far more than last year, it is enough to cover the current concession's public expenditure, municipal construction expenditure and military investment. In this war period, it has to be said to be a miracle.

Of course, as Li Junhao has already realized, the biggest problem encountered in the concession economy now is the currency problem, because the Chongqing government continues to issue more legal tender, which far exceeds economic growth, causing hyperinflation, and the devaluation of legal tender is getting faster and faster. quick!

In this regard, Li Junhao's patience has been exhausted.Previously, he entrusted professors from the Department of Economics at Fudan University to study currency issues, but these researchers have been insisting on reasons such as "currency reform must be cautious" and "the currency in circulation cannot be easily changed", and have yet to come up with a suitable solution. Currency Stabilization Measures.

Li Junhao admitted that he is not an economic expert, not a financial expert, and not a currency expert, but he knows one thing: stable currency cannot rely solely on the market to operate on its own, and the official must have an attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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