Shadow Spy

Chapter 315 A ridiculously successful retreat

Chapter 315 A ridiculously successful retreat
On Friday, May 5, after the German Air Force bombed Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands, the largest port in Europe, and the western bridgehead of the Eurasian Continental Bridge, killing nearly a thousand people, the Netherlands stopped all resistance and was completely defeated by the German army. occupied.

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands successfully evacuated to England before this and established a government in exile.
The War Situation Analysis Room was still lively. After completing their duties, a group of officers were willing to gather here to discuss the war, as well as the war chess deductions that they were very passionate about.

However, Li Junhao has never been here again. For him, the outcome of the European War has basically been decided. As for the new tactics "blitzkrieg" displayed by the German army, it is actually just the "soldiers are valuable and quick" in ancient Chinese tactics. , the difference is that in modern warfare, armored forces must have an excellent logistics support system to follow up during an assault - without this, there will be no "God of War" or "God of Tanks". !
Therefore, his current focus is to conceive and establish a new logistics support system for the army. However, at this time, he is somewhat sad that the area of ​​the Shanghai Concession is too small, and there is basically no strategic depth. What kind of armored group operations, depth Tactics such as assaults, thousand-mile maneuvers, and interspersed divisions are completely useless!
Even though he said this, he still studied it seriously and tried hard to combine modern logistics concepts with ancient Chinese art of war.

When studying the art of war, he determined that the ancient Chinese army had attached great importance to logistics issues. Except for the supply of soldiers and equipment limitations, it was different from modern logistics, but in essence it was the same.This discovery made him very excited. He felt that he was on the right path, and his interest became even higher.

During the research process, he has won many system rewards. His army command skills have been upgraded to advanced levels, his light weapons use proficiency has been upgraded to army equipment use and modification proficiency, and he has also obtained campaign-level logistics support proficiency skills. It can be said that he has gained a lot!
In this way, in order to meet the needs of future wars, Li Junhao began to spend half of his time researching, transforming and manufacturing army equipment, especially tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and other heavy equipment.

He used Yiqlou's computer 4D design software to carry out a lot of simulation designs and modifications, and came up with a lot of strange things. However, he didn't have a suitable opportunity to test them, so he had to put them in his portable space first.
News came from the European battlefield. From the morning of May 5 to 23, Guderian's armored forces occupied Boulogne and Calais.

On the afternoon of the 24th, the 19th Panzer Corps reached Gravelines, still 10 miles away from Dunkirk; and Reinhardt's 41st Panzer Corps on its right wing had also reached El-Saint-Omer-Grave. Fulin Canal line.As long as the two powerful armored forces work harder, they can take Dunkirk directly, and dozens of subsequent infantry divisions are also following up.

Guderian and others were complacent and determined to lead their armored forces in another encirclement and annihilation battle, completely wiping out the 70 British and French troops in the coastal area.

However, at this moment, the 19th Armored Corps and the 41st Armored Corps simultaneously received an order from the commander of the Armored Corps, Kleist, asking them to stop advancing, saying that "the enemy of Dunkirk will be left to Marshal Göring." The Air Force will solve it."

After receiving the order, Guderian immediately questioned and protested to Kleist, but the final reply he received was: "This is an order personally issued by the head of state and must be implemented."

Then, the most ridiculous thing in the history of world war happened!
Guderian and Reinhard obeyed the order and stopped at the line of the canal. Ten miles away was Dunkirk, where more than 10 British, French and Belgian troops gathered. However, they followed the order and remained motionless, waiting for their superiors to say "Geroge". Marshal Lin's air force will destroy these defeated armies"!
The Allied forces, led by the United Kingdom, took advantage of this fleeting respite to implement the "Generator Plan" to withdraw from the sea. From May 5 to June 26, they evacuated 6 troops from Dunkirk. People, including 4 French troops, achieved the historical reputation of the "Dunkirk Evacuation"!
When the concession became increasingly peaceful and was no longer significantly affected by the war in Europe, by the end of May, the situation in the European war took another step forward.

On May 5, the Belgian government finally could no longer hold on and surrendered to Germany. Its King Leopold III was captured and imprisoned by the German army.

May 5st was the last day for the legal currency exchange business of the banks in the concession. In fact, there were not many transactions left. Those who should be exchanged were all exchanged, and those who did not want to exchange would not come.At five o'clock in the afternoon, all bank branches closed smoothly in a quiet place, waiting for the staff to check out the overtime work in the evening.While having dinner at the mansion in the evening, Li Xiaoyu asked: "Brother Jun, the eldest sister asked me to ask, the situation in the European war looks very bad now. Will it be more difficult in the future?"

When she said this, she did not shy away from the other people at the dinner table. Xiaoyu, Xiaohu, and Zheng Pingru all heard it, and they all looked interested and turned to look at him.

After such a long time, the special identities of the few girls have been known to each other for a long time, but they have never mentioned it, so they are getting along well; and under the common bond, no one will betray others. , formed a strange tacit understanding.

Li Junhao’s favorite moment was when the family was having dinner in the evening, chatting about interesting topics and rich things. When Li Xiaoyu asked about this, he casually said: “Tell eldest sister, it’s actually nothing, just continue to do what you did before. Oh, by the way, let me add this: The factor that determines the final outcome of the war is not Europe, but the United States. Now this situation is beneficial to China. There will be a period of stalemate in the future, and the final victory will definitely be the anti-fascist camp. of……"

"Understood!" Li Xiaoyu nodded. In fact, she didn't really understand, but she believed that after this message was conveyed to Yan'an, the eldest sister would understand.

At this time, Zheng Pingru said: "Brother Jun, can I tell Chongqing this?"

"Okay." Li Junhao said, "But I don't think it will be of any use. Besides, Pingru, you finally broke away from that side. It's best not to get involved again. It won't be good for you."

Zheng Pingru said helplessly: "I didn't want to either, but... well, it's all because your current status and power are so eye-catching. The people who wanted to contact you found me again, and I am directly from the CC headquarters... …”

Um?Is this still my fault?Li Junhao was stunned for a moment, but then he became a little angry and said, "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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