Shadow Spy

Chapter 321 77 Commemorates the 3rd Anniversary

Chapter 321 July [-]th Commemoration Third Anniversary

July 7th is the third anniversary of the "July 7th Incident". People from all walks of life in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and red base areas have organized various activities to express that they will remember this day and fight to the end without compromise!

The atmosphere in the Huhaihua community was a bit depressing, because the Japanese troops and expatriates were celebrating their "victory" crazily!
It was a different scene in the Shanghai Concession. Patriotic Chinese groups from all walks of life and universities and middle schools headed by Fudan University organized anti-war propaganda activities.

It should have caused congestion on local roads and even riots like previous similar activities, but this time it was very orderly and did not cause any large-scale vicious incidents.

All this is because according to the latest "Concession Public Security Management Regulations" issued in the concession, the regulations stipulate in detail that mass gatherings or processions exceeding a certain size should be reported to the police station in advance, including the purpose of the gathering, the location of the gathering or the route of the procession, Things such as the expected number of participants and preset safety measures need to be explained.

After the declaration is approved, the police station will dispatch corresponding police forces to the scene based on these to help maintain order and protect the personal and property safety of participants in the rally, venue facilities, roadside shops and passing citizens.

Because of the special nature of July [-]th, three days in advance, the police station re-announced the regulations in the "Concession Bulletin" and major newspapers, and announced the telephone number for accepting declarations and the number of people at the bureau headquarters and each branch responsible for accepting declarations. Department address.

Originally, many senior police officers were a little worried. They were worried that the clubs and students who organized rallies and parades would not come to declare, but would go directly to the streets, which would make the police station very passive. However, the development of the matter made everyone feel relieved. ——Since the day the announcement was issued, people have come to report one after another. Everyone said: I believe in the current police department!

Over the past three days, the police station has received more than 50 declarations, involving gatherings ranging from dozens to hundreds of people. There was even a joint rally organized by several universities, with the number of people reaching 2000!

The Public Security Department and the Explosion Prevention Department of the police department, which are responsible for arranging gatherings, determined that the purpose of these gatherings was to "bear in mind the third anniversary of the July [-]th Incident" and approved them all. They even took the initiative to help arrange the venue so that the rally organizers who applied could Surprised and moved.
On the morning of July [-]th, although it was Sunday, basically all the personnel in the police station were on duty. Today's security tasks were relatively heavy, and the Public Security Department was overwhelmed. We applied for help, and all departments in the police station received assistance tasks. , organized according to the plan, divided into sections to perform tasks.

Also this morning, the duty room of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau received an unexpected phone call. The Japanese Consul General in Shanghai, Miura Yoshiaki, personally called and claimed that General Nishio Hisao, the top commander of the Japanese army in China and the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Forces, requested to He will visit the concession at ten o'clock this morning, and at noon he will host a banquet for people from all walks of life in the concession at the Peace Hotel. Please make arrangements with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau!

The clerk on duty was confused, but he responded quickly and immediately replied: Today is a rest day and all directors are not at work. He cannot decide this matter and needs urgent instructions. Please ask Consul General Miura to wait for a reply...

Then, the duty officer immediately contacted General Director Xien and reported the incident.

Sheen was also confused. What are these Japanese doing?As a political professional, he knew that July [-]th had completely opposite meanings to the representatives of China and Japan. The Chinese considered it a day of shame, but the Japanese considered it a day of victory. The Japanese wanted to use this special day to Entering the concessions in these days stimulates the Chinese people!

Thinking of this, Sheen couldn't help but cursed secretly: FUCK!Damn it, these Japanese are looking for trouble!However, it is the United States that manages the concession now, and it is a nominally neutral country. It is difficult to refuse such a formal visit application from the consul general of a country!This made him not know how to deal with it.

After thinking about it, Sheen asked the attendant to wait for notification from him or Vice Director Pan Sen, then hung up the phone and called the Junhao Mansion again.When Li Junhao heard this, he cursed angrily at first, but then he remembered a "rumor" he learned on the Internet in his previous life - on this day in history, the bastard Nishio Hisao insisted on showing off the Japanese military exploits in the concession. , but was almost assassinated, and the assassins were also Japanese military personnel, and there was a big conspiracy hidden in it!

"Xian, let me handle this matter!" Li Junhao said, "Today is the weekend, you can rest peacefully, and you can ignore or not answer anyone who calls you or calls!"

"OK." Sheen said immediately and relaxedly, "Then leave it all to you, Pan Sen."

Next, Li Junhao called the Ministry of Industry Bureau and told the on-duty staff how to respond, saying that he, the vice president, would be fully responsible for everything.

The authorized duty officer called back to the Japanese Consulate General and said to Miura Yoshiaki: "Consul General Miura, after asking for instructions, the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau decided to accept General Nishio Hiszo's request to visit the concession, but because the concession is currently in a war environment. The neutral party under the Central Government has strict neutrality requirements, and General Nishio is not a diplomat and cannot enter the concession as a soldier...

"General Nishio's request for a visit can only be made in a private capacity. When entering the concession, he is not allowed to wear military uniforms, his entourage cannot exceed two people, and he is not allowed to carry weapons...

"Well, this is a clear rule and there can be no changes...

"As for Mr. Nishio's intention to entertain guests at the Peace Hotel, this is a personal act and he needs to contact and arrange it by himself. I apologize that the Ministry of Industry and Commerce cannot force the arrangement...

"Subject to complying with the above requirements, Mr. Nishio can enter the concession at any time with the identification certificate issued by the consulate...

"Yes, that's the rule, all parties need to abide by it, no exceptions!"

Putting down the phone, the attendant wiped the sweat from his head. He was a little nervous and a little excited. It was so fun to confront the Japanese Consul General like this! ——
I don’t know how Miura Yoshiaki conveyed it to Nishio Hiszog, but his idea of ​​"visiting" the concession was not implemented, but went to the Japanese concession...

Later, news came out that something big happened in the Japanese Concession. Some Taiwanese and Japanese conspired to assassinate Nishio Shouzou, but they were stopped by Nishio's guards. There was a gun battle between the two sides, and [-] to [-] people died. The Japanese Marines on duty at the scene stood by and did nothing!
Afterwards, Maj. Gen. Saburo Miura, commander of the military police in the Japanese-occupied Shanghai area, was held accountable, dismissed from his post and transferred back to China. Hisashi Nishio returned to Jinling angrily...

The various rallies in the concession went very smoothly that day, and various anti-Japanese propaganda received unanimous applause from the citizens!
(End of this chapter)

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