Shadow Spy

Chapter 329 Re-elected President for the third time

Chapter 329 Re-elected President for the third time
Knowing Hobbes' true thoughts, Li Junhao was a little bit dumbfounded. This man is 42 years old, and he is still doing this kind of trick. Are he really afraid of screwing up?
In the next few days, Hobbs met Major General Galli of the squadron, Colonel Rupp of the 15th Infantry Regiment, and of course Colonel Cole of the [-]th Marine and Land Regiment, who was an old friend.

He was surprised by the current military strength in the concession. Seeing that young Pan Sen had already reached the rank of colonel and served as the commander of the Shanghai-Sea Joint Command, he was deeply touched and became more determined to return to the navy to serve - no matter what If you try hard enough, you won't be able to become a general when you retire!
The development of things is always unexpected. On October 10, Hobbs's transfer order came down, but instead of returning to the Navy, he was transferred again to the military attache of the Shanghai Consulate General. The original military attache Pan Sen no longer served concurrently.In this way, it is really strange that Li Junhao came from behind and became Hobbs's boss by virtue of his position as deputy consul general.

In the consulate general, everyone who received the order was stunned for a moment and then laughed, because they were all very familiar with each other and were old colleagues. Sheen and others all teased Hobbs, laughing that he was now Pan Sen. subordinates...

Hobbes really didn't care about this. Unfortunately, he failed to achieve his goal and returned to the navy!But it was still passable. It was much better to go back to Shanghai than to Chongqing. At least he no longer had to work with Ruide Bao, whom he disliked very much!
Li Junhao doesn't care at all about no longer serving as military attaché. Without this position, his job can be a little easier; he is still very happy about Hobbes' official return. The old boss has a very good relationship with him. Yes, it can be regarded as one of your own, which is better than recruiting someone you don't know to be a military attaché.

He also has a guess, that is, the Shanghai Squadron is now stationed on the Bund of the Concession. Both Hobbs and Gary were born in the Naval Academy and are orthodox naval personnel. It is probably better for them to communicate with each other. The important reason why the country arranged for Hobbes to return to Shanghai and serve as military attache again.

But in fact, this matter was far more complicated than he imagined, but he didn't know it yet.
On October 10, one of the biggest jokes in the history of World War II finally started - Italy declared war on Greece and sent troops to invade Greek territory on the same day!

When countries around the world learned the news, they were extremely shocked. No one could understand why Mussolini believed that his troops could defeat the Greeks.Who gave the Italians the courage?
Even Italy's ally Germany does not understand this.It is said that when Hitler learned the news, he was taking a train to inspect domestic industrial areas. At that time, he flew into a rage and cursed "Damn" through gritted teeth!
When the news reached Shanghai, officers from various ministries gathered in the war situation analysis room of the headquarters to prepare to study the war report. Someone asked Li Junhao to attend the analysis meeting, but he refused and only brought back two sentences:
"The Battle of Yixi is not a reference. You can watch it as a joke or multiple jokes to see how this scene is performed!
"Then you can think about it, what impact will this battle have on Germany?"

A group of officers didn't understand the meaning of these two sentences, and they all started guessing, but they couldn't get the point.

Of course Li Junhao is not interested in the war launched by the Italians. He already knows that this is a collection of jokes and has no time to waste on this matter!

The domestic presidential campaign has entered a critical moment, and Ayers is chasing him again to report, not only on the situation in the Far East, China's war of resistance, the Japanese army's next strategic direction, etc., but he is even asked to analyze the situation in Europe. , he is really busy now!
On November 11, the day of the U.S. election, Roosevelt, representing the Democratic Party, finally won 5 states, while Wilkie, representing the Republican Party, only won 38 states. Roosevelt was re-elected as president without any suspense, and will start his campaign on March 10 next year. In his third four-year term, he continued to serve as the 3th President of the United States.

The campaign office located in the White House was full of jubilation. They succeeded. The boss they served broke the century-old tradition started by George Washington and became the No. 1 in history!
As an important member of the campaign team, Nelson Ayers relaxed and sat on the sofa, lit a fine Cuban cigar, puffed on the smoke, and thought about the little guy in Shanghai in the Far East...
On the Shanghai side, Sheen excitedly came to inform Li Junhao after receiving the news, but found that he was very calm. He just smiled and nodded, saying: "Thank you, Sheen, I understand."

When Sheen heard that he knew, he didn't think much, waved his hands excitedly, and continued to inform others.For diplomats like them, President Roosevelt's re-election means that there will be no major changes in foreign policy, and their jobs and futures will be stable. This is certainly worth celebrating!
Li Junhao, who knew today was an important day, specially worked in the Consulate General, waiting for this news.When the dust fell to the ground and the office door closed again, he leaned back in his chair, lit a cigar, and while smoking, looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the future direction of history...
The news that Roosevelt was re-elected spread quickly around the world. Generally speaking, governments of various countries quite recognized the US president and sent congratulatory calls one after another. The few countries that were unhappy had no choice but to hold their country. The nose sent a congratulatory telegram - it was useless to say anything at this time.

Chairman Chiang Kai-shek of Chongqing also sent a congratulatory message immediately. Roosevelt's re-election was definitely good news for him. It meant that the United States would continue to support China's war of resistance, so that he did not have to worry about guessing the new president's foreign policy. .

Japan is one of those countries that is very unhappy, because among their leaders, anyone with a little bit of political knowledge knows that the American president’s political leanings are anti-fascist, which is certainly not a problem for Japan. good news.

The German side has not made any statement from beginning to end, because for them, this news is not good or bad, at least it is still like this!

On the British side, it’s hard to say what other people think, but Prime Minister Churchill knew Roosevelt very well and knew that the president was an ally who really wanted to join the war, so he personally drafted a very long message to express his congratulations and at the same time proposed discussing the United States’ participation in the war. The problem.

In the United States, business people and major political and business families are either happy or sad, but they all noticed one thing: the Rockefeller family has chosen the right side again this time, which is amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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