Shadow Spy

Chapter 335: Two work reports in one day

Chapter 335 Reporting twice in one day
On Monday, November 11, when Ayers went to work, he took Li Junhao to the State Council and asked him to go to the Far East Department to report on his work first, and then go to the Navy Department in the afternoon. For this purpose, a car was specially prepared for him. He uses it when traveling.

The current director of the Far East Division is Riggs McDaniel, who he seems to know - at the end of October last year, this person participated in the Far East Observation Group and went to Shanghai with the 10 supplementary troops to participate and witness The two major concessions were merged.

When the two met, they naturally recalled the original scene. More than a year later, when they met again in China, they felt like they were reunited with old friends.

When McDaniel saw him, he looked very happy. He stood up and asked him to sit on the sofa in the reception area. He asked his secretary to bring him coffee and asked him kindly about his current situation.

Li Junhao didn't interact with him many times in Shanghai. At that time, they were very polite to each other, but they didn't talk about it in depth. At this time, they seemed to be more intimate because of their acquaintance.

In terms of position, Li Junhao came from the diplomatic system. He started as a first-class attaché at the Consulate General in Shanghai and is still serving as deputy consul general. However, his main position now is in the military system in Shanghai. The commander of the Joint Command is no longer a mere diplomat.

In fact, even the position of deputy consul general is not inferior to McDaniel's director of the Far East Department in terms of administrative level, but he has to accept the guidance of the Far East Department in terms of business.

McDaniel was originally a very smooth professional diplomat, so he would not neglect Li Junhao, a promising young man who spanned both military and political circles. He never acted like a superior from the beginning to the end.

The other party treated him politely, and Li Junhao naturally reciprocated. He took the initiative to report on the current situation of the Shanghai Concession, and submitted a work report that had been prepared long ago. He did an impeccable job.

What Li Junhao did made McDaniel very happy. It was one thing for him not to offend promising young people, but it was another thing to pay attention to work. Now the other party took the initiative to do his job well, so that his side could go smoothly. Completing work tasks is, of course, something that everyone is happy about.

The conversation between the two was very harmonious, and it didn't take long for them to become as familiar as friends...

At noon, McDaniel specially invited Li Junhao to have dinner at the State Council restaurant, introduced him to many people, and also publicized his arrival.

For the staff of the State Council, many people have heard of Pan Sen's name. When they met in person, the common feeling was that the deputy consul general in Shanghai was so young! ——
In the afternoon, after Li Junhao contacted Lieutenant Colonel Vidal first, he took Nick and Avni by car to the Department of the Navy on Pennsylvania Avenue in the Northwest District of Washington.

At this time, the construction of the Pentagon had not yet begun, nor had the Department of Defense been established. The highest institutions of the U.S. military were the President's Council of Military Advisors, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Army. The Air Force had not been established separately.

Among them, the power of the Department of the Navy is actually greater, because it not only commands the naval forces of the entire United States, but also has its own naval air force, manages the relatively independent Marine Corps and Coast Guard, and receives annual military expenditures. It is also several times that of the War Department.

Therefore, among Li Junhao's three military ranks, the official rank of Navy Lieutenant Colonel is more valuable than the Marine Corps Wartime Lieutenant Colonel and the Army Wartime Colonel, and one of his main positions is also the Far East Intelligence Officer of the Naval Intelligence Agency.However, this time he went to the Expeditionary Operations Office of the Navy to report on the performance of his duties as the Shanghai-Sea Joint Commander.

The Admiralty is an eight-story independent building with 12 tall Baroque columns on the outside, which looks very majestic. Outside the gate, there are as many as 40 wide and long steps leading to the roadside.When Li Junhao's car arrived at the door, Lieutenant Colonel Vidal was already waiting at the foot of the steps.After the two parties greeted each other, they walked up the steps together. Vidal acted as a guide, introducing the situation of the Admiralty Building to him who was here for the first time...

Ten minutes later, Li Junhao, led by Vidal, arrived at the Expeditionary Operations Division on the fourth floor and met with the division chief, Major General Precito Vaughn.

Vaughan is a slightly short, middle-aged white man with glasses and a somewhat serious expression. If he were not wearing a navy uniform, he would look more like a high school teacher than a professional soldier.

Li Junhao first saluted and said: "Hello, General Vaughn, I am Ognyan Lee Panson, reporting to you."

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Panson, nice to see you." Vaughan responded meticulously, "Please sit down, we can talk about what you are doing in the Far East..."

Just like when he reported to the Far East Department of the State Council, Li Junhao prepared his work report in advance. This time he handed the report to Director Vaughn before starting the report - because he could see that Vaughn is a person who pays great attention to details. , he believes that his work should be done in a rigorous style, so words and data can better explain the problem.

Sure enough, after opening the report and listening to Li Junhao's explanation, Vaughan clearly showed appreciation and expressed great satisfaction after he finished the report.

However, Vaughan raised a question at the end: If the United States and Japan declare war on each other, can the Shanghai Concession be defended?

In this regard, Li Junhao could not give a clear answer. He could only say that everything he had done before was to prepare for this. As for the result, there is currently no answer.

Vaughn heard what he said and nodded in agreement, but he expressed his admiration for everything Li Junhao had done for this...

In general, this debriefing was very successful. Li Junhao received a triple-A rating, which means that the Far East and Shanghai affairs led by him will receive full support from the Expeditionary Warfare Division of the Ministry of the Navy.
After leaving the Navy Department, Li Junhao took Nick and Avni around the streets of Washington and bought a lot of things before meeting the driver and taking the car back to Ayers' home.

In the evening, he gave Ayers a detailed account of today's two work reports. He reviewed them and found no errors or omissions.In this way, there is only one thing left for him to come to Washington this time: to meet the president.

Ayers told him that the meeting had been arranged, and it would be tomorrow afternoon, expected to be between four and five o'clock, for an hour. The president might ask him some questions, and he only needed to answer them according to his own understanding.

However, Li Junhao has not thought that the president will ask him any questions, but he is not worried, because it is just those things. He is really interested in seeing with his own eyes this hero who will be called the hero who changed World War II in later generations!
(End of this chapter)

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