Shadow Spy

Chapter 338 is actually related to the royal family

Chapter 338 is actually related to the royal family

Li Junhao was originally going to leave for Shanghai on the 20th, but because of what he heard from Lister yesterday, he decided to explore the secret of the surname Stuart.

So he stayed for another day. After returning to Washington, he went to the Library of Congress to search for information for a long time, and he found out about the Stuart family.

This matter is somewhat legendary when it comes to British history.

In 1603, the Tudor dynasty in England ended due to lack of heirs. The ninth King of Scotland, James VI of the Stuart dynasty, who was born in 1566 and ascended the throne in 1567, succeeded to the throne as James I of the Kingdom of England and Scotland due to blood ties. and England entered the co-ownership dynasty stage.

In 1625, James I died, and his son Charles I, Prince of Wales (his mother was Princess Anne of Denmark) succeeded to the throne and became the tenth King of Scotland and the second King of England and Ireland in the Seat Dynasty.

In 1640, the bourgeois revolution broke out in England. Charles I fought two civil wars with parliamentary forces. After his defeat in 1649, he was beheaded and executed by Parliament for treason. He was the first monarch to be publicly executed in the history of Britain and even Europe. Called "Headless Charlie."

In 1650, Charles II, the eldest son of the exiled Charles I (his mother was the Spanish princess Henrietta Maria), was crowned King of Scotland. In 1660, he returned to England for a successful restoration, and in April 1661, he was crowned King of England and Ireland.In addition to restoring the Stuart dynasty, its main achievement was the signing and promulgation of the "Human Rights Protection Act" in 4.

In 1685, Charles II died without children, and his brother James II came to the throne.

In 1688, the Glorious Revolution broke out in Britain. James II was forced to abdicate and went into exile in France, under the protection of French King Louis XIV (Sun King). Britain entered a constitutional monarchy, and the British throne fell to James II's daughter Mary II and son-in-law William III. In the hands of the Dutch, Britain entered the era of the Commonwealth, and the rights of the British King were basically lost.

In 1694, Mary II died, leaving William III to reign alone.

In 1701, the British Parliament established the royal family's "Act of Succession" to determine the order of succession to the throne.

The "Act of Succession" stipulates that if all the heirs specified in the Bill of Rights of 1689 die without issue, the throne will be passed to Sophia, the Elector of Hanover, the granddaughter of the former British King James I, who is a female descendant of the Stuart family, and Sophia, the Elector of Hanover. Successed by her Protestant descendants.

In 1702, William III died, and Mary II's sister Anne came to the throne as Queen Anne.

In 1707, England and Scotland united to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

In 1714, Anne died without an heir, thus ending the Stuart dynasty.According to the "Act of Succession of 1701", the Royal Parliament invited George Ludwig von Hanover, the son of the Elector of Hanover in Germany, who was ranked 52nd in the succession to the throne at that time, the King of Great Britain and the King of Ireland, to be George I. This created the Hanoverian dynasty and the beginning of the Germanic lineage of the British royal family (later, during World War I, George V abandoned the German surname and renamed the royal family "Windsor" in order to appease the people, and it remains today.)
The world believes that the Stuart dynasty ended because of the severance of blood, and the person who became childless was the third king of the dynasty, Charles II.

It can be seen from the history of the British royal family that since 1714 to the present, Britain has actually been ruled by a German royal family. During the previous World War I and the ongoing World War II, Britain and Germany They are all the main opponents, which cannot but be said to be a historical irony.
Li Junhao admitted that the Stuart family was indeed prominent enough, but what did this have to do with him?

Yesterday, Lister only half-said that his surname should be Stuart, but refused to say anything further, which made him unable to get up or down.

Well, even if he is really from this family, so what?A descendant of a British king 350 years ago, whose family has long since lost the throne, what else can he do in today's society?
However, there still seemed to be something wrong. Before the British troops stationed in Shanghai evacuated, they specially sent him 50 capable guards. Later, by controlling these people, he learned that they were from the British mainland, and He was dispatched by the royal guard. Is that the reason?

So what is the situation of the Stuart family here in the United States?He didn't find this in the library...

By noon he gave up trying, screw it!In the past year and a half, he didn't know anything about Stuart, but he had come to this, and he was living a pretty good life - obviously he didn't want to admit that there were benefits that this surname brought to him, even though he I understand this now.
In the afternoon, Li Junhao walked around downtown Washington again and did a big shopping trip. However, including uncommon firearms and daily necessities, food, tobacco and alcohol, he only bought one piece of each item. The salespeople were surprised.

In addition, he also bought a lot of books and all electrical products including radios and record players, as well as various electronic accessories such as tubes, circuit boards, capacitors, resistors, etc...

In short, as long as it was "necessities" that could not be bought in Shanghai, he bought them all, using the checkbook that List gave him yesterday, without using the cash in his pocket at all.

That night, he returned to Ayers' house and never mentioned what Lister had said to him. Although he was very sure that the old man must know a lot of things, including his life experience, he had lost interest in exploring it. Let them keep it a secret!They have to protect themselves now anyway, so why not enjoy it all by yourself?When you get into trouble, who will be more anxious?
Ayers told him that after returning to Shanghai, he still had to build up his troops... In addition, he also had to remember that he should never obey the orders of any other department or personnel or control the situation without receiving his instructions. No one can hand over control of Shanghai and Hainan!But when you receive his instructions, you must execute them immediately without wasting time!

Li Junhao realized that this topic was a bit serious, but Ayers refused to explain any more and just asked him to remember these two points and not forget them.

Of course, he didn't sleep well at night, always thinking about what he had heard in the past two days, and he was so confused that he didn't know when he fell asleep...

Early the next morning, before dawn, Li Junhao, Nick, and Avni got up and left, heading again to the Andrews Army Air Force Base 15 kilometers east of Washington, D.C., where the modified P-24 bomber was waiting. them.

(End of this chapter)

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