Shadow Spy

Chapter 343 is more important than expected

Chapter 343 is more important than expected

When Li Junhao was boarding the plane, airport security personnel tried to stop him, but under the guard of the U.S. Embassy Guards, they did not get the chance to step forward. Of course, there was also a reason why they did not dare to use force, and Li Junhao The decisive attitude is of course the most important.

Sitting on the plane, Li Junhao suddenly thought, was Chairman Chiang using this method to show his insult and disdain for him?The reason for having this idea is that this thing is a bit too weird, as if he was tricked here just to humiliate him. This is a bit venting, and it is really weird! ——
Shortly after the Xiawei took off from Chongqing, Mrs. Chiang, who was gathering with a group of official ladies, received the news from the official residence. She was surprised and rushed back immediately. The first time she saw Chairman Chiang, she said: "Darling, why? Why do you do this?"

Although Chairman Chiang did not dare to disobey his wife due to various reasons, he could not help but shouted forcefully at this time: "I just want to humiliate him! Let him know that I am the real supreme power in this country." Or, he is just an American young man..."

Facing the furious Chairman Chiang, Mrs. Chiang was also speechless... But how to deal with the aftermath?
When something like this happened, Ambassador Johnson certainly did not dare to hide it, and immediately sent a telegram to the country to report the incident.

In Washington, Secretary of State Hull was extremely surprised when he received the telegram. From a diplomatic perspective, the nature of this matter is very bad. Although it will not affect the fundamentals of U.S.-China relations, the State Department obviously wants to treat this person. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek underwent a new character and ability assessment.

In addition, after Hull and Ayers met, they confirmed that Pan Sen did not take the initiative to complain, which made them think that Pan Sen was still very calm; moreover, Pan Sen did not make a big deal at the scene and chose to leave voluntarily. It left room for diplomatic relations between the two countries and was handled appropriately.

Hull called back to Johnson, asking him to protest to the Kuomintang government and readjust the distribution ratio of military aid to China this month, reducing the Kuomintang's share from 75% to 50%, and allocating the other 50% to the underground party.
Here in Chongqing, when Ambassador Johnson informed the Nationalist Government of the U.S. decision, there was a commotion!You know, before the monthly aid materials to China have been shipped to the country, all parties have already distributed them, and they are all waiting for the rice to be put into the pot. Suddenly one-third of the share is missing. What's the big deal?

Soon, things became clear. It turned out that Chairman Chiang wanted to deliberately humiliate American officials, but they left in anger. The new decision of the U.S. government was obviously to punish the Nationalist government!
Although all parties dare not curse openly, they are full of complaints in private. Especially those non-direct factions have secretly connected together and agreed to keep their own faction's share of military aid and the missing part. Let Chiang Kai-shek's direct descendants take the responsibility!
Chairman Chiang regretted it at this time. He did not expect that an act of anger would have such consequences. He would not do this if it happened again.

But now that things had happened, all he had to do was to make amends, so he immediately made an appointment with Ambassador Johnson and asked for a face-to-face conversation. But what he didn't expect was that the other party refused, claiming that he didn't have time. There were many things today and they needed to be dealt with one by one. Just fine.

In this regard, Chairman Chiang was angry and helpless, but this time he did not get angry again, but looked at Mrs. Chiang next to him, who was answering the call from the telecommunications room...

After a while, Mrs. Jiang put down the phone and shook her head regretfully at him, meaning that she had not received a satisfactory answer.

Later, Mrs. Chiang told him that her friends in the United States said that Pan Sen was highly valued by the president and the new national security adviser... Therefore, the White House Counsel's Office believed that the National Government was very dissatisfied with Pan Sen's humiliating behavior. Friendly, it is necessary to punish; moreover, her friend told her clearly: all this happened without Pan Sen's request or voice, and the meaning is even more worth pondering!
Sitting on the plane, Li Junhao didn't think about what happened before. During the seven-hour flight, he first wanted to get some sleep before he could have the energy to better cope with the upcoming trip to Manila.

At 15 o'clock in the evening, the Hawaiian aircraft landed at a US military base 57 kilometers northeast of Manila. What greeted him on the runway was Major General Jonathan Wainwright, part-time chief of staff of the Far East Force and commander of the Philippine Division.After getting off the plane, Li Junhao first saluted Major General Wainwright, who saluted almost at the same time as him, showing great respect.Wainwright is a [-]-year-old, thin, traditional professional soldier. His character allows him to resolutely execute the orders of his superiors while doing his job well. Therefore, he greatly respects Li Junhao's status as the chief assistant to the National Security Advisor. Just now He wanted to salute first.

"Mr. Panson, please follow me." Wainwright said.

"Thank you, General." Li Junhao respected Wainwright very much. Compared with MacArthur, this man was a real soldier. In his previous life in the Philippine Campaign, when MacArthur abandoned his troops and fled the battlefield and ran to Australia, he was He stayed to lead the American and Philippine troops to resist the Japanese army. Although the result was not very good, the general did his best under the circumstances.

While walking towards the base restaurant, Li Junhao asked: "Where is General Wainwright and Lieutenant General MacArthur? Isn't he at this base?"

"Mr. Panson, the General Headquarters is not at the base..." Wainwright said, "General MacArthur is staying in the center of Manila with the General Headquarters."

"The headquarters is located in the center of Manila?" Li Junhao asked in shock, "Why is this matter not reflected in the report to the country?" When he said this, his tone revealed a truly superior-like attitude.

Wainwright clearly felt the pressure and immediately said: "I don't know about this. All reports to the country are reported directly by the headquarters, including the relevant reports of each unit, which are first submitted to the headquarters for unified forwarding..."

"Ha!" Li Junhao laughed. This was controlling the upward transmission of information!This is quite a solution, but, "General Wainwright, take me to the communications room at the base. I want to report my trip to the Embassy in China and Washington immediately."

"Oh..." Wainwright was stunned for a moment, then said: "Okay, sir, please come this way."

When he arrived at the communications room, Li Junhao did not use the base's radio operator, but chose to send the message himself, reporting safety to Chongqing and Washington respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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