Shadow Spy

Chapter 350 Birthday in Washington

Chapter 350 Birthday in Washington

On March 3, Li Junhao entered the Capitol Building for the first time as the president's attaché. He listened to President Roosevelt's speech in the House of Representatives and the Senate respectively, and benefited a lot.

On the same day, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act proposed by Roosevelt - the President of the United States has the right to lease weapons and equipment to countries related to U.S. security!The Lend-Lease Act was signed into law by Roosevelt that day.

The birth of the Lend-Lease Act was an important milestone for the United States, although it was still in a non-belligerent state, but it actively intervened in the anti-fascist war. It was essentially equivalent to the United States officially intervening in the world anti-fascist war! ——
In the days that followed, Li Junhao's life and work were very regular. He went to work, had meetings, read intelligence, wrote reports... chatted and had gatherings with his colleagues, and quickly became familiar with each other in the White House, the State Department, and the Navy Department. I made many new friends and got to know more people.

According to the rules of the workplace, when you have to work in one place for a long time, you must make more friends and fewer allies with your enemies. Only in this way can you gain more help during confrontation and isolate your enemies at the same time.At this point, Li Junhao did a pretty good job.

March 3th was Li Junhao’s 27th birthday. Ayers held a small birthday party for him in the White House staff dining room at noon. Colleagues from the National Security Advisory Office, Military Advisory Office and other departments congratulated him and gave him gifts. He was given a lot of small gifts, which made him a little touched.

Because it was a Thursday, a working day, the birthday party only took place during lunch time and was very short. However, in the evening of the same day, Ayers called him to his home again and held a small-scale celebration. There were not many people, except for Nick and Avni beside Mrs. Brown and Li Junhao, there were only Admiral Leahy, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, and Major General Vaughan, Director of the Expeditionary Warfare Division of the Navy Department.

Knox is a Republican and a staunch anti-fascist fighter. He was once a distant uncle of current President Franklin Roosevelt and a loyal supporter of the 26th President Theodore Roosevelt. At the end of World War I, he was an artillery colonel and later engaged in publishing. career, and even ran for vice president in 1936.

After the European War broke out, Knox advocated firm support for Britain and that the United States should actively intervene in the war.After being appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Roosevelt in July last year, he actively prepared the naval force and laid a firm foundation for the United States to participate in the war in the future.

In any case, Li Junhao was a little surprised that Knox came to Ayres' home for this small birthday party tonight. When he came up to say hello, he even felt the 66-year-old veteran's care.

At 08:30 in the evening, Mrs. Brown brought in two new guests. One of them was Lester Rockefeller, and the other was a middle-aged white woman with brown hair and blue eyes. Everyone present could clearly see that. The face of this woman is very similar to Li Junhao!

Li Junhao was a little at a loss. Although he had no memory of his previous life in this world, he clearly felt a connection between this woman and this body...

"Ogg, this is your aunt Martha Lee Stuart Hoover." Lister introduced.

aunt?Before Li Junhao could react, he was hugged by Martha, who also shouted: "Little Ogg, you are worried about everyone! How are you during this time?"

Li Junhao didn't know how to answer, so he could only look at the people around him for help.

His expression made several people around him laugh. Everyone knew that he had lost some memories before the age of 25, so they were not surprised that he did not recognize his aunt. Even Martha herself knew about it. , but the excitement after meeting made her forget this.

After being excited, Martha let go of her hand, looked at him seriously, and smiled with tears in her eyes: "Little Ogg, you look so beautiful in the navy uniform!" Li Junhao's lips moved, and the word "Aunt" But I couldn't shout out...

Martha saw his embarrassment and smiled: "Little Ogg, just call me Martha. That's what you called me before anyway."

"Oh, Martha!" Li Junhao said, but he didn't know what to say next.

"No matter what, the most important thing is that you are safe!" Martha said, "In a blink of an eye, you are already 27 years old. When you come back this time, don't leave again. Come home with me!"

go home?Is it the Stuart family?Li Junhao had some questions.

"Okay, Martha, let's talk about this later. Let Ogg take a moment first." At this time, Lister said, "He still needs to know more things before he can make a decision."

After everyone sat down again, Admiral Leahy, who was facing Li Junhao, winked at him, as if to say: Should you thank me for telling you some information in advance?
All right!Li Junhao admitted that he should be thanked, but he still had more questions.Now that he has met an aunt named Martha, are there other relatives?He felt that he was very passive in this matter and had no idea what was going to happen next.

Next, everyone did not mention the issue of his life experience, but talked about the current world situation. As an important report writer and analyst, Li Junhao was of course very familiar with these situations, but at this time, there was something a little... Unable to cheer up, he kept thinking about Stuart...

He has now determined that he should be from the Stuart family, and the Panson in his name comes from his mother's family, but why he went to Stuart instead of using his mother's surname "Panson" is unknown... Oh, and Aunt Martha's husband's surname was "Hoover", which also reminded him of a lot.

I don’t know if she was persuaded by Lister and Ayres, but Martha didn’t mention bringing Li Junhao home after that. Instead, she mentioned many interesting things about him during the hours, making everyone laugh...

After the meal, everyone sat on the sofa to talk. Martha took Li Junhao's hand and asked him about his experience in the past two years. The expectant look in his eyes made him unable to refuse at all. He could only tell the situation in detail, and followed him. narration, several people who were chatting next to him were also attracted...

What Li Junhao told at this time was not a boring report, but his life and work in the Shanghai Concession. There were many details in it, which everyone was particularly interested in.

When they heard about what the Japanese army had done in China, the image of the Sino-Japanese war in everyone's minds changed significantly; and the "anti-gang" operation in the concession made everyone applaud...

This evening, Li Junhao talked a lot, and Ayers, Leahy, Knox and others also listened a lot and gained a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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