Shadow Spy

Chapter 353 I finally have to leave

Chapter 353 I finally have to leave
On May 5, Li Junhao called Ayers back. He did not mention the Shanghai Concession. Instead, he suggested that he pay attention to the war in the Balkans in Europe, especially Crete, which controlled the Aegean Sea and the eastern Mediterranean route. It was expected that the German army would It will launch an attack on it. It is recommended that the US military, which has not been in actual combat for many years, learn the tactics of seizing the island.

Ayers was not proficient in battle tactics, so he announced it at a new national security meeting, which aroused everyone's discussion. However, everyone guessed that it was a conventional landing operation, with the navy covering and transporting, and the army landing. ; Later, Ayers announced the airborne combat ideas improved in Pansen's reply to the Far East...

There are 3 British Expeditionary Forces and 1.4 Greek troops on the island of Crete. However, the equipment is poor, the artillery is insufficient, there are no aircraft at all, and there are only 6 tanks. General Freiberg of New Zealand, who serves as the garrison commander, disperses the troops. The island is allocated 4 defense zones; in addition, various formations of the British Mediterranean Fleet (4 battleships, 1 aircraft carrier, 9 cruisers, and more than 20 fleet destroyers) cooperate in operations.

The two sides fought until the end of the month, and the German army successfully controlled the island of Crete. This was a strategic success. Not only did Germany have an important air force and naval base in the eastern Mediterranean, it was also able to contain the British troops stationed in North Africa to the south and attack the enemy eastward. The possibility of attack in the Middle East made the Allies very worried about the connection between Germany and Japan, and most importantly, they eliminated worries about Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union.

However, from a tactical point of view, the battle launched by the German army was a failure.


This result was devastating to the German airborne troops, and made the top brass of the German army doubt the role of the airborne troops in the war. Since then, this unit has never been used on a large scale.
As a spectator, the United States was greatly shocked by the airborne battle on Crete!

The continuous use of blitzkrieg, armored assault warfare, rapid interspersion and segmentation tactics by the German army in the war, and this airborne operation, made the top US military leaders deeply aware of the characteristics of modern warfare; moreover, more military personnel noticed that they made predictions in advance Brigadier General Panson!In the minds of many people, Pan Sen is already known as a military strategist!
At the White House National Security Conference held on June 6, General Leahy formally proposed that Brigadier General Panson be transferred back to the country from the Far East to fully perform the duties of the Chief Assistant to the National Security Advisor and serve as the Assistant Chief of Staff (Chief of Staff) of the National Security Council Currently Leahy serves as part-time).

Everyone at the meeting agreed, but Ayers expressed concern because he knew how much Pan Sen wanted to keep the Shanghai Concession, and had prepared for it for more than two years and put in too much effort, so that he would be removed from the Shanghai Concession. He would definitely not be willing to be transferred back from the Far East!
After the meeting, Ayers communicated individually with Roosevelt and Leahy and exchanged views on Panson's issue.

Regarding his worries, Leahy felt that it was not a big problem. The preparations for war in the Shanghai Concession were good enough. Others could be responsible for it. Talents with strategic vision like Pan Sen should be used in more appropriate places. Instead of wasting it on the front lines where danger is always present.

In this regard, President Roosevelt agreed with Leahy's opinion and personally decided that Ayers would do Panson's work, and Admiral Leahy would be responsible for arranging the personnel allocation in the Far East.

In this way, the three big shots arranged Li Junhao's future work without his knowledge!
On June 6, Li Junhao felt bad after receiving a telegram from Ayres. He was asked to leave the new concession he had built by himself, which he couldn't accept.So he immediately called back, stating that he did not want to leave at this time and asked the White House to reconsider.

Ayers sent another long telegram, explaining in detail the decision of the National Security Council and informing General Leahy of his reasons, saying that it would be more correct for him to contribute his talents to the overall interests of the country; as for the security of the Shanghai Concession, Having laid a good foundation, as long as a commander with moderate battlefield command ability is enough to complete the guard mission, he does not have to stay at all...

Of course Li Junhao understands this truth, but he really can't let go!In addition, if he returns to China, what will happen to Xiaohu, Xiaoyu, Li Xiaoyu, Zheng Pingru and others?There are also the police station, the 327th Regiment, the Wolf Warrior Brigade, the intelligence network, etc. How can we throw them away at once?

When he told these difficulties, Ayers knew that he had begun to compromise, and immediately enthusiastically helped to make arrangements...
On the other side, Admiral Leahy was also selecting the successor to the commander of the Shanghai-Shanghai Joint Command. As an admiral, of course he was mainly looking for people in the navy. For this reason, he specifically discussed with Secretary of the Navy Knox. Unexpectedly, we got a candidate—Rear Admiral Precito Vaughn, Director of the Expeditionary Operations Division of the Navy!
When Major General Vaughn heard the news from Secretary Knox, he immediately volunteered to go to the Far East.

General Leahy, along with Ayers and Knox, had a conversation with him and explained in detail the current situation of the Shanghai Concession, especially the efforts made by Brigadier General Panson over more than two years, which made him understand this task. importance.

After hearing this, Major General Vaughn immediately promised that he would resolutely implement the defensive strategy formulated by Brigadier General Panson, continue his various policies for managing the Shanghai Concession, stabilize the situation, and guard the Shanghai Concession!
As for why Major General Vaughan was willing to leave his senior position in the Navy Department and serve in the Far East, it was because he needed practical leadership experience to prepare for promotion - as an officer promoted from the Marine Corps, he had to do so in order to be promoted to major general. Without being transferred to a naval rank, but without experience in commanding ship operations, it is simply impossible to be promoted in the navy. Therefore, this military position in the Shanghai Concession is an excellent opportunity for him to undertake the battle for this purpose. The risk is nothing at all!
(End of this chapter)

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