Shadow Spy

Chapter 360: Pay attention to the battle situation during preparation

Chapter 360: Pay attention to the battle situation during preparation
On Friday, June 6, at the White House's regular weekend press conference, Roosevelt announced the appointment of Brigadier General Ognyan Lee Penson, the principal assistant to the national security adviser, as acting director of national intelligence, responsible for coordinating and summarizing domestic intelligence. The work of various intelligence agencies provides timely intelligence briefings to the Office of the President.

However, the president did not announce the establishment of the CIA, which is still confidential.

As a result, Brigadier General Panson entered the public eye at an extremely fast speed. Well-informed people immediately disclosed his political and military resume. His series of achievements and contributions made even the most jealous people No objection can be raised;
And the only question of age that people are confused about is not a problem at all for ordinary Americans - this is a magical place. The American Dream is the focus of long-term propaganda by the vested interests, and no one will jump out at this time. sing a different tune.
Li Junhao ignored the noise from the outside world and was busy with his new career.

Thanks to Roosevelt's full support, the funds he needs now are fully guaranteed by the President's Special Fund, and he has also obtained permission to independently recruit the necessary personnel from various government departments, the military, the National Guard, various research institutions, universities and all walks of life. , which allowed him to freely mess around.

With his support, Donovan, the proposed director of the CIA Intelligence Division, also maintained a high enthusiasm for work, waving checks and documents to poach people everywhere, and used his flexible social skills to attract a large number of elites, including Harvard University Well-known scholars, famous poets, wealthy businessmen, bankers, film directors, playwrights, conspiracy theorists, etc. are all talented people. They are all shrewd and capable, and their supernatural powers are indescribable.

This situation made Li Junhao feel a little dumbfounded. He could only be thankful that he had put Donovan under his absolute control early. If it had been any later, he might not have had the chance to control him!
In just ten days, the number of CIA staff, which was still under preparation, soared from the initial dozens to thousands, and more than a dozen offices of various sizes were set up in Washington and surrounding states. Still in the process of rapid expansion...
During this period, the situation on the European battlefield changed three times a day. The German army made a lightning advance on the territory of the Soviet Union. It began its offensive on June 6. Its Army Group Center raided Minsk, the capital of Belarus, in just one week and defeated the Soviet Union. The main force of the Western Front of the Chinese Army was besieged...

By July 7, the Battle of Minsk was basically over, and the besieged Soviet army completely gave up resistance. Of the 3 divisions of the 67-strong Soviet Western Front, 44 divisions were completely defeated, and the other 24 divisions suffered 20% losses - 30% of the personnel and equipment, except for more than 90 people who broke through, the other 20 people were completely wiped out!

According to German battle reports, 32.9 Soviet troops were captured in this battle, and 3332 tanks and 1809 artillery pieces were seized.

In just 11 days, more than 40 Soviet troops were wiped out. Such results once again shocked the world.
On June 6, German radio reported the Minsk victory in its domestic broadcast. European countries and the United States still couldn't believe it. At the emergency national security meeting, the newly appointed CIA director Li Junhao confirmed with certainty: This is true. The Soviet Union The Western Front deployed in the west is finished!

At the same time, Li Junhao also asserted that although the commander of the Western Front, General Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov, was Stalin's confidant, he would not be able to escape the fate of being shot after such a defeat.

At that time, everyone in the audience who heard what he said didn't quite believe it. The rank of general in the Soviet Union was almost the same as the highest-ranking military rank in the United States as a four-star general. Could it be that such an important general would be dismissed just because he lost a battle? killed?This is obviously overkill and a waste of talent!

Later news from the Soviet Union confirmed that the commander of the Western Front, General Pavlov, the chief of staff, Major General V. Ye Klimovsky, the Director of Communications, Major General An. The commander of the group army, Major General Y. An. Korobkov, and others were sentenced to death by a Soviet military court for desertion from duty and poor command and executed by firing squad. Dozens of other mid-level and senior generals were held accountable and sentenced to imprisonment and The punishment of hard labor... These punishments were immediately announced to all Soviet troops as a tribute to them!
At this time, a group of senior officials and military generals were convinced. Although the CIA, which was organized by Brigadier General Panson, had not yet seen any results, it was certain that the agency would be able to analyze and judge military situations based on its helmsman's ability. The results are insignificant! ——
On the other hand, when senior U.S. military and political officials were worried about the German-Soviet war situation, Li Junhao issued a timely warning: Japan in the Far East is the biggest threat to U.S. interests!
To this end, on the one hand, he tasked Donovan to focus on Japanese intelligence during this period, especially the Japanese Embassy in the United States and consulates in various places, using surveillance, monitoring, tracking and other means;

On the other hand, he directly called the Far East Division of the Naval Intelligence Agency and the Far Eastern Force Headquarters, asking them to pay attention to all movements in the direction of Japan, especially to intercept and decipher its telegrams;
In another direction, he directly contacted Secretary Knox of the Navy Department, asking them to always pay attention to the movements of the Japanese fleet, and at the same time strengthen the air defense preparations of each fleet and military ports...

His actions caused quite a shock. The White House, State Department, Navy Department, Army Department, etc. specifically asked him about the situation. His answer was "Be prepared for any emergencies." But in private, he specifically called Ayers to find him. President Roosevelt stated that he expected that the Japanese navy would most likely launch a surprise attack on the U.S. fleet in the near future, and that it would be an undeclared war, and all parties in the United States must prepare for it in advance.

As he expected, Roosevelt was not surprised by this. Instead, he asked him to keep paying attention to the matter, but not to tell other people about his judgment. As for what to do next, we would discuss it later.

After leaving the president's office, Ayers pulled him to his place and warned him with a serious expression: Remember the president's words, don't make arbitrary decisions, and wait until there is a clear order before taking action...

All right!Of course Li Junhao fully understood at this time - Roosevelt and his senior staff in this era were actually smart enough. Even if they did not receive clear information, they had already judged what the Japanese were going to do, just because of the domestic situation. In special circumstances, I chose to conceal this judgment.

The reason why they did this has actually been speculated by later generations, but at this time, he was personally present as a witness!
(End of this chapter)

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