Shadow Spy

Chapter 362: Experience of visiting London

Chapter 362: Experience of visiting London

On August 8, Roosevelt and Churchill reached a consensus and signed the Atlantic Charter on the quarter deck of the British battleship HMS Prince of Wales, and it was officially announced on the 13th.

The charter declared the purpose of the war against Germany and the disposition of the post-war peace. It also stated that the two countries did not pursue territorial or other expansion and did not recognize the territorial changes caused by fascism through aggression;
Respect the right of peoples to choose their form of government;

Restoring the sovereignty of peoples who have been violently deprived of them;
Countries enjoy equal treatment in trade and raw materials;

Promote the most comprehensive economic cooperation among all countries;
rebuilding peace after destroying Nazi tyranny;
freedom of navigation on the high seas;

Countries must give up force, reduce armaments, and disarm aggressing countries.

The signing of the Atlantic Charter undoubtedly played a positive role in mobilizing the people of the world, strengthening the anti-fascist alliance, and defeating the German, Italian, and Japanese invaders.As a country that has not yet participated in the war, the United States issued such a clear statement together with the United Kingdom, which was a heavy blow to the fascist countries of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
Li Junhao never thought before that he would become a witness to the signing of the Atlantic Charter!
In the process of accompanying Roosevelt to the conference, he not only reached exchanges and cooperation with Menzies in the field of intelligence, but also met many British officials and naval admirals, including Churchill, and was treated warmly by the British - for For the British, this Brigadier General Panson can be regarded as most of their own people!

Churchill not only immediately approved the cooperation between MI6 and the CIA, but also readily agreed to the invitation issued by Menzies. He even went a step further and directly proposed to Roosevelt that the British government should send a formal invitation to the United States to Mr. Panson, asking him to come as soon as possible. British visit!

Roosevelt knew Li Junhao's background and could not directly make the decision for him at this time, so he said that it would be up to Pan Sen to decide whether to accept the invitation.

In this regard, Li Junhao could only continue as before, saying that he needed some time to think about it...

That night, after Li Junhao discussed this topic with Ayers, he contacted Lester Rockefeller by telegram, but the answers they gave were different!

The former feels that he should go. After all, it is for work and is beneficial to the interests of the United States. It can also increase Li Junhao's influence on the international political stage;

The latter disagreed because he knew that the Stuart family had never wanted to get too close to the British side. This was not only due to tradition, but also because the mainstream opinion within the family was not optimistic about Britain's prospects.

However, because Lister said this, Li Junhao was somewhat inclined to go. On the one hand, he had no memory of the Stuart family and did not want to pay attention to the family's traditions; on the other hand, he knew for sure that the British We can survive this war!
Although Britain will no longer be the leader of the Western world in the days to come, it is still a powerful country in Europe. With its status as a die-hard ally with the United States, it will continue to maintain a certain reputation for hundreds of years.

Therefore, early the next morning, he found President Roosevelt and expressed his willingness to visit Britain.Roosevelt was very pleased with this and immediately decided to have National Security Advisor Ayers as the official representative and Panson as the deputy representative to set out with the British fleet to visit the UK on his behalf.
On August 8, after bidding farewell to Roosevelt, Li Junhao and Ayers, together with Churchill, took the British fleet to leave Newfoundland and sail eastward on the Atlantic Ocean toward Great Britain.

In early September, when Li Junhao, accompanied by Menzies, visited MI9's various facilities, equipment, and personnel training, Churchill, after returning to China, held an Allied Conference in London to discuss the Atlantic Charter.

The governments of the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Norway, and "Free France" participated in the meeting; the U.S. Presidential National Security Advisor Ayers attended the meeting in a private capacity.

Although the participants of this Allied Powers Conference, except for Britain and the Soviet Union, were all members of the government-in-exile, the Atlantic Charter truly became the general program for countries around the world to carry out anti-fascist wars and laid the foundation for the anti-fascist war. The basis of the alliance.

During the meeting, in order to concentrate its efforts on combating German fascism, the Soviet government issued a statement endorsing the basic principles of the Charter. At the same time, it stated its position: it must concentrate its efforts to liberate the people of various countries enslaved by Hitler as soon as possible, and fascism must be eliminated after the war.

Although Li Junhao, who was in London, did not directly participate in the meeting, he was very familiar with its process because of Ayers; he also knew that in addition to guiding the war measures of the Allies in World War II, the "Atlantic Charter" was also the basis for future The foundation of the United Nations Charter can be described as far-reaching.
At the end of September, Li Junhao and Ayers completed their visit to London and left the UK on an American cruise ship.

At this time, in the Atlantic Ocean, the route between Britain and the United States was actually in danger. Fortunately, German submarines were strictly ordered not to attack American ships, so their voyage was considered safe.

Now the members of the Axis Powers, like other countries, actually know clearly that it will be a matter of time for the United States to join the war, and it will definitely be on the side of the Allies. Now American cargo ships are constantly transporting weapons and equipment and living supplies to the United Kingdom, and passenger ships are responsible for With the mission of transporting people for Britain and connecting its colonies around the world, this is increasingly contradictory to Germany's strategy of blocking the British coast!

Germany's current patience is actually to slow down the United States' participation in the war, but no one knows how long this calm will last, so Ayers and Li Junhao's return trip is still very dangerous - if the war breaks out in the next moment, They may be the first targets.

Li Junhao was confident enough to survive the German attack, but he was worried that it would be too late to save Ayers!Therefore, during the entire return trip, he was always a little nervous. He would even sleep enough in his personal space before appearing in the outside world. To others, it seemed as if he never had to sleep!
Ayres knew that he was worried about him, and comforted him several times, telling him not to worry about him, but of course Li Junhao couldn't listen, which made the old man both angry and touched.

Fortunately, the voyage went smoothly. On October 10, the group safely returned to Baltimore, Maryland, and soon returned to Washington.

This experience made Li Junhao mature a lot, gained a lot of knowledge, and gained a deeper understanding of the world's situation. It also strengthened his willingness to do "business".

(End of this chapter)

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