Shadow Spy

Chapter 365: Take advantage of the situation and eliminate evil

Chapter 365: Take advantage of the situation and eliminate evil

In fact, Li Junhao really wanted to take Hoover into his own hands, but he didn't find a good opportunity. After he became the director of the CIA, he became hostile to him and couldn't do anything about it.

After this incident, when he met Hoover in the White House, he found that the color of his light spot was actually red, indicating that he was still capable of threatening his own safety, so the strategy of striking first was absolutely correct!
He didn't want to kill the snake but get bitten instead, so he decided to eliminate it directly - even if a person like Hoover was sentenced to life imprisonment and put in the strictest prison, it would be useless!
However, before killing this biggest privacy spy, all the secrets he has collected must be dug out, and no future troubles can be left behind!
After the three consultants left to avoid suspicion, Li Junhao asked Donovan to call in his interrogation doctor, and directly administered truth serum (the anesthetic scopolamine) to Hoover...

Hoover was in charge of the FBI, and of course he knew the effects of Veritaserum, and even more so that an overdose of it could easily lead to death, so he was frightened and immediately wanted to confess - he always required his subordinates to be loyal and unyielding, but he You can't do it yourself.

Li Junhao would not believe what Hoover said. He wanted all of his secrets, not just the part he was willing to tell!

After injecting Hoover with scopolamine, Donovan led the doctor out, knowing that the secret below was not suitable for them to hear.

Veritaserum was very useful. Hoover unknowingly provided the addresses of 24 hidden objects in more than a dozen states in the central and northern United States!

After repeatedly confirming that he had given everything, Li Junhao stepped forward with a sneer and said in a very soft voice: "Mr. Director, give me one more injection!"
In the following days, when the U.S. Attorney General (Attorney General) personally took over the FBI and rectified it, Li Junhao took dozens of his cronies on board the confiscated Hoover plane, a modified Douglas DC- 2 passenger planes, flying around a dozen states, sweeping away the inventory in Hoover's 24 safe houses - now he has become the person with the most secrets in the United States!

Of course, there were too many secrets, and his actions were not hidden from the president, Ayers and others, so a large part of them had to be handed over. It was up to him to decide which ones he could keep.

He knew very well that this was actually something that the president and others could expect, but someone had to do it. Compared with Hoover, they were more willing to believe that Ogonyan was truly one of their own.

Of course, Li Junhao would also behave beyond their expectations. That is, he used the short time he controlled the FBI to copy and save a copy of all its information, including the FBI's predecessor, BOI (Bureau of Investigation) from July 1908. With the help of the super computer in Yiqulou, all the files since its establishment on the 7th have been converted into data files, allowing him to query them at any time. This has increased the number of secrets he knows dozens of times, and also made He has plenty of reading material to pass the boring time.
On Tuesday, October 10, when Li Junhao returned to Washington, Hoover's special plane... no, now it was a CIA special plane, and four Douglas DC-14L ​​transport planes landed at the Andrews Army Air Force Base, 3 kilometers east of the city. At that time, a convoy of ten heavy-armored trucks was waiting at the edge of the runway. The people responsible for picking up the plane were all people from the CIA and USSS (Secret Service)...

A large amount of archival materials brought back from the five planes were loaded into armored trucks and transported to the underground vault of the Treasury Department on the east side of the White House. Here, there will be those who have been carefully selected, have sufficient analytical capabilities, and signed confidentiality The agreement's senior analysts will review these documents and make detailed analysis reports.To this end, the White House even established a special team, headed by Ayers himself.When Li Junhao returned to the White House, he was welcomed unanimously by everyone. Roosevelt even sat in the lobby to greet him. The first words he said were: "Ogg, great!"
The next day, the Department of Justice announced that the respected FBI Director Edgar Hoover died of a heart attack late the night before at the age of 46...

Subsequently, the Department of Justice nominated former Assistant Attorney General Milton LeBlanc as the new FBI Director, and received the president's approval.

But later, President Roosevelt specifically requested the establishment of a special assistant attorney general position to be responsible for reviewing and supervising FBI-related operations, and appointed the candidates - principal assistant to the president's national security adviser, assistant military adviser, acting intelligence director, Commodore Ognyan Lee Penson, Director of the CIA.

The U.S. Department of Justice is the only department in the cabinet that does not use Secretary as the title of its top executive. Its chief officer is the United States Attorney General (United States Attorney General), who is considered the chief legal adviser to the U.S. government and is responsible for The government handles legal matters and supervises the judiciary.

The Attorney General of the United States ranks seventh in the order of presidential succession. He is nominated by the President of the United States after taking office and approved by the Senate. The President has the right to remove him from office at any time.

The position of Assistant Attorney General is not permanent in the U.S. political arena. Its powers are different from those of the Deputy Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General. It is mainly established to deal with certain matters individually, similar to those appointed by Congress or the President according to the U.S. Constitution. As an independent prosecutor, his power within the scope of his responsibilities is not restricted by any other department or individual - this position feature is actually quite scary!

Li Junhao did not expect to get this position. This almost means that while he serves as the head of the CIA, a foreign intelligence agency, he will also supervise the FBI, a huge department that is mainly responsible for domestic security and counterintelligence work. The scope of power overflow is somewhat Big!
In this regard, both Ayers and List told him that as long as he exercised power on Roosevelt's side, there was nothing to worry about, because their main interests were the same!

Li Junhao shrugged his shoulders at that time, feeling that he was being pushed too far forward now, as if he was taking too big a step and needed to be careful not to touch sensitive parts at all times!But of course he won't back down from the current situation, and it's also not in line with his character, so just keep going!
Next, according to the late Director Hoover's confession, Li Junhao personally ordered the elimination of some bad apples within the FBI, and had to "process" nearly 300 people from a security perspective, which made him feel that his hands were stained with blood. !Of course, this is just a sentiment, what should be done must still be done.

Before he knew it, he had become the most critical figure in the U.S. intelligence community!

(End of this chapter)

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