Shadow Spy

Chapter 370 I can only stand aside with cold eyes

Chapter 370 I can only look aside with cold eyes

When Li Junhao, who was "recuperating" at the Baltimore Manor, saw this information about the Japanese navy, he knew that the matter had officially begun. He had already done everything he should have done. Now he could only be a bystander, waiting to see the final outcome. In the end, the only thing he couldn't let go of was the officers and soldiers of the abandoned U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pearl Harbor base. This made him blame himself very much!
At this time, the only person who understood his mood was Xiao Yu, who had been accompanying him. After more than two and a half years of experience, her character had become very mature, and she had experienced everything he had experienced since arriving in the United States from Shanghai. He understood his emotional changes very well and comforted him in private: "Brother Jun, didn't you say that the United States must go through this level to join this just war? Compared with the hundreds of people who have sacrificed their lives, With millions of war victims, Americans are already very lucky!" When she said this, she thought Li Junhao was Chinese.

Hearing this, Li Junhao couldn't help but laugh, and reached out to rub Xiaoyu's hair. This little girl has really grown up and will take the initiative to comfort herself, but she seems to have forgotten that her image and identity are typical Americans. , this is just guarding the monk and scolding the bald donkey!

After he rubbed his head, Xiaoyu also reacted and couldn't help but laugh...
The sudden disappearance of the Japanese naval task force has aroused strong concern from all countries around the world, especially the Allied countries, who are worried that this fleet, currently one of the top three in the world, will suddenly appear on their doorstep.

For this reason, the intelligence front forces of various countries have been mobilized. If anyone has counted, the density of radio waves in the atmosphere during this period should be several times higher than before!
The most anxious among them is the United States, especially some people at the top. Although they have made a decision, they are actually betting on the future war situation!At present, if things don't happen for a day, there is a possibility of change, and the results are even more unpredictable. It would be strange not to worry!
On November 11, White House Chief of Staff Admiral Leahy found Li Junhao through a confidential phone call and claimed with some frustration that despite all the efforts of the U.S. Naval Intelligence Agency and various intelligence units, the missing Japanese task force had not yet been found. This makes them very uneasy...

Li Junhao understood what he meant. The reason why senior officials were uneasy now was not the fear of the Japanese navy's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, but the fear that the task force would suddenly attack the United States mainland, which would mess things up!
He was absolutely sure of this, so he comforted the admiral and asked him to rest assured that the Japanese task force's goal could only be Pearl Harbor, and it was impossible and incapable of reaching the United States.

Putting down the phone, he thought of an issue that military fans had been debating in his previous life: It is more than 6500 nautical miles from the Japanese mainland to Hawaii, and the ships in the large formation can sail at most 20 knots. How did the Japanese task force hide this? Did everyone sneak up on you?
For the same reason, when formulating the plan to attack Pearl Harbor, Japanese Combined Fleet Commander Yamamoto 56 and his staff tried their best and racked their brains to think about this problem: how to attack nearly half of the Japanese military under the nose of the US military. The Japanese combined fleet was secretly delivered to Pearl Harbor 6500 kilometers away? ——
Not long ago, Jiang Anhua and others who came from Shanghai had been assigned to work at the CIA, FBI and New England Camp by Li Junhao. Only Sannu and Xiaohu and others were left with him. When it came to naval command, they were all laymen. Therefore, he could only do his own research.

Through the information he found, he learned that in the current Pacific Ocean, the sea routes from Japan to Hawaii can be roughly divided into two: one is the southern route, starting from Yokohama, passing through the Ogasawara Islands and Midway Islands, and finally arriving in Hawaii; The second is the northern route, which requires a detour all the way east from the Tsugaru Strait to the waters near Oahu and then directly south to Hawaii.

Among them, the advantage of the southern route is that the total voyage is shorter, only about 3000 nautical miles, it takes less time on the way, and the sea conditions are good, and the frequency of stormy weather is very low.But there is a big problem with the southern route - this is the sea area with the most densely distributed international waterways. If the Japanese task force chooses this route, the probability of being discovered by merchant ships from other countries is extremely high, and it is unlikely that they will eliminate all witnesses.In other words, the possibility of exposing strategic targets is high.

The voyage of the northern route is almost twice that of the southern route, reaching 2 nautical miles. Since the end of November, the North Pacific has been affected by the winter monsoon belt, and the sea conditions are extremely harsh, making it very difficult for the fleet to sail and replenish. However, the advantages brought by the harsh sea conditions are Concealment - after all, not many merchant ships dare to challenge the December storm.

Li Junhao had watched several film and television works that specifically described Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, and had also studied the battle situation recorded on the Internet. He knew that the mastermind of this operation was the Japanese Navy Admiral Yamamoto 56, known as the "gambler". It has never lacked the spirit of adventure, so in its plan, the Japanese task force will inevitably choose the northern route with higher concealment.The situation is certain, but what's the use?Now the heads of government headed by Roosevelt have made a decision to withstand the blow, anger the people, and participate in the war. For the overall benefit of the world situation, he must not destroy this decision, so he can only do it in his study and on the chart. Play your own war game online, and you can’t even reveal any information to others!

Fortunately, Xiaoyu still plays war games with him, so it's not too boring. It's a big comfort!
On December 12, Lister Rockefeller came to the manor to see him and brought him the financial statements of NOVA Industrial Company for the first three quarters of this year. He said that the company's prospects were excellent, but its current performance was not ideal...

Hearing his words, Li Junhao knew that this uncle thought that the United States did not join the war and was delaying their efforts to make money!This kind of thinking should be the "qualified" big capitalist mentality!

Riester asked him: "Ogg, is there any special reason for your vacation this time?"

Li Junhao didn't know how to tell him, so he said: "Lister, I'm really on vacation, because I will be busy soon, so I need to take a rest in advance, all for my future work..."

Um?Lister looked at him sensitively and said, "Ogg, is it about to start?"

Li Junhao nodded and said, "Get ready! We'll see the results in a week!"

"Understood!" Lister's eyes suddenly lit up, "I'll be ready to expand production when I get back... Don't worry, I know it's kept secret!"

Li Junhao sighed in his heart: Does eating war dividends count as drinking blood?
(End of this chapter)

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