Shadow Spy

Chapter 376 Heading to Myanmar with a mission

Chapter 376 Heading to Myanmar with a mission
On December 12, the United States, China, and Britain signed the "Allied Far Eastern Theater Joint Operation Agreement" in Chongqing, and decided to establish the Allied Far Eastern Theater Command, with U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Marshall as commander-in-chief.

The Allied Far East Headquarters has three sub-theaters: China, Southeast Asia, and India and Myanmar...

On the 25th, Stilwell came to say goodbye to Li Junhao. He had received a formal order to serve as the Chief of General Staff of the China Theater and Commander of the India-Burma Theater, and was promoted to Army Lieutenant General.

On the 28th, Stilwell arrived in China and first met with Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Theater. Then he rushed to No. 50 Zengjiayan and met with Mr. Wu Hao, one of the leaders of the underground party and acting deputy commander-in-chief of the Chinese Theater...

On the 30th, Stilwell rushed to Tengchong, Yunnan Province, summoned the generals at all levels of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, which had been established for several months, and issued an order to dispatch troops as the commander of the India-Burma Theater. The deployment time of the army was set in January a few days later. 1th! ——
Li Junhao in Washington was very happy after receiving the intelligence from China. The Chinese expeditionary force will enter Myanmar two months in advance and will have more time to deploy defenses. In addition, he has worked hard to help win the alliance. Army command, I hope Stilwell can win a good battle this time!
However, the intelligence received subsequently was not pretty - although the Allied Forces Joint Operation Agreement had been signed and the command authority of US Lieutenant General Stilwell was clarified, the arrogant British refused to execute Stilwell in a procrastinating manner. The Chinese expeditionary force was not allowed to enter Burma.

In this regard, after many negotiations to no avail, Stilwell could only report to the country through Ambassador Johnson to China...

Roosevelt was very angry and asked Secretary of State Hull to send a letter of protest to the British government on his behalf. What he got was: "The joint operations agreement is being discussed in the House of Commons, so the formal order has not yet been issued to British India and Burma. I hope the United States will Be patient!"
At the Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Council, everyone present at the meeting was extremely angry when they heard the news. They even proposed to drastically reduce military aid to the British as punishment.

Roosevelt knew that this matter should not be acted on impulse. Considering the overall situation, he could not deal with the problem so arbitrarily.

At the subsequent meeting of the four White House advisers, Roosevelt called Li Junhao and asked for his opinion.

Li Junhao was both angry and troubled by this matter. The British's problems were not developed in a day or two, and it is not possible to correct them in a day or two!
After thinking about it, he changed his mind and said: "Mr. President, advisors, I am relatively familiar with the situation in the Far East. So, give me a formal order, and I will go to Burma to help General Stilwell! Considering that the British If people don't cooperate, I demand the right to deal with it on an ad hoc basis."

Roosevelt and the four advisers looked at each other and nodded. Because of Pan Sen's special status, he is indeed the best person to go to Myanmar to coordinate the military relations between the United States, Britain, and China, but there will soon be The battlefield is fierce and dangerous. If something goes wrong with Pan Sen, it will be difficult for all parties to deal with it!
After Li Junhao finished expressing his opinions and left the meeting, Roosevelt continued the meeting with National Security Advisor Ayers, Military Advisor and Presidential Chief of Staff Admiral Leahy, Secretary of State and Presidential Diplomatic Advisor Hull, and Presidential Legal Counsel Pena, but the topic It has changed to whether Pan Sen should be sent to Burma?
It was New Year's Day in 1942, and when everyone in the United States was celebrating the New Year, at the Andrews Army Air Force Base, 15 kilometers east of Washington, three large four-engine aircraft that no one at the base had ever seen successfully landed on the runway. They were dragged by the ground service vehicle to the overhaul hangar, where hundreds of professionals waiting there immediately swarmed over and started working on the three aircraft...

If Li Junhao were here, he would definitely recognize these three aircraft as the B-29 long-range bombers later known as the "Super Flying Fortress"!
Because of his intervention, Boeing launched the more mature XB-29 prototype a year ahead of schedule. There are currently six aircraft in total. At this time, three of the best-looking aircraft were transferred at once, and more than [-] highly skilled personnel were dispatched. Manufacturing and modification personnel rushed to the Andrews Base to perform emergency modifications, maintenance and repairs!
These three aircraft have been identified as the vehicles used by General Panson, the Chief Assistant to the National Security Advisor, Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the CIA, to travel to Myanmar. Compared with ordinary military transport aircraft, the bombers have much higher safety systems. Coupled with modifications, they will Improve its safety, protection and self-defense capabilities to the highest level.

Another point is that according to Li Junhao's suggestion, this modification of the XB-29 also involves an extremely secret military action plan - bombing Tokyo!The modification data will be immediately fed back to Boeing's aircraft manufacturing plant, where 20 new XB-29s are being produced to perform this mission.

The modification and maintenance of the aircraft took 20 days. However, on January 1, Li Junhao learned the news and his suggestions had been adopted. He would serve as the special envoy of the US President, representative of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and observer of the Senate Military Intelligence Committee, and rushed to China. Myanmar border, inspecting and coordinating allied operations in the India-Myanmar theater.

In addition, in accordance with the "Regulations on the Administration of Military Ranks in the United States during Wartime", President Roosevelt appointed him as a wartime major general of the Army to facilitate his execution of tasks in the Indo-Burmese Theater; and, President Roosevelt requested a special secret order from British Prime Minister Churchill to punish disobedience. The British generals and troops under command have the right to make improvised arrangements.This last item gave Li Junhao a lot of confidence in this trip.
On January 1, the modification of three XB-21s was completed, and several consecutive test flights were conducted. It was confirmed that the aircraft were in good condition, the modification was extremely successful, and they were capable of operating.

On Monday, the 19th, after attending the White House National Security Conference, Li Junhao immediately rushed to Andrews Base and boarded a new car at 10:40 - a modified version of the XB-29 he named "Expedition". Strategic bomber, oh, or rather, it should be called "Pan Sen's Special Envoy Plane" now!
Unit No. 1 is Li Junhao's car. It was modified into a relatively comfortable long-range special plane with the strongest protection and self-defense capabilities. It can carry 10 armed attachés at the same time. Units No. 2 and 3 were modified into special special planes with extremely strong combat capabilities. "Large fighter" that can carry 20 people at the same time.

In this way, Li Junhao could bring 50 entourages with him. These places were occupied by everyone around him and his subordinates. Finally, he made the decision to take Xiaoyu, Nick and Avni, as well as the team led by Xiaohu and from The 42 strongest combatants selected from the Golden Shield and Wolf Warrior Brigades, as well as four special attachés sent by Riester.

(End of this chapter)

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