Shadow Spy

Chapter 378 Collecting a large amount of supplies

Chapter 378 Recovering a large amount of supplies

That night, after leaving Mawlamyine, the convoy headed northwest along the seaside road. After more than 100 kilometers, Li Junhao ordered to camp in a forest on the roadside.

Later, after the armored command vehicle erected a high-power antenna, Li Junhao personally took action and sent a report to the United States through the North African telegraph station. He sent what he had seen and felt today, and proposed to change the previous plan. He and his attachés would travel overland along the Inspecting the battlefield in Burma.

The second point is that he reported to the country the phenomenon of the British army's seizure, detention and waste of US military aid materials to China, and asked the country to pay attention to strengthen the supervision of aid materials to China and warn the British.

At the same time, he strongly requested that the United States increase pressure on Britain and force it to allow the Chinese Expeditionary Force to enter Myanmar as soon as possible, because the British army could not withstand the Japanese attack!
After receiving his telegram, the White House Council of Advisors and the Joint Chiefs of Staff quickly sent a joint reply, agreeing to his request to change the plan and arrangements, and would also consider his request to put pressure on the British side;

The telegram did not mention the issue of aid supplies to China in the first paragraph, but at the end it gave him a statement of "monitoring and handling of the situation of US military aid supplies to China in Myanmar." This temporary right is very important to him! ——
On the 28th, Li Junhao and his men arrived in Yangon. Fortunately, at this time, the British troops here had not fled yet!

When he entered the city, the British troops guarding the city reported to their superiors. The newly appointed commander-in-chief of the British-Burmese Army, Lieutenant General Hadro Alexander, sent his adjutant to greet them and took them to the hotel in the city center. Headquarters.

Here, what Li Junhao saw was not staff officers busy formulating battle plans, but many logistics personnel busy packing up and preparing to evacuate!
When he met the commander-in-chief of the British-Burmese Army, Lieutenant General Alexander was very polite to him, but kept silent about the issue of strategic defense. After asking about his personal situation, he immediately pointed out that this place was no longer safe. Please He left immediately to go to India or China to ensure his own safety...

In addition, another topic is to continue to ask for more military assistance from the United States...

In the evening, Alexander's adjutant arranged for them to stay in a hotel owned by the British. He also invited him to a Western restaurant in the center of Yangon for a dinner on behalf of the commander-in-chief, but he refused. He felt sorry for the British-Burmese soldier. The commander-in-chief was disappointed.

The next day, when he proposed to inspect the defense facilities in Yangon, the senior British officers accompanying him made excuses with various excuses, which made him understand that the British army really could not be counted on.
On January 1, the battle report came that the Japanese army had completely occupied Mawlamyine and most of Karen State, and its military front was pointing westward towards Mon State, beginning to threaten Bago Province and Yangon Province in the southwest.From a military perspective, perhaps even the Japanese army themselves did not expect it to go so smoothly - who would have thought that the "powerful" British army would retreat without a fight?
Li Junhao proposed to participate in the military meeting of the British army, but was directly rejected!At this time, he was no longer angry, because he knew that these British guys were going to run away again!That night, he made a decision to impose sanctions!
In the following days, the only good news he received was that because the United States exerted pressure on Britain, on February 2, at the request of the British, Du Yuming, deputy commander of the 1st Route Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, led the 1th, 66th, and 10th troops. 10 A total of more than [-] people from three armies and [-] divisions began to enter Burma to aid the British in fighting.This is half a month earlier than in the original history!
After the initial "intimacy" period, the British army's attitude towards Li Junhao's side obviously cooled down. Originally, he was not surprised by this. After all, no one likes to have a supervisor by his side!

So, he no longer paid attention to the British army, but began to patrol the city of Yangon with his own people. He specially arranged for a few people to take pictures with cameras and cameras, and recorded many key things, which can be regarded as To provide testimony for his expedition, what he discovered during the process made him increasingly angry!
The British troops stationed in Yangon did not make any defensive preparations at all. Instead, they were busy transporting a large number of colonial officials and the personal belongings of senior British troops to the north via railways and roads, and even transported bulky wooden furniture, animal specimens, and stones to the north. All sculptures and sculptures were made and transported away, occupying all the railway capacity, leaving people who wanted to evacuate without a car.

At the same time, compared with Mawlamyine, the problem of military aid materials here is more serious. In the three main military bases in Yangon, a large number of weapons, equipment and materials originally used to aid China are piled up - the British army itself is unwilling to replace them. Standard equipment, but still holding on to these things!Now they are evacuating, but there is not enough transport capacity to transport these things!
After Li Junhao took a tour, he gritted his teeth and thought: The British are going to leave these things to the Japanese!But if you come by yourself, there is no way!
In the following time, Li Junhao asked Xiaoyu, Xiaohu and others to cover him, and went out for five consecutive nights, working for 3 hours each time, and looted three major military bases and more than a dozen munitions warehouses in Yangon...

He estimates that the large amount of supplies he has collected, including guns and ammunition, motorcycles, trucks, jeeps, armored vehicles, tanks, artillery, clothing, cans, tents, medical equipment, medicines, construction machinery, steel bars, cement, barbed wire, etc., can guarantee nearly 30 people. Human training and life, combat and defense purposes.

These are military aid materials, the blood that supports China's war of resistance. In his previous life, the British who only care about escaping did not even destroy the materials in Yangon during the evacuation. Instead, most of them were left to the Japanese army!
Now, everything is different. Li Junhao put all these away. He was thinking, how can he use these materials to support the Chinese Expeditionary Force?And not to arouse suspicion!This requires some thought.
Because of the theft of a large amount of supplies, the British army in Yangon became increasingly panicked. For several days, the entire city was under martial law. The British and Burmese troops continued to search the city, but could not find any trace of the stolen supplies.

Lieutenant General Hadro Alexander, the commander-in-chief of the British-Burmese Army, was very nervous. He wondered whether a large number of Japanese spies had infiltrated into Yangon. But even so, how could they be transported away under the eyes of the British army? So many supplies?If the Japanese army could really do this, it would be terrible!

Because of this concern, Lieutenant General Alexander became more determined to evacuate. While ordering the security forces in the city to continue martial law, he ordered all units to prepare for evacuation immediately.

This time it was not bad. Alexander still remembered that there was an American envoy in the city, and sent someone to inform him that there was danger in the city and asked him to evacuate immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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