Shadow Spy

Chapter 387 You En’s battle plan

Chapter 387 You En’s battle plan

An hour later, Youn's adjutant came to the door again and sent a report on the war situation of the past ten days. This was much more detailed than what he had learned from the telegram before. There were even British troops stationed in Burma and China who had just entered Burma. The detailed information of the expeditionary force also includes the most detailed military map of Myanmar and a defense map of the 17th British-Indian Army in Degong. The map also indicates the current positions and strength of the British Army, the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and the Japanese Army. , very thoughtful.

Li Junhao was very satisfied with this and gave a box of French champagne in return, asking his adjutant to bring it to You En, saying it was to celebrate his success in hunting down the Japanese 214th Regiment in advance. Also attached was a copy of the troop deployment details of the Japanese 33rd Division. ——He found this out from his own intelligence data.

The 33rd Division of the Japanese Army was the second batch of divisions rebuilt in Japan on February 1939, 2. It was established in Sendai, and its code name was "Gong". It was a Japanese ad hoc division.


Li Junhao has done everything he can, but it depends on whether Yu En, a British general, can fight for his glory and lead the 17th Division of the British and Indian Army to fight a good battle and kill the Japanese 214th Regiment, which is alone in the depths.Of course it would be good to succeed, but failure would just be repeating history.
On the other side, seeing the Japanese military intelligence and champagne brought back by the adjutant, Major General You En was immediately full of confidence.Although the overall strength of the Japanese 33rd Division is stronger than that of the 17th Division, its forward force is only a regiment of less than 4000 people and has only a dozen infantry guns with heavy firepower. The 17th Division still has enough strength to eat it up. of!
The staff officers who were formulating the battle plan were all young soldiers, and they also had a lot of resentment for the previous continuous retreat. When they knew that the division commander was going to go to war with the Japanese, they all became excited and used their professional knowledge to work hard. Get to work and strive to refine the combat plan and make plans for various situations that may occur...

As time went by, the plan became better and better, and the number of pages increased! ——
Early in the morning on March 3, Major General You En and his adjutant rushed to the Lihua Hotel and woke up Li Junhao who was still sleeping.

Seeing the thick stack of combat plans he handed over, Li Junhao was speechless and read through them patiently.It has to be said that the combat plan drawn up by the British military staff was very detailed. In his opinion, it was too detailed, with dozens of pages of data and charts, and even the forward layout and marching route at the platoon level. According to the regulations, this is not like a battle plan, but like a year-end report of a financial company!

Li Junhao threw the plan in his hand on the coffee table and sneered: "Your Majesty General, I admire your army's staff officers very much! It seems that they have been idle all night, right?"

Major General You En, who had only slept for three or four hours, was so happy that he did not hear the teasing in Li Junhao's mouth. After hearing this, he immediately replied: "Yes, the boys from the division staff worked very hard this time. Several people stayed up all night and finally formulated this battle plan! Mr. Observer, what do you think?"

"Not so good!" Seeing that he didn't understand what he meant, Li Junhao could only clarify his words, "Major General You En, the purpose of this operation is to encircle and annihilate the 214th Regiment and eliminate the effective strength of the Japanese army. It is not an exercise or military parade. , there is no need to keep the formation neat and beautiful, what is important is speed and firepower. From this aspect, this combat plan is simply a pile of waste paper!"

"Ah?" Major General Youn was stunned. He didn't expect that the battle plan he thought was perfect would be criticized by this American observer as being useless. His confusion even exceeded his indignation.

Having reached this point, Li Junhao was unwilling to stalemate the relationship between the two parties, so he explained patiently: "Your Excellency, Major General, the Japanese 214th Regiment is on the march to Degong and is expected to arrive in two days at the latest. If the 17th Division wants to achieve the best results, what is needed now is not such cumbersome planning and formation arrangements, but to immediately dispatch enough reconnaissance troops to continuously monitor the marching position of the Japanese army on the one hand, and to monitor the 17th Division on the other. Conduct a detailed survey of the sectoral area 3 to 20 kilometers ahead of the position, calibrate accurate shooting coordinates, and divide it into numbered areas in a square format to prepare for subsequent artillery attacks."

"Oh! Oh! Yes... huh? What else?" After hearing this, Yu En's mind, which had been dull for a long time, finally opened up.

Seeing that the other party really listened, Li Junhao continued with interest: "The key to this battle is to give full play to the 17th Division's artillery projection capability, which is stronger than the Japanese army, and use the shooting coordinate area detected in advance to use 150mm, The 105mm heavy artillery's saturation fire immediately crippled and stunned the 214th Regiment, and then sent armored troops to attack and destroy the remaining heavy firepower of the Japanese army. Finally, the infantry was sent to finish. In this way, the effect of annihilating the enemy can be guaranteed, and the It can minimize the losses of our army."

With a "pop" sound, Yuen slapped his thigh. These words sounded encouraging. Thinking about the plan he brought, he also felt that something was wrong. The military situation was so fierce that he had no time to engage in those false ideas. Mr. Observer is right!We need to give full play to the firepower advantage of the 17th Division. Why fight a positional war with the little Japan and fight for attrition?
Thinking of this, he had the idea of ​​​​tying the American observer to the 17th Division as chief of staff.

A few minutes later, Yuen hurried back to the division headquarters with a few key points written down on the paper to make adjustments and arrangements. He now remembered the observer's words in his mind: "A unit commander must have his own confidence and determination. And it can bring hope of victory to the subordinates, so that the subordinates can be required to obey orders and fight to the death”!These words completely ignited the blood in his heart, and he made up his mind to make every effort to win this battle!
At this time, Li Junhao did not know that his whim had actually trained a meritorious marshal for the British army who would have outstanding military exploits in the future. His status in history far exceeded that of Marshal Alexander, who had been killed by him. This can be regarded as "Unintentional insertion of willows and willows will create shade"!

After sending You En away, Li Junhao continued to sleep. Before falling asleep, he imagined in his mind what the 17th Division of the British-Indian Army would accomplish in this battle after some instigation and planning on his part. How about that?
(End of this chapter)

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