Shadow Spy

Chapter 396: There will be some consequences outside

Chapter 396: There will be some consequences outside
Hearing Hutton's question, Stilwell thought he had an opportunity and tried to find a way to persuade Commander Hutton.

He received a telegram from Pan Sen yesterday, which proposed a seemingly impossible plan. Of course, he admitted that if this plan succeeds, it is likely to change the entire India-Burma war situation.Coupled with Pan Sen's current status and position, now that he has proposed this plan, he must implement it no matter what.

Therefore, he said: "Sorry, General Hutton, I only know that General Panson was born in the Navy. He currently holds the two general titles of Navy Rear Admiral and Army Rear Admiral. This time he came to the Far East to serve as a military observer for the Senate of Congress. His position and position are extremely important. Important, his opinions will affect the United States!"

Hearing this, Hutton was a little surprised. Is this observer of such a high level?I couldn't help but ask: "So, this observer can even order you, the commander of the India-Burma theater?"

"If General Panson is willing, he can indeed!" Stilwell said ambiguously, fearing that Hutton would not pay enough attention, so he added: "According to the practice of our military, General Panson should have other missions... ..." The other party has to guess the rest.

"That's how it is!" Hutton frowned, and his importance to General Panson increased several times.In this way, although he is the commander of the British-Burmese Army, thinking about it, his status in the Allied Forces is not necessarily comparable to that of this observer!
From this aspect, he felt that the decision he made after returning as commander was extremely correct. If not, allowing this observer of the US Congress to only see the retreat (escape) of the British army would have a direct impact on the US military's response to the British. If you don’t agree with the military’s opinion, it will be difficult for the British military to get a say in future cooperation!Therefore, the British-Burmese army must pay attention to the opinions of General Panson and cannot let him be disappointed with the behavior of the British army!

After thinking for a moment, Hutton said hesitantly: "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, should I send a telegram to Sir Wavell to explain the current situation on the Burmese battlefield and allow the British-Burmese Army to provide equipment and supply support to the Chinese Expeditionary Force?" "

"NO!" Stilwell thought for a moment and said, "I don't think this will change anything. Sir Wavell is a typical conservative figure. He will not look down on the strength and potential of emerging countries! He even looks down upon us, the United States. With such an attitude, how can you look at China in a different light when it is still backward! Not only will your telegram not solve the problem, but on the contrary, it is very likely that he will give you a clear order not to support the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and the situation will be even worse by then. Trouble!"

When Hutton thought about it, it was really like this. The one-eyed knight who lost his left eye in World War I was notoriously stubborn in dealing with international affairs. There was a saying widely spread in the military: Rather than wanting to It would be easier to change Sir One-Eyed's point of view than to find a way to remove him from power!
"There is an old Chinese saying: When you are away, you will not accept your orders!" After a lot of effort, Stilwell, a China expert, finally explained this sentence clearly.

After Hutton finally understood this sentence, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense!

In the following time, Hutton and Stilwell, who had an idea, discussed it for a long time, agreed on a "magic" countermeasure, formulated a corresponding action plan, and immediately began to implement it.

Leaving aside the situation of others, Li Junhao read and reread the telegram he received and found it very interesting.

The telegram was sent by Lieutenant General Joseph Warren Stilwell, the current Allied Commander of the U.S. Army in the Indo-Burmese Theater, "Telegram to inform General Panson that he hopes to remain silent about the future movements of the British troops! And, help the garrison in Tonggu The 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army and the 200th Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Force completed the handover of military supplies. Remember: keep it confidential!"

What the British General Slim received was a telegram from Commander Hutton: "Have friendly discussions with the Chinese Expeditionary Force and look for an opportunity to withdraw from Tonggu and retreat to Ren'anqiang. The price can be negotiated. At the most, you can give up everything in Tonggu City." inventory of military supplies and 'some' heavy equipment, the focus is to ensure the effectiveness of the British army. If necessary, you can seek help from American observers." What Dai Anlan received was Du Yumingzhong, acting commander-in-chief of the First Route Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force. The general's telegram: "It can be agreed that the 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army, which is assisting in the defense of Tonggu, will abandon its position and evacuate, on the condition that all the British military supplies and 'part' of the armored force in Tonggu City are retained. In addition, if necessary, we can seek Help from U.S. military observers.”

Slim and Dai Anlan, the two frontline commanders of the British and Chinese armies, read the telegrams in their hands countless times. They were very surprised and difficult to make up their minds. They also couldn't believe it. They wanted to ask the other party, but they didn't know what to do. Open your mouth.

Before dark, the two of them thought of the American observers.So as if grabbing a meal, the two generals drove to Li Junhao's station.

Regarding the arrival of the two "evil guests", Li Junhao made a "malicious" guess: they were checking the food of his observer team!But no matter what, you still have to be entertained warmly.

The ingredients in Li Junhao's personal space can be said to be the most abundant in Myanmar at the moment, because in addition to what he brought from the United States, most of the warehouses and goods yards in Yangon were also looted.

With the already excellent skills of the service team members, delicacies such as steamed grouper, fried Pipa shrimp, stewed lamb with potatoes, stewed beef brisket with tomatoes, stir-fried vegetables (celery, fungus, eggs), seaweed and egg drop soup, etc. were prepared one by one. On the table, there are even French Mouton red wine, Chinese Jiannanchun white wine, American New Jersey beer, Coca-Cola drinks, etc.!
Given his character, he would not treat his subordinates badly. All meals would be of sufficient quantity, and both he and his guests would eat the same. He would never favor one over another.

Seeing Dai Anlan and Slim's surprised looks, Li Junhao smiled and said: "I brought these with me when I came out of Yangon. After today, I can't even eat them anymore!

“Steamed grouper is a Cantonese dish, please take care of our classmates;

“Fried Pipa Shrimp is an Anhui dish, I hope General Dai will like it;

“Lamb au gratin is an English dish, specially prepared for General Slim;
“Stewed beef brisket with tomatoes and stir-fried vegetables are home-cooked dishes in both north and south China, and seaweed and egg drop soup is a traditional after-dinner soup.

"Everyone can choose these drinks. We don't recommend drinking. You can eat whatever you like and drink whatever you like!"

(End of this chapter)

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