Shadow Spy

Chapter 398: Allied forces regenerate into gangs

Chapter 398: Allied forces regenerate into gangs

On March 3, the 30st Division of the British-Burmese Army withdrew entirely from Tonggu. After giving up all its heavy equipment, it boarded a train with light equipment and evacuated to Ren'anqiang, where the British-Burmese Army Headquarters was located. The equipment plus Tonggu's inventory of military supplies are enough to equip the 1th Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, the new 200nd Division, and the new 22th Division. The equipment that has been replaced by these three divisions can be sent to the rear. Equip three full divisions.

Li Junhao was very happy about this. This result proved that his previous idea was right.Of course, Stilwell also cooperated extremely well. After some operations, he actually accomplished something that seemed impossible before.

After the three divisions of the Fifth Army have completed a comprehensive refit, they can basically be said to be three medium-sized armored divisions. Moreover, after unifying the standard equipment, the logistics supply of the three divisions has been greatly simplified, improved efficiency, and will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness. force.



If this situation continues, after all the [-] expeditionary troops are redressed, Li Junhao fully believes that with the bloody spirit of the Chinese soldiers, they can completely suppress the Japanese troops in the four divisions - of course, this premise is that the top leaders of the Kuomintang Party do not want to Blind command!

But the truth always develops in an unexpected direction, and the top brass of the British army shows up again at a critical moment! ——
On March 3, the lightly armed 30st Division of the British-Burmese Army withdrew to Yan'anqiang. Lieutenant General Slim "sincerely" admitted to Lieutenant General Hutton, the commander of the British-Burmese Army, that the battle in Thonggu was very fierce. , the 1st Division's weapons and equipment were heavily damaged, and even the military supplies previously stored in Tonggu were exhausted. Tonggu defense had to be handed over to the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and the entire division withdrew for rest; moreover, due to insufficient supplies of oil, accessories, etc. On the ground, the division's heavy equipment could not be activated and could only be abandoned.

Commander Hutton accepted Lieutenant General Slim's explanation and praised the 1st Division for its morale and honor of the British Empire during the battle of more than ten days in Tonggu. He was ready to apply to the War Department for support of the 1st Division. Teachers give awards.

General Stilwell on the side pointed out that under the command of General Hutton, the 17th British-Indian Army held Degon and destroyed the 33th Regiment of the Japanese 214rd Division. The 1st Army of the British-Burmese Army faced the Japanese 55th Division and held on. For more than ten days together, we have improved the morale of the Allied forces and should be commended!He also said that if all the troops of the British-Burmese Army and the Chinese Expeditionary Force have such fighting will and determination, then the Allied forces will be able to eliminate the Japanese invaders of Burma just around the corner! ——
On the morning of March 3, General Wavell, the highest commander of the British Army in Southeast Asia and Commander-in-Chief of the British-Indian Army, suddenly dispatched Lieutenant General Irwin, Commander of the British Eastern Garrison Corps, to fly to Ren'anqiang and bring the latest order:
"In view of the fact that Lieutenant General Thomas Hutton has not recovered from his injury, he is specially ordered to change posts with Lieutenant General Irvine and take up the post of Commander of the Eastern Garrison Corps. He will serve in India and recuperate. With immediate effect, Lieutenant General Irvine will take over as Commander of the British and Burmese Army.

"At the same time, because the appointment and dismissal of the commander of the 1st Division of the British Burmese Army does not comply with the internal procedures of the British Army, Hutton's previous order to replace Scott is hereby revoked, and Scott is reinstated as the commander of the 1st Division; Lieutenant General Slim handed over the command Later, he returned to India with General Hutton and had another role."

After reading out the order, Lieutenant General Irvine said with a smile: "General Hutton, Sir Wavell asked me to convey my respect to you, to express my condolences for your injury, and to ask you to return to India to recuperate after handing over as soon as possible. , the plane when I came was waiting at the airport. Oh, by the way, I have prepared a beautiful villa for you in Imphal, I believe you will like it."

Hutton, Slim and Stilwell in the headquarters looked at each other, not understanding what was happening.Alvin turned to Stilwell and said: "General Stilwell, Sir also asked me to bring you greetings and invite you to Delhi as a guest to show our British enthusiasm for our friends." As he said, he also He took the initiative to give a military salute.

"Thank you!" Stilwell returned the gift with an ugly face, wondering in his heart: What does this mean?He said both inside and outside that this is the territory of the British, which means that he, an American, should not meddle in it!He became angry at that time and immediately said: "Wait a minute! General Irvine, have you forgotten that I am the commander of the Allied India-Burma Theater! Why doesn't such a personnel change go through the theater headquarters?"

"I'm sorry, General Stilwell." Irvine said forcefully, "This personnel adjustment is an internal matter of our British army and does not need to be reported to the Allies. Moreover, after I took office, the same It’s under the command of the theater headquarters, isn’t it?”

Stilwell was so blocked that he couldn't say anything else, but he was cursing in his heart: It's weird that these bastards will listen to themselves in the future!He now wants to discuss with Pan Sen to see how to deal with this matter.

At this time, Hutton, who had already reacted initially, forced out a smile and said: "General Alvin, please wait a moment, I will send someone to summon the commanders of the British and Burmese troops to listen to Sir Wavell's order." , I would also like to trouble you to read it out in public."

"No problem, I can wait." Alvin smiled.With Wavell's orders and support, he was not worried at all about what Hutton would do. In the tradition of the British army, there has never been public disobedience - oh, surrendering after losing on the battlefield does not count. .

Hutton nodded, took the somewhat unhappy Slim out, and asked the commanders of each unit and the heads of departments of the headquarters to come for a meeting. Then he and Slim alone unified their caliber, especially the withdrawal of the 1st Division. Regarding the equipment and inventory materials handed over to the Chinese Expeditionary Force in ancient times, we can only stick to the previous official statement.Although Scott will definitely know the truth from the officers and soldiers after he is reinstated as the commander of the 1st Division, it can no longer change the fait accompli.

Slim is very stubborn and believes that he has done nothing wrong. Even if he is held responsible for this, it is not a big deal. At most, he will retire early.

In this regard, Hutton had no good solution, so he could only do this.

(End of this chapter)

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