Shadow Spy

Chapter 406 You En is willing to cooperate

Chapter 406 You En is willing to cooperate

"Otherwise, we should retreat to Meng Town. Anyway, the main force of our division is still on the road behind. Now let them turn around and go back. Our train will return and everything will be restored as before." Another officer said.

"No!" After hearing his words, several voices sounded at the same time.

Hawks also shook his head and said: "It is impossible to go back. Commander Irwin ordered us to withdraw north before, just because he didn't want us to be on the front line facing the Japanese army."

A British colonel said at this time: "General, if not, we will retreat ten kilometers to meet the main force, and then set up camp to wait for orders from above. When the time comes, whether to walk or fight, we can also gather together to ensure combat effectiveness." ?”

Upon hearing this, everyone thinks this is a good idea!So everyone expressed their agreement, and Hawkes also felt that this was the best way at present, so he sent someone to get off the car to negotiate with the Chinese Expeditionary Force who controlled the platform.

Ten minutes later, news came back: the 10th Division agreed to the plan and allowed three British trains to withdraw from Tonggu.

On the platform, three trains slowly exited Tonggu Station and returned southbound. Liu Shaohua, commander of the 200th Regiment of the 599th Division, couldn't help but said: "Master, are you just letting them go like this?"

Dai Anlan smiled and said: "This is not leaving, but retreating! As long as we are here, they can't leave!"

Yu Shao, the commander of the 96th Division on the side, said: "Yan Gong (Dai Anlan's word), they retreated outside the city and must have joined up with the main force that followed. We must be careful of their sudden attack."

"Brother Shuyu (name of Yu Shao), don't worry, I understand." Dai Anlan said, "Liu Shaohua and Liu Shaofeng led the 599th Regiment and the 600th Regiment to escort the 36th Indian Division out of Tonggu, and set up positions outside the city to guard against the Japanese army. Sneak attack'!"

"Understood, Master!" the two regiment leaders agreed, and immediately ran to command the troops to start the vehicles and keep up with the retreating train.

Later, Dai Anlan reported the situation at the station to the frontline headquarters, and Li Junhao replied: The 200th Division did a great job and never gave in!
On the other side, at 18:22, the two regiments of the New 96nd Division and the [-]th Division of the Fifth Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force all arrived in Pyay and immediately took over the defense of the city. A company of the British-Burmese Army and a battalion of the Burmese Army guarding the city were taken over. He refused to cooperate with the order from the headquarters and was immediately disarmed and imprisoned in the military camp.

Originally, the 17th Division of the British-Indian Army that withdrew from Degong set off after lunch, and the distance was much closer than that of the New 22nd Division. However, because they had to carry too much stuff, their march was extremely slow, and there were many The British and Indian troops did not understand the retreat order received from the headquarters just before lunch, and responded with procrastination.

Of course, this is also due to the commander of the 17th Division, Major General You En. Under Li Junhao's prompting, he concentrated the firepower of the entire division to encircle and annihilate the 33th Regiment of the Japanese 214rd Division, setting a record for the British Army's greatest victory on the Indo-Myanmar battlefield. Later, more Not falling behind in the offensive and defensive battle with the Japanese 33rd Division, he still wanted to continue to lead the 17th Division, which had already built up morale, to achieve greater success!However, he suddenly received an order from the headquarters asking them to retreat north. This made him very confused, and it showed in his actions that he was extremely lazy.Because of this, at 19:[-], Major General Youn received a telegram from the reconnaissance battalion, saying that two divisions of the Chinese Expeditionary Force were setting up defenses in Pyay and, in accordance with the order of the Allied India-Burma Theater Command, refused the passage of the British army!

Yoon looked at the Allied orders coming back from the reconnaissance camp. He was both surprised and happy. What surprised him was that the Allied orders were firm and did not give the British-Burmese Army headquarters any face. What he was happy about was that the soldiers who had "fought side by side" with him were Mr. American Observer is now the deputy commander of the India-Burma Theater and the commander-in-chief of the front line!This shows that he is also related to the upper echelons of the Allied Forces. Although the two of them do not have much contact, they are still comrades-in-arms, right?
Major General Youn, who was originally dissatisfied with Lieutenant General Irvine's order to withdraw north, immediately ordered: the main force of the 17th Division to suspend the withdrawal, and the forward reconnaissance battalion must not conflict with the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and retreat 15 kilometers to join the 17th Indian Brigade, the leading force of the 16th Division. , camped on the spot, waiting for further orders.

Then, You En sent a phone call to the British-Burmese Army Headquarters, saying that Piai, the transportation point for the 17th British-Indian Army Division to withdraw north, was occupied by the Chinese Expeditionary Force and could not pass. In order to avoid conflicts, the advance had been stopped. Please explain to the headquarters. Why did the previous order contradict the Allied Indo-Burma Theater Command order?The 17th Division is now at a loss what to do!

Alvin's face turned dark when he received the telegram from the 17th Division. This Yuen, who had won a big victory before, became "arrogant" and even questioned him, the new commander of the British and Burmese troops!

If he had followed his temper, he would have captured this guy directly, but thinking about the previous victory at Degon, the entire British army, the United Kingdom, and even Europe were vigorously publicizing it. Yuen has been shaped into a flag for the British army to fight against the Japanese army. He received intense attention from all sides and knew that he could not touch him at all!

There was no other way. Alvin endured his anger and forwarded the telegram from the 17th Division to Delhi, leaving Sir Wavell with a headache! ——
Major General You En is a very thoughtful general. After sending the telegram to the British-Burmese Army Headquarters, he turned around and sent another telegram to the front-line headquarters of the India-Burma Theater to talk about the feelings of comrades with General Pan Sen, the commander-in-chief of the front line...

Li Junhao, who received You En's telegram, found it very interesting. Is the commander of the 17th British-Indian Division trying to "be in Cao's camp and his heart be in Han"?So he smiled and asked Xiaoyu to call him back, saying that he would remember his comradeship with General Youn and hoped to fight side by side with him again to jointly fight against the Japanese invaders and achieve greater success...

Youn was very happy to receive the call back. Commander Pan Sen was very interesting and remembered the relationship between him and his comrades.

As a young general, he was very competitive and was very dissatisfied with the previous war avoidance strategy of the British and Burmese troops. Fortunately, General Hutton was appointed as the commander and allowed him to win the battle with the help of Pan Sen. Unexpectedly, In the blink of an eye, it was back to its original state, and it was time to retreat again!At this time, the India-Burma Theater Command actually issued an order not to retreat, and the frontline commander turned out to be his good comrade General Pan Sen, which surprised him greatly.

Because of Major General You En's proactive contact, Li Junhao came up with a new idea: Is it possible to fight for these generals who actually led the British army?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a real reason to this matter. Firstly, the United States was actually the leader of the Allied Forces; secondly, he also had a special status, so he didn't need to use it in vain!As for how to use it, you need to think about it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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