Shadow Spy

Chapter 41 A very smooth operation

Chapter 41 A very smooth operation

On the morning of Friday, April 4, Li Junhao called back to the office at 13:08. Miliya reported on the work of the consulate that day. Generally speaking, everything was normal.This allows him to focus on today's actions with peace of mind.

At 9 o'clock, the personnel involved in the direct action dispersed into Xue Huali Road under the leadership of Lei Leijun.

Because of Li Junhao's explicit request, Lei Xiaofeng and Xiao Yu did not get the opportunity to participate in this operation. The reason is very clear. If two female members participated in the operation, it would be too eye-catching. Investigators have focused on the power of female operatives, which is detrimental to Phoenix Village.

In fact, according to the plan, Li Junhao will not directly participate in the operation - his image as a foreigner is too conspicuous!So, at this time, he drove Lei Xiaofeng and Lei Xiaoyu shopping nearby.

At 9:35, Lei Shizhu, who was handcuffed and shackled, was taken out of the detention center. A black prison car with a car chassis and an iron body was parked at the back door of the police station. A driver and three police officers got into the car and escorted him. He drove toward the No. [-] Court of Jiangsu Province a few hundred meters away.

At 38 minutes, the prison car had just detoured to Xue Huali Road, right in the middle of the police station and the Third Branch. Two "pedestrians" on the roadside suddenly pulled out their shell guns and "bang bang..." shot the left side of the prison car several times. Both front and rear wheels were blown out!Although the driver braked suddenly, the prison car still crashed into a satin shop on the roadside. The driver and the policeman on the passenger side hit the front windshield and fainted.

At this time, several other people quickly gathered around, holding sledgehammers and iron drills in their hands, "Bump, bump..." It only took a few times to pry open the rear door, and the two Frenchmen inside were knocked dizzy. When the patrolman saw the back door opened, he thought about taking out his revolver, but he saw several people standing at the car door holding submachine guns with long magazines. He was so frightened that he immediately raised his hands!
The day before, Lei Shizhu, who was in the detention center, had been notified of today's actions. When the prison car lost control just now, he was the only person in the car who took self-protective measures and was not injured at all. Then he saw the back door open. Immediately jump forward...

The people responsible for opening the door threw down the tools in their hands and worked together to drag Lei Shizhu out of the car. Then the four of them divided their work, lifted him up, and ran into the silk shop with the damaged door... The other few The man holding a submachine gun stepped forward to protect them and retreated into the shop.

At this time, the patrol officers on duty from the patrol room and the court not far away rushed out and ran towards the prison van. But as soon as they ran a few dozen meters, they were shocked to find that several people on the sidewalks on both sides had lifted up their clothes and pulled out submachine guns. Then the burst of gunfire rang out, frightening dozens of police officers and immediately fell to the ground with their arms in their arms...

Gunshots rang out, and the street became chaotic. Pedestrians ran away with their heads in their hands. Some of the passing cars were so frightened that they stopped in the local area and the driver got out of the car and ran away. Others immediately reversed and backed away, making the road even more chaotic...

When the police officers realized that the other party had shot into the air and no one was hurt, they dared to raise their heads, only to see a dozen people with their faces covered rushing into the shop that was hit by the prison van... Five or six minutes later, a group of low-level Chinese arresters armed with rifles were forced by the French police officers behind them to arrive in front of the silk shop. They found a few words written in red paint on a door panel next to them - " There is a bomb in the house!!" At this time, everyone stopped and did not dare to step forward.In this case, the orders of the French police officers are useless. Being a patrol officer is just a job. If there are bombs rushing in, no one will do it!
After more than ten minutes, a military truck arrived, and a squad of French soldiers jumped out of it - this was an EOD squad specially invited by the patrol room. It was commanded by a French squad leader, and the soldiers were all Vietnamese. Beiqi people.

After the August 8.13 battle, in order to strengthen the concession, the French authorities transferred the 16st Battalion (mainly Vietnamese Beiqi people, guarding the eastern area) and the [-]nd Battalion (guarding the western area) from French China, and the French army No. The second company of the .[-] Colonial Infantry Regiment (RIC) (which guards the central area of ​​the concession) was reorganized into the Chinese Colonial Mixed Infantry Battalion (BMICC), commanded by a lieutenant colonel of the infantry regiment.

After nearly an hour of careful investigation, the EOD team found four loose-fire grenades in the shop that had had their safety pins removed and were fixed with bricks or furniture, and finally declared that there was no danger.But at this time, there was no one in the shop - the silk shop had a back door, and the shop owner and two waiters were knocked unconscious, tied up and thrown into the back alley!

After the detective team from the patrol room investigated the scene, they figured out the process of prisoner removal - it only took seven to eight masked men 30 seconds to stop the prison car, pry open the rear door, carry away the prisoner, and enter the silk shop;
Another ten or so masked men blocked the street at both ends, shooting into the air with submachine guns, frightening the patrol officers who came for support, and then also ran into the shop;

There are at least two more responders in the silk shop, and they are responsible for placing grenades after the break!

As for the subsequent movements of these masked men, they basically figured it out. The other party prepared two trucks in the alley behind the shop, then went east on Masnan Road, and then ran north and drove into the public concession. ...and by the time they confirmed this information, nearly two hours had passed and the people and cars had long disappeared! ——
Li Junhao on the other side drove the two evacuated trucks and watched them drive into the dock warehouse area, leaving six people to continue guarding the warehouse. They were only equipped with old-style rollers. Lei Leijun and most of the people escorted Lei Shizhu They boarded a cargo ship and crossed the river to the east bank; this time, in order to avoid trouble, Li Junhao and even Lei Xiaoyu forced him to follow everyone back in Fenghuang Village - he couldn't be too selfish and delay the reunion of his brothers and sisters.

There were two drivers among the people left behind in the warehouse. They drove the truck to a hidden place that had been stepped on in advance, and then ran back to the warehouse. Li Junhao, who was following behind, got out of the car to put the truck away, and finally drove The car returned home happily.

This rescue operation went much smoother than he expected. The entire process went completely according to his pre-planned plan, without any deviations or accidents.This should be thanked for a series of drills conducted in advance, which fully confirms an ancient Chinese saying: "Everything will be successful if it is forewarned, and it will be ruined if it is not forewarned!" (from "The Book of Rites: Doctrine of the Mean")
For Li Junhao, the biggest gain from the success of this matter is that the admiration of the guards in Phoenix Village for him has reached a new height, and the relationship between the two parties has been greatly strengthened.

(End of this chapter)

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