Shadow Spy

Chapter 414 Major adjustments in the India-Burma war zone

Chapter 414 Major adjustments in the India-Burma war zone

On April 4, a theater military meeting was held in the large conference room of the newly renovated Allied India-Burma Theater Command in Mu La. Under the forced order of the Allied Far East Theater Headquarters, the company hid in Yanan Qiang's British and Burmese military generals also came to attend.

Sitting at the head of the long table and presiding over the meeting was Lieutenant General Stilwell, Chief of Staff of the China Theater and Commander of the India-Burma Theater.

The first one on the left is Major General Pan Sen, deputy chief of staff of the Far East Theater and deputy commander of the India-Burma Theater, who came urgently. The second one is Lieutenant General Alvin, commander-in-chief of the British-Burmese Army, followed by a group of generals from the British-Burmese Army.

The first one on the right is Lieutenant General Luo Zhuoying, the commander-in-chief of the First Route Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, followed by Lieutenant General Lin Wei, the head of the staff group assigned by the Military Commission of the Kuomintang government to the expeditionary force, the commanders of each army and the commanders of the divisions under their jurisdiction. .

At the beginning of the meeting, Stilwell first read out the latest order signed by the Allied Far East Theater Command:
“As decided by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, Britain and China, and approved by the supreme leaders of the three countries, the order of the Allied India-Burma Theater is hereby reorganized:
“[-]. The appointment of Army (wartime) Lieutenant General Ognyan Lee Penson, deputy chief of staff of the Allied Far Eastern Theater, as commander of the Allied India-Burma Theater; the former commander, Lieutenant General Stilwell, has another appointment.

“[-]. Appoint Lieutenant General Luo Zhuoying as theater chief of staff, Lieutenant General Lin Wei and Lieutenant General Alvin as deputy chiefs of staff.

"5. The combat forces in the theater are under the jurisdiction of the British-Burmese Army, the 6th Army, the 66th Army, the [-]th Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and directly affiliated units. The above units will immediately be separated from their original command sequences and fully fall under the direct command of the theater headquarters. .”

“[-]. Appoint Lieutenant General Hutton as Commander-in-Chief of the British-Burmese Army, under the jurisdiction of:

“The 1st British-Burmese Army Division, Division Commander Lieutenant General Slim;
"The 17th British-Indian Army Division, commander Major General Youn;

“36th Indian Infantry Division, Division Commander Major General Kruger;
"[-]. Lieutenant General Du Yuming is appointed commander of the Fifth Army, under the jurisdiction of:
“The 200th Division, commander Major General Dai Anlan;
"The newly established 22nd Division, commander Major General Liao Yaoxiang;
"The 96th Division, commander is Major General Yu Shao.

"[-]. Appoint Ganli Junior High School as the commander of the Sixth Army, under the jurisdiction of:
“The 49th Division, commander Major General Peng Bisheng;
"The temporary 55th Division is commanded by Major General Chen Mianwu;
"The 93rd Division, commander is Major General Lu Guoquan.

"60. Appoint Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen as commander of the No. [-] Sixth Army, under the jurisdiction of:

"The newly established 28th Division, commander Major General Liu Bolong;
"The newly established 29th Division, commander Major General Ma Weiji;
"The 36th Division, commander Major General Li Zhipeng.

"[-]. Establish a corps directly under the theater headquarters. Lieutenant General Pan Sen concurrently serves as commander of the corps. Under his jurisdiction are:

"The 108th New England Battalion of the U.S. Army, Battalion Commander Colonel Yuri;

"Allied 109th Gurkha Light Infantry Brigade, brigade commander Colonel Jackie;
“The British 7th Armored Brigade, Brigadier General Lores;
"Brigadier General Montero, commander of the 63rd Brigade of the British-Australian Army.

"The newly formed 38th Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Force is commanded by Lieutenant General Sun Liren." This order was issued on April 1942.4.18, [-]. "
After hearing this order, everyone in the conference room had different expressions. The Chinese side was surprised and happy, but the British side was a mixture of ice and fire. Both Alvin and Scott's expressions changed drastically, and they looked like they were afraid. Believing.

Stilwell circulated the original text of the order to everyone present, then saluted everyone and stood up to leave.

The guard on duty at the door opened the door. Stilwell shook hands with the two British generals who came in, and then left. The two British generals were Lieutenant General Hutton and Lieutenant General Slim who had been dismissed and went to India!
Hutton's expression was quite peaceful, but Slim's expression was one of revenge. He first saluted Li Junhao, who was already in his position, and then turned to the British general and said: "Scoul General Special, just in time, the plane that sent me and General Hutton here is refueling and resting, you are just in time to return to India, I heard that Lord Wavell is waiting to see you!"

Scott had already read the order from the Allied General Staff, and Churchill's signature was clearly visible on it. At this moment, Slim was angry, and immediately stood up and walked out with a livid face...

"Wait a minute!" Lieutenant General Alvin stopped him, stood up and said to Li Junhao: "Your Excellency, Commander, please forgive me. I have been in poor health and need to take leave to go to India for treatment. Please approve!"

"Oh, really?" Li Junhao said, "Since it is a physical reason, it is important to treat it first. Of course I approve it. General Alvin, please help yourself."

"Thank you!" At this moment, Alvin no longer looked high-spirited. After saluting everyone, he walked out quickly, and Scott immediately followed.

At this time, Li Junhao also promptly suspended the meeting, led a group of generals to send Stilwell to the airport, hugged him goodbye, and flew away on his plane. It was at this time that he truly realized that he now wanted to control the entire situation. The allied forces in the Burma battlefield are gone!

At this time, he didn't know what to think about this guy Stilwell. It seemed unfair to blame the other party for leaving him, and it seemed that he was more responsible; but he really didn't expect that he would He took the initiative to resign and pushed himself into this position.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in thinking about it. He should think about what to do next, right?

Speaking of which, the battle with Tonggu that Stilwell had worked so hard to prepare was almost ready. Now he can just use it and just add some minor modifications. This saves him a lot of trouble.
After returning to the conference room, Li Junhao first asked the new chief of staff, Lieutenant General Luo Zhuoying, to introduce the plan for the Tonggu battle drawn up by Stilwell before saying: "Everyone, Chief of Staff Luo just reiterated the plan for the Tonggu battle. Overall, It is said that it is already perfect, but the India-Burma theater has just made some adjustments. In order to adapt to these changes, I decided to make some minor modifications and additions to the plan...

"First of all, because the new 38th Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Force has strong combat effectiveness, I decided to transfer it to the corps directly under the headquarters as the general reserve force of the entire army; in this way, the 36th Division directly under the First Route Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force was transferred to No.60 Sixth Army Command.

"Second, the British 7th Armored Brigade and the British-Australian 63rd Brigade were transferred from Yan'anqiang to Mu La for training. Together with the Gurkha Brigade, they formed a rapid reaction force directly under the headquarters. They can respond to various situations at any time according to the battlefield situation. Directional assault or reinforcements!"

"Third, General Hutton led the 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army to garrison Ren'anqiang, the 17th Division of the British-Indian Army was transferred to Meiktila, and the 36th Indian Infantry Division was transferred to Taunggyi to form the second Burma-China defense line. The above departments , after the adjustments are in place, conduct internal training to restore combat effectiveness.

"My request is very simple. The British and Burmese troops have been transferred back to the theater command. If there is any situation of disobeying orders or obeying the orders of a third party or leaving the fighting position without permission, all the main officers will be sent to the military court. No mercy will be given!" It’s said to be unforeseen.”

(End of this chapter)

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