Shadow Spy

Chapter 427 Readjustment of the India-Burma War Zone

Chapter 427 Readjustment of the India-Burma War Zone

Li Junhao spent New Year's Day in 1943 with the soldiers in the military camp. This was already his fourth New Year in this world. Although there were not all the people around him, it was the most lively one because the officers and soldiers under his command and Celebrate the New Year with him!
  He knew that starting from this year, the Allied forces would enter a full-scale counterattack, and he would also start preparing for a new campaign in Southeast Asia!

On the occasion of the New Year, he also received good news. Over the Shanghai Sea, the Japanese army had never launched an attack on the concession. His old subordinates all sent him telegrams to congratulate him on his victory in Burma, and even asked to come to Burma to follow him. Combat.

Of course, under the current circumstances, it is much more difficult to move troops from Shanghai to Myanmar than from the United States, so this is basically impossible.

However, his Chinese chief of staff Yang Shixiong has successfully sneaked out of Shanghai and reached the Kuomintang-controlled area. He is currently heading towards Kunming. When he gets there, there will be a plane to take him to Myanmar, and he will have a lot more peace of mind!

His current two chiefs of staff, one is Wheeler, has just arrived in Myanmar. He is not familiar with the situation and does not speak Chinese. His communication with the Expeditionary Force and the 101st Group Army is not smooth; the other chief of staff, Luo Zhuoying, has now been transferred back to China. orders, and soon there will be no hope.

As for the Philippines, the troops led by Lieutenant General Wainwright, commander of the US Army in the Far East, fought extremely tenaciously in previous battles. The 14th and 16th Divisions and the 48th Brigade of the 65th Army of the Japanese Southern Army were unable to attack for a long time. Besieging Luzon Island; other units of the Southern Army are constantly attacking islands in the Pacific, and they will not be able to send more troops to join the Philippines for a while.

I don’t know if this is due to him fighting too hard in Burma. He killed more than 18 Japanese troops, which must have caused problems in the deployment of his troops. And as the new year enters, and the U.S. war machine is fully activated, the Japanese army will have fewer and fewer opportunities!
  At this time, Li Junhao couldn't help but feel a little proud. The current situation actually proved that the three key points of the Far East strategy he designed before the war began had basically been achieved!
  On January 1, the first military meeting of the new year was held at the Allied India-Burma Theater Command in Thongku. The theme was troop reorganization and training and combat plans for the new year. All the chief officers of the forces under the jurisdiction of the theater attended the meeting. .

After the meeting began, Lieutenant General Luo Zhuoying, chief of staff of the theater, first introduced the current situation in the theater, "Commander, generals, at present, the allied forces in the theater have completely recovered the entire Myanmar, and have controlled half of northern Laos and southwest Thailand. Most of the troops, due to the adjustment of troop tasks, the 101th and 105th battle groups of the 106st Group Army are currently conducting defense zone handovers with the Sixth Army and the Sixty-sixth Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force..."

After introducing the situation in the war zone, Luo Zhuoying coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment: "Commander, I have received an order from the Domestic Military Commission..."

"I know. General Luo, please take advantage of this meeting to announce China's adjustment plan so that everyone can prepare in advance."

"Thank you for your understanding, Commander." Luo Zhuoying said. At this time, he really felt that the general had good self-cultivation, and he was not angry at all! Taking out a new telegram, he said: "According to the latest order of the Military Commission, before March 3 this year, the main force of the Chinese Expeditionary Force will withdraw into the country in batches, leaving only three divisions of troops to form. The newly formed First Army will remain in the sequence of the Indo-Burmese theater..."

In fact, this order has long been spread privately - in the Kuomintang army, such things cannot be kept secret! The generals of all armies and divisions remained silent at this time, not knowing what they were thinking!
  "The 96th Division of the Fifth Army, the temporary 55th Division of the Sixth Army, and the newly formed 38th Division of the troops directly under the theater." Luo Zhuoying looked at the three lieutenant generals Yu Shao, Chen Mianwu, and Sun Liren who stood up, and continued, "You three Two divisions were left behind to form the New First Army, with General Sun Liren as its commander. The main task of the New First Army is to protect northern Myanmar and ensure the smooth flow of the Yunnan-Burma Highway."

"Yes, Chief of Staff." The three accepted the order, while the other generals remained silent.

Originally, the Military Commission order also required three Chinese divisions to be stationed in Lashio, Mandalay and Meiktila to protect the railway line, but Luo Zhuoying could not say anything at this time and could only skip this paragraph and continue. Said: "Before the end of this month, other units of the Fifth Army will return home early; the Sixth Army will be in early February, and the Sixty-sixth Army will be in the middle and late February."

The three army commanders and the commanders of the divisions under their jurisdiction stood up to receive the order. Luo Zhuoying finally stood up and said: "According to the order of the Military Commission, I and General Du Yuming no longer hold positions in the India-Burma Theater, and hereby resign to the commander."

"Please take a seat, General Luo. There is an old saying in China, 'Every banquet in the world must come to an end.' The generals have completed their missions in Burma this time and can continue to fight against the Japanese army after returning home. There is nothing to regret! On behalf of the Allied Forces, I India-Burma Theater Command, thank you generals for your previous work!" As he said that, he stood up and saluted everyone with a standard American military salute.

All the Chinese generals stood up and returned the greeting. During this time, they all admired this young American general. His equipment, supplies, training, and battle command were all impeccable. Working under such a commander, This is the most comfortable period for these Chinese generals.

Then, Luo Zhuoying led the evacuating generals out of the meeting, and the rest of the meeting had nothing to do with them.

After the remaining generals readjusted their seats and took their seats, the commander introduced the new theater team to everyone:

Deputy theater commander and commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, Matthew Ridgway, Army Major General;

Theater Air Force Commander, George Stratmeyer, Army Air Forces Major General;
  Chief of Staff, Theater Command, Raymond Wheeler, Army Major General;

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Theater and Chief of Staff of the 101st Group Army, Yang Shixiong, Major General of the U.S. Army (Wartime);
  Commander of the 101th Battle Group of the 105st Army, Major General Lores;
  Commander of the 106th Battle Group, Major General Montero;
  Colonel Yuri, commander of the 108th New England Battalion;

Brigadier General Kuka, Commander of the 109th Gurkha Light Infantry Brigade;

Lieutenant General Sun Liren, commander of the 103rd Group Army (New First Army) and commander of the New 38th Division;
  Commander of the 96th Division, Lieutenant General Yu Shao;

Temporary commander of the 55th Division, Lieutenant General Chen Mianwu;
  Lieutenant General Peng Xuefeng, commander of the newly established 121st Group Army (new training force in northern Shaanxi);

The new commander of the 212th Division, Major General Du Wenhua;
  The new commander of the 213th Division, Major General Li Yunxiang;
  The new commander of the 214th Division is Major General Shige Hayama.

(End of this chapter)

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