Shadow Spy

Chapter 429 The Arrival of 5 Recruits

Chapter 429 The Arrival of Fifty Thousand Recruits

Li Junhao didn't wait for him to think about answering the question, and continued: "Affected by technical conditions, heavy equipment is still unable to be airdropped safely. After landing, the paratroopers need to fight with light weapons in their hands. Problems with communication and command levels are whether they can An effective solution? Don’t forget, this is the jungle landscape of Southeast Asia. The range of use of walkie-talkies and individual radios is limited, and they are easily affected by moisture!"

Li Qiwei was completely stunned when he heard this. After thinking for a long time, he said somewhat dejectedly: "Sorry, sir, my plan is too taken for granted and there is no possibility of implementation..."

Seeing Li Qiwei who was a little shocked, Li Junhao smiled and said: "Matthew, your idea is good, but this matter has to be done step by step! For example, your original intention of this plan is good, but under the current technical conditions The distance is too long. Carrying out airdrop operations across half of the world cannot guarantee the combat status of the soldiers. Instead, it will cause great danger. This training method is not worth the gain!

"Matthew, I am also very interested in airborne operations, and I am willing to communicate with you and your subordinates! However, this time the 82nd Division comes to Myanmar, let the soldiers bring their equipment and come by boat! Wait for your troops Once we're all here, I'd be happy to discuss effective airborne tactics with you..."
  On January 1, Li Junhao received intelligence from the Japanese army. The Japanese base camp reorganized the Burmese Front Army, and Yamashita Fengfumi, who had just been successfully promoted to general for conquering the Malay Peninsula, became the commander.

In order to defeat the Allied forces in the Indo-Burmese Theater and occupy Burma, the Japanese headquarters spent a lot of money, deploying the 48th Division from the 38th Army that attacked the Philippines, and the 5th Army from the 21th Army that attacked the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). The 21th Division, the 20th Division was drawn from the 27th Army that attacked the Malay Peninsula, the 110st Division and the 28st Independent Flying Group were drawn from the units directly under the Southern Army, and the 29th and 30th were drawn from the North China Front Army on the Chinese battlefield. , [-]th Division, the [-]th, [-]th, [-]th Division and other units were transferred from the Kwantung Army;

However, in this way, too many troops need to be integrated, organized, and formed, and it will take a long time. It will be impossible to attack Myanmar again within three or four months. This gives the Allied Forces in the India-Burma Theater time to train new troops. !

After reading the intelligence, Li Junhao knew that Japan had begun to go downhill. This was actually the tragedy of a small country that tried to "snake the elephant" - its heart was bigger than the sky, but its conditions were extremely poor!

The United States, for example, is the leading industrial power in this era, with a population of nearly 1.8 million. After fully transitioning to war mode, it can not only build tens of millions of troops, but also supply tens of millions of troops to its allies.

Like the Soviet Union, after being occupied by the German army for half of its territory, it turned to wartime status. With the military assistance of the United States, it was able to quickly organize tens of millions of troops.

Like China, half of the country was also occupied by the Japanese army. Its military production capacity was not much better than almost none. However, after receiving military aid from the United States and the launch of the national anti-war mode, the number of troops immediately increased sharply, from [-] million to [-] million. , and it’s about to go towards tens of millions!

Regardless of other countries, it is these three major powers that stand on a united front. The defeat of the Axis Powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy is already around the corner!
  Just like the troops that the Japanese army will assemble this time, it seems that there are 10 divisions, 3 brigades, plus an aviation force and a flying team. But just look at the numbers and you will know that except for the 5th division, which is a permanent Except for the divisions, which have a size of 2.5, the others are ad hoc or garrison divisions, with more than 1.5 and less than 1.2. The three newly built mixed brigades, with a total of 1.4, are not bad! In other words, the military strength gathered by the Japanese army this time is not even as large as the eight divisions that were wiped out in the First and Second Burma Campaigns. They don’t even have 8 people. They still want to take revenge?

Look at his side, the New First Army with 101 people, the Northern Shaanxi recruits with 10 people, the 14st Group Army with 800 people, as well as more than [-] fighter planes of the [-]th and [-]th Air Forces, all the beautiful equipment, What does little Japan win?
  Beginning on the 20th, recruits from northern Shaanxi gathered in Xi'an were transported to Mandalay in northern Myanmar in batches by transport aircraft from the US 10th and 14th Air Forces and the 82nd Airborne Division Aviation Brigade that had just transferred from Honolulu.

In order to save space, these recruits, regardless of the cold, only wore vests and shorts without any other equipment, and squeezed 47 people into a C-80 transport aircraft. If it were not for the pressurized heating equipment in the cabin, there would have been big problems.

Speaking of which, the organizational capabilities of the underground party in northern Shaanxi are really strong. Each plane has a company-level cadre in charge of the entire team. From boarding to disembarking, everything is neat and orderly, which makes all the US military pilots full of praise.

Yang Shixiong, chief of staff of the India-Myanmar Theater, arrived in Mandalay two days ago and was personally responsible for the reception of new recruits. 119 officers and soldiers from the 120th and 1.3th Mech Infantry Brigades were specially transferred to provide services and arranged the work in an orderly manner. The senior officers of the newly formed 121st Group Army who arrived early were extremely moved by this.

With Chief of Staff Yang taking action, Li Junhao saved his worries and moved to Mandalay with the theater headquarters a week later, leaving Tonggu Military Camp and the airport to the incoming 82nd Airborne Division. General Ridgway happened to stay behind Sit there! ——
  On January 1, when the train of the last batch of Fifth Army troops to withdraw troops and return home stopped in Mandalay, Army Commander Du Yuming, 28th Division Commander Dai Anlan, New 200nd Division Commander Liao Yaoxiang and other generals got off the train and walked towards the platform. The traitor Li Junhao and others saluted and said goodbye - in this war era, we are separated from each other here, and no one knows if there will be a day to see each other again. Thinking of the time when we fought side by side before, everyone sighed!
  When leaving, Li Junhao just whispered to these "own people": Just do what you should do in normal times, just don't fight with the same room after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. If something cannot be solved, just send a telegram to yourself!
  The Fifth Army has withdrawn to China, followed by the Sixth Army and the Sixty-sixth Army, but they will carry their loyalty to him in their hearts, which will play a huge role in the critical moments in the future. I believe it will be What a surprise to Chairman Chiang!

The 29th was the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, the Little New Year in southern China. Li Junhao ordered all Chinese soldiers to have a day off and asked the logistics department to improve their lives, including the new recruits from northern Shaanxi!

Lieutenant General Peng Xuefeng, the commander of the northern Shaanxi recruits, came to express his gratitude to him for this, but he smiled and said: "General Peng, I like the Chinese Spring Festival!"

(End of this chapter)

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